# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import html class NitHomepage super HTMLPage redef fun head do add("meta").attr("charset", "utf-8") add("title").text("Nit") add("link").attr("rel", "icon").attr("href", "http://nitlanguage.org/favicon.ico").attr("type", "image/x-icon") add("link").attr("rel", "stylesheet").attr("href", "http://nitlanguage.org/style.css").attr("type", "text/css") add("link").attr("rel", "stylesheet").attr("href", "http://nitlanguage.org/local.css").attr("type", "text/css") end redef fun body do open("article").add_class("page") open("section").add_class("pageheader") add_html("theNitProgramming Language") open("header").add_class("header") open("div").add_class("topsubtitle") add("p").text("A Fun Language for Serious Programming") close("div") close("header") close("section") open("div").attr("id", "pagebody") open("section").attr("id", "content") add("h1").text("# What is Nit?") add("p").text("Nit is an object-oriented programming language. The goal of Nit is to propose a robust statically typed programming language where structure is not a pain.") add("p").text("So, what does the famous hello world program look like, in Nit?") add_html("
print 'Hello, World!'
") add("h1").text("# Feature Highlights") add("h2").text("Usability") add("p").text("Nit's goal is to be usable by real programmers for real projects") open("ul") open("li") add("a").attr("href", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle").text("KISS principle") close("li") add("li").text("Script-like language without verbosity nor cryptic statements") add("li").text("Painless static types: static typing should help programmers") add("li").text("Efficient development, efficient execution, efficient evolution.") close("ul") add("h2").text("Robustness") add("p").text("Nit will help you to write bug-free programs") open("ul") add("li").text("Strong static typing") add("li").text("No more NullPointerException") close("ul") add("h2").text("Object-Oriented") add("p").text("Nit's guideline is to follow the most powerful OO principles") open("ul") open("li") add("a").attr("href", "./everything_is_an_object/").text("Everything is an object") close("li") open("li") add("a").attr("href", "./multiple_inheritance/").text("Multiple inheritance") close("li") open("li") add("a").attr("href", "./refinement/").text("Open classes") close("li") open("li") add("a").attr("href", "./virtual_types/").text("Virtual types") close("li") close("ul") add("h1").text("# Getting Started") add("p").text("Get Nit from its Git repository:") add_html("
$ git clone http://nitlanguage.org/nit.git
") add("p").text("Build the compiler (may be long):") add_html("
$ cd nit\n")
					add_html("$ make
") add("p").text("Compile a program:") add_html("
$ bin/nitc examples/hello_world.nit
") add("p").text("Execute the program:") add_html("
$ ./hello_world
") close("section") close("div") close("article") end end var page = new NitHomepage print page.render page.save("nit.html")