# neo_doxygen This project provides a tool to convert a Doxygen XML output into a model in Neo4j that is readable by the `nx` tool. ## Installation Ensure that you have a working version of `nitc` in `../../bin` then run `make` in the present directory. The executable will be then generated at `bin/neo_doxygen`. ## Usage Here is the procedure to generate an HTML documentation of a project using the formatting of Nitdoc: 1. First run Doxygen to generate an XML output of the documentation. In order to do this, you have to enable the `GENERATE_XML` option. Note that you can disable the `XML_PROGRAMLISTING` to speed up the process and save disk space. Important `neo_doxygen` do not read the `index.xml` file to know which file to load. As a result, it may read files let by previous runs of Doxygen. To avoid producing garbage, always clear the destination directory of the XML files before running Doxygen. Example: `rm -rf doxygen/xml && doxygen Doxyfile` 2. Use `bin/neo_doxygen` to generate the Neo4j graph. For details, run `bin/neo_doxygen --help`. Important `neo_doxygen` do not remove what is already in the graph. So, you have to manualy clear the graph (or at least, the subgraph contaning all the nodes labelled with the specified project name) between each run. For an example of how to delete an entire Neo4j database, see `make reset-neo`. Example: `make reset-neo && neo_doxygen my_project doxygen/xml` 3. Use the `nx` tool to generate the HTML documentation from the previously generated graph. Note: `nx` need to be configured before usage. For more details, refer to the documentation of `nx`. Example: `nx neo doc my_project` ## Shell scripts The two shell scripts (`gen-one.sh` and `gen-all.sh`) are provided to automate the execution of `neo_doxygen` and `nx` for some typical cases and to give a starting for the development of similar scripts. In order for them to work, each project on which they operate **must** contain the following files: * The `.nx_config` configuration file for the `nx` tool, located at the root of the project. * The XML documents generated by Doxygen, located in the `doxygen/xml` directory. Also, they **must** be run with the current working directory set to the present directory. `gen-one.sh` handle only one project at a time while `gen-all.sh` works on a collection of projects grouped in a directory. For detail about how to invoke each script, see the comments in these scripts.