import pipeline import opts import framework import range_analysis redef class AnalysisManager var opt_report_unknown_types = new OptionBool("Report unknown types", "--report-types-top") fun report_unknown_types: Bool do return opt_report_unknown_types.value redef init do super opts.add_option(opt_report_unknown_types) end fun do_types_analysis(ast: AListing, cfg: CFG) do # find types at program init var tia = new TypesInitAnalysis(ast) tia.analyze(ast) # evaluate types with program flow cfg.start.backup_types_out = tia.set var ta = new TypesAnalysis ta.analyze(cfg) # check for errors var tc = new TypesChecker(ast) tc.analyze(ast) end end # Types 1st step, find state at program load # one pass over the AST class TypesInitAnalysis super StaticAnalysis[TypesMap] var current_line: ALine init(prog: AListing) do super( new TypesMap ) current_line = prog.n_lines.first end redef fun visit(node) do if node isa ALine then current_line = node node.accept_types_init_analysis(self, set) end end # Types 2nd step, evaluate types evolution # one pass over the AST class TypesAnalysis super FineFlowAnalysis[TypesMap] redef fun empty_set do return new TypesMap redef fun is_forward do return true init do super redef fun visit(node) do node.accept_types_analysis(self, current_in, null)) redef fun merge(a, b) do if a == null then if b == null then return null return b.copy end if b == null then return a.copy return a.intersection(b) end redef fun backup_in(bb) do return bb.backup_types_in redef fun backup_out(bb) do return bb.backup_types_out redef fun backup_in=(bb, v) do bb.backup_types_in = v redef fun backup_out=(bb, v) do bb.backup_types_out = v redef fun line_in(line) do return line.types_in redef fun line_out(line) do return line.types_out redef fun line_in=(line, v) do line.types_in = v redef fun line_out=(line, v) do line.types_out = v end # Types 3rd step, verification # one pass over the AST class TypesChecker super StaticAnalysis[TypesMap] var current_line: ALine init(prog: AListing) do super( new TypesMap ) current_line = prog.n_lines.first end redef fun visit(node) do if node isa ALine then current_line = node node.accept_types_checker(self) end end class TypesMap type T: Char # bits # 'u' unset # 's' set var bs = new HashMap[Char,T] # The type can be: # 'u' for uninitialized # '0' zeroed # 'b' byte # 'w' word begin # 'W' word end # 'c' executable code # 'l' ascii # 'a' address begin # 'A' address end # registers var rs = new HashMap[Char,Array[T]] # stack var stack = new Array[T] # mem var mem = new HashMap[Int, T] init do rs['A'] = new Array[T].with_items('u', 'u') rs['X'] = new Array[T].with_items('u', 'u') bs['N'] = 'u' bs['Z'] = 'u' bs['V'] = 'u' bs['C'] = 'u' end fun memory(a: Int): T do if mem.has_key(a) then return mem[a] return 'u' end fun memory=(a: Int, v: T) do mem[a] = v fun copy_to(o: TypesMap) do for k,v in rs do for b in [0..1] do[k][b] = rs[k][b] for k,v in bs do[k] = v for f in stack do o.stack.add(f) for k, v in mem do o.mem[k] = v end fun copy: TypesMap do var tm = new TypesMap copy_to(tm) return tm end fun intersection(o: TypesMap): TypesMap do var tm = new TypesMap for k,v in rs do for b in [0..1] do var v1 =[k][b] var v2 = rs[k][b] if v1 == v2 then[k][b] = v1 else[k][b] = merge(v1, v2) end for k,v in bs do[k] = v for f in stack do o.stack.add(f) for k, v in mem do if o.mem.has_key(k) then if v == o.mem[k] then tm.mem[k] = v else tm.mem[k] = merge(v, o.mem[k]) else tm.mem[k] = 't' for k, v in o.mem do if not tm.mem.has_key(k) then tm.mem[k] = 't' end return tm end fun merge(a, b: Char): Char do var c = [a,b] if c.has('w') and c.has('0') then return 'w' if c.has('W') and c.has('0') then return 'W' return 't' end fun label_at(index: Int): nullable String do var ltl = manager.model.address_to_line if ltl.has_key(index) then var line = ltl[index] return line.lbl end return null end redef fun to_s do var s = "regs:\{{rs.join(",",":")}\}, " #s = "{s}bits:\{{bs.join(",",":")}\}, " #s = "{s}stack:\{{stack.join(",")}\}, " var blocks = new Array[String] var block_begin: nullable Int = null var block_end = 0 var block_type = ' ' for a in mem.keys.iterator.sort do var t = mem[a] if block_begin != null and (block_type != t or block_end != a-1) then var lbl = label_at(block_begin) if lbl != null then lbl = "{lbl}@" else lbl = "" if block_begin == block_end then blocks.add("{lbl}{block_begin}:{block_type}") else blocks.add("{lbl}[{block_begin}..{block_end}]:{block_type}") block_begin = null end if block_begin == null then block_begin = a block_type = t block_end = a end if block_begin != null then var lbl = label_at(block_begin) if lbl != null then lbl = "{lbl}@" else lbl = "" if block_begin == block_end then blocks.add("{lbl}{block_begin}:{block_type}") else blocks.add("{lbl}[{block_begin}..