# This file is part of NIT (http://www.nitlanguage.org). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Filters preprocessed C-like header files to remove static code and keep their signatures. # # This tool is used in the process of parsing header files to extract # information on the declared services (the functions and structures). # This information is then used to generate bindings for Nit code # to access these services. # # The C header sometimes contains static code. It deletes static code of # headers, but keep their signatures. This tool is an extension of # header_keeper. It searches the keyword static to identify # the static code, and ignores the code into their brackets. The result is # printed to sdtout. # # ~~~sh # cat Pre-Processed/CGGeometry.h | header_static > Pre-Processed/static_header.h # ~~~ # # This module can also be used as a library. # The main service is the method `header_static` module header_static redef class Char private fun is_endline: Bool do return "\};".has(self) end # Filters the preprocessed `input` to keep signatures for static code and write to the `output` fun header_static(input: Reader, output: Writer) do var static_target = false var static_attribute_target = false var bracket_counter = 0 var previous_letter = "" var instruction = "" var double_underscore = 0 var position = 0 while not input.eof do var line = input.read_line if line.to_s.has("static") then static_target = true if static_target then if line.to_s.has("__attribute__") then static_attribute_target = true for letter in line do if letter == '{' then bracket_counter += 1 if letter == '}' then bracket_counter -= 1 if letter == '_' and previous_letter == "_" and bracket_counter == 0 then double_underscore += 1 end # Sometimes we lost space between return type and signature name, # because he has a return line between both. # We add a space before signature name for safety. if bracket_counter == 0 and letter == '_' and double_underscore >= 1 and not static_attribute_target then instruction = instruction.insert_at(" ", position - 2) end if bracket_counter == 0 and not letter.is_endline then instruction += letter.to_s if bracket_counter == 0 and letter.is_endline then instruction += ";" static_target = false static_attribute_target = false end if bracket_counter == 0 and (letter == '}' and double_underscore >= 1 or letter == ';') then output.write instruction + "\n" end if letter.is_endline and bracket_counter == 0 then double_underscore = 0 position = 0 instruction = "" end previous_letter = letter.to_s position += 1 end else output.write line + "\n" end end end header_static(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)