{block_end}]:{block_type}") end s = "{s}mem:\{{blocks.join(",")}\}" return s end redef fun ==(o) do if o == null or not o isa TypesMap then return false for r,v in rs do for i in [0..2[ do if[r][i] != v[i] then return false if stack.length != o.stack.length then return false for s in [0..stack.length[ do if o.stack[s] != stack[s] then return false if mem.length != o.mem.length then return false for k,v in mem do if not o.mem.has_key(k) or o.mem[k] != v then return false return true end end redef class ALine var types_in: nullable TypesMap = null var types_out: nullable TypesMap = null end redef class BasicBlock var backup_types_in: nullable TypesMap = null var backup_types_out: nullable TypesMap = null redef fun dot_node_header do if lines.is_empty then if backup_types_in != null then return "{super}-- types = \{{backup_types_in.to_s}\}\\l" end else if lines.first.types_in != null then return "{super}-- types = \{{lines.first.types_in.to_s}\}\\l" return super end redef fun dot_node_footer do if lines.is_empty then if backup_types_out != null then return "{super}-- types = \{{backup_types_out.to_s}\}\\l" end else if lines.first.types_out != null then return "{super}-- types = \{{lines.last.types_out.to_s}\}\\l" return super end end redef class ANode fun accept_types_analysis(v: TypesAnalysis, ins: nullable TypesMap, outs: TypesMap) do visit_all(v) fun accept_types_init_analysis(v: TypesInitAnalysis, set: TypesMap) do visit_all(v) fun accept_types_checker(v: TypesChecker) do visit_all(v) end redef class AAnyOperand redef fun to_var do var line = var ranges = line.ranges_in if ranges != null then if addressing_mode == "n" then var addr_pos = new MemVar(n_value.to_i) if ranges.has_key(addr_pos) and ranges[addr_pos].ponctual then var addr_var = ranges[addr_pos].min return new MemVar(addr_var) end else if addressing_mode == "x" then var addr_pos: Var = new RegisterVar('X') if ranges.has_key(addr_pos) and ranges[addr_pos].ponctual then var reg_val = ranges[addr_pos].min return new MemVar(n_value.to_i+reg_val) end end end return super end end redef class AInstruction # does not change the set redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do ins.copy_to(outs) end # set the memory for the line as being code redef fun accept_types_init_analysis(v, set) do for i in [0..4[ do set.memory(v.current_line.address+i) = 'c' end fun verify_word(content: Array[Char], mem_str: String) do #if content.count('u') == 2 then # uninitialized data #manager.notes.add(new Error(location, "use of uninitialized values in {mem_str}, got {long_content_name(content)}")) if content[0] == 'W' or content[1] == 'w' then manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "using a deorganized word in {mem_str}, expected a word (got {long_content_name(content)})")) #else if (content[0] == 'w' and content[1] != 'W') or (content[1] == 'W' and content[0] != 'w') then else if (content[0] == 'w') != (content[1] == 'W') then manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "using a partial word in {mem_str}, expected a full word (got {long_content_name(content)})")) #else if content.count('u') == 1 then # partially unitialized, a bad sign #manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "use of partially uninitialized values in {mem_str}, got {long_content_name(content)}")) else if content.count('t') == 2 then # uninitialized data if manager.report_unknown_types then manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "using data from unknown source in {mem_str}, expected a word, this may be OK but cannot be analyzed")) end else if content[0] == '0' and content[1] == 'b' then # byte only OK! else if content[0] == '0' and content[1] == 'l' then # ASCII only OK? else if content[0] == '0' and content[1] == '0' then # all zero OK! else if content[0] == 'a' and content[1] == 'A' then # address OK! else if content[0] != 'w' and content[1] != 'W' then manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "using data of unsupported type in {mem_str}, expected word (got {long_content_name(content)})")) end end # 'u' for uninitialized # '0' zeroed # 'b' byte # 'w' word begin # 'W' word end # 'c' executable code # 'l' ascii # 'a' address begin # 'A' address end fun long_data_name(d: Char): String do if d == 'u' then return "uninitialized byte" if d == '0' then return "byte at zero" if d == 'b' then return "byte" if d == 'w' then return "1st byte of word" if d == 'W' then return "2nd byte of word" if d == 'c' then return "byte of code" if d == 'l' then return "byte of ASCII" if d == 'a' then return "1st byte of address" if d == 'A' then return "2nd byte of address" if d == 't' then return "byte of unknown data" print "Unknown data type '{d}'" abort end fun long_content_name(c: Array[Char]): String do if (c[0]=='w' or c[0]=='0') and c[1]=='W' then return "a word" if c[0]=='a' and c[1]=='A' then return "an address" if c[0]==c[1] then return "two {long_data_name(c[0])}" return "a {long_data_name(c[0])} followed by {long_data_name(c[1])}" end end ## Section: directives redef class AByteDirective redef fun accept_types_init_analysis(v, set) do set.memory(v.current_line.address) = 'b' end end redef class AWordDirective redef fun accept_types_init_analysis(v, set) do set.memory(v.current_line.address) = 'w' set.memory(v.current_line.address+1) = 'W' end end redef class AAsciiDirective redef fun accept_types_init_analysis(v, set) do # TODO AOperand::data for i in [[ do set.memory(v.current_line.address+i) = 'l' end end end redef class AAddrssDirective redef fun accept_types_init_analysis(v, set) do set.memory(v.current_line.address ) = 'a' set.memory(v.current_line.address+1) = 'A' end end ## Section: other instructions redef class ALdInstruction redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do super var op = n_operand if op isa AAnyOperand and op.addressing_mode == "i" then if op.n_value.to_i == 0 then[register][0] = '0'[register][1] = '0' else[register][0] = 'w'[register][1] = 'W' end return end var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then var content = [ins.memory(mem.index), ins.memory(mem.index+1)][register][0] = content[0][register][1] = content[1][register][0] = 'w'[register][1] = 'W' end end end redef class ALdbyteInstruction redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do super #[register][1] = 'b' var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then var content = ins.memory(mem.index) #verify_word(content, "m{mem.index}")[register][1] = content end end end redef class AStInstruction redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do super #outs.mem[n_operand.n_value.to_i ] = 'w' #outs.mem[n_operand.n_value.to_i+1] = 'W' var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then var content =[register] outs.mem[n_operand.n_value.to_i ] = content[0] outs.mem[n_operand.n_value.to_i+1] = content[1] end end redef fun accept_types_checker(v) do var ins = v.current_line.types_in var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar and ins != null then var content =[register] if ins.memory(n_operand.n_value.to_i) == 'c' or ins.memory(n_operand.n_value.to_i) == 'c' then manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "overwriting code at {mem} with {long_content_name(content)} (code rewriting?)")) end end end end redef class AStbyteInstruction redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do super #outs.mem[n_operand.n_value.to_i] = 'b' var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then var content =[register] outs.mem[n_operand.n_value.to_i] = content[1] end end redef fun accept_types_checker(v) do var ins = v.current_line.types_in var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar and ins != null then var content =[register] if ins.memory(n_operand.n_value.to_i) == 'c' then manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "overwriting code at {mem} with {long_data_name(content[1])} (code rewriting?)")) end end end end redef class AShiftInstruction redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do super end end redef class AArithmeticInstruction redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do super[register][0] = 'w'[register][1] = 'W' end redef fun accept_types_checker(v) do var ins = v.current_line.types_in if ins == null then return # register var content =[register] verify_word(content, "register {register}") # memory source var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then content = [ins.memory(mem.index), ins.memory(mem.index+1)] verify_word(content, "memory address {mem.index}") end end end redef class ADecoInstruction redef fun accept_types_checker(v) do var ins = v.current_line.types_in if ins == null then return var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then var content = [ins.memory(mem.index), ins.memory(mem.index+1)] verify_word(content, "memory address {mem.index}") end end end redef class ADeciInstruction redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do super var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then outs.mem[mem.index ] = 'w' outs.mem[mem.index+1] = 'W' end end end redef class AOutputInstruction fun verify_ascii(content: Char) do if content == 'u' then manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "printing uninitialized data, exepected ASCII")) else if content != 'l' then if content != 't' or manager.opt_report_unknown_types.value then manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "printing non-ASCII data, got {content}")) end end end end redef class ACharoInstruction redef fun accept_types_checker(v) do var ins = v.current_line.types_in if ins == null then return var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then var content = ins.memory(mem.index) verify_ascii(content) end end end redef class AStroInstruction redef fun accept_types_checker(v) do var ins = v.current_line.types_in if ins == null then return var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then var content = ins.memory(mem.index) verify_ascii(content) end end end redef class AChariInstruction redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do super outs.mem[n_operand.n_value.to_i] = 'l' end end redef class ABranchInstruction redef fun accept_types_checker(v) do var ins = v.current_line.types_in if ins == null then return var mem = mem_var if mem isa MemVar then var content = [ins.memory(mem.index), ins.memory(mem.index+1)] if content[0] != 'a' or content[1] != 'A' then manager.notes.add(new Warn(location, "branching to someting other than an address, got {long_content_name(content)}")) end end end end redef class AMovInstruction redef fun accept_types_analysis(v, ins, outs) do super['A'][0] = 'w'['A'][1] = 'W' end end