# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # User preference window and other user-related view module user_views import base redef class Label # Update the content of `lbl_welcome` fun set_user_name do var name = app.user self.text = if name != null then "Logged in as %0".t.format(name) else "Not logged in".t end # Set `text` to welcome an authentified user or invite to authentify fun set_welcome do var name = app.user self.text = if name != null then "Welcome %0".t.format(name) else "" end end # User preference window class UserWindow super Window # Main window layout var layout = new ListLayout(parent=self) private var layout_user_options = new VerticalLayout(parent=layout) private var lbl_user_options_title = new Label(parent=layout_user_options, text="Account options".t) private var lbl_welcome = new Label(parent=layout_user_options) private var but_logout = new Button(parent=layout_user_options, text="Logout".t) # Refesh displayed text fun refresh do lbl_user_options_title.size = 1.5 lbl_welcome.set_user_name but_logout.enabled = app.user != null end init do refresh redef fun on_event(event) do if event isa ButtonPressEvent then var sender = event.sender if sender == but_logout then app.user = null app.token = "none" app.on_log_in refresh end end super end end # Window for signing up a new user or logging in class SignupWindow super Window private var list = new ListLayout(parent=self) private var lbl_feedback = new Label(parent=list, text="Welcome") private var layout_login = new VerticalLayout(parent=list) # --- # First the login options # Name private var name_line = new HorizontalLayout(parent=layout_login) private var lbl_name = new Label(parent=name_line, text="Username".t) private var txt_name = new TextInput(parent=name_line, text=app.user) # Password private var pass_line = new HorizontalLayout(parent=layout_login) private var lbl_pass = new Label(parent=pass_line, text="Password".t) private var txt_pass = new TextInput(parent=pass_line, is_password=true) private var lbl_pass_desc = new Label(parent=layout_login, size = 0.5, text="Passwords must be composed of at least 6 characters.".t) private var but_login = new Button(parent=layout_login, text="Login".t) # --- # Then, the signup options private var layout_register = new VerticalLayout(parent=list) private var lbl_signup_desc = new Label(parent=layout_register, size = 0.5, text="Fill the following fields to sign up.".t) # Repeat password private var pass_line2 = new HorizontalLayout(parent=layout_register) private var lbl_pass2 = new Label(parent=pass_line2, text="Repeat password".t) private var txt_pass2 = new TextInput(parent=pass_line2, is_password=true) # Email private var email_line = new HorizontalLayout(parent=layout_register) private var lbl_email = new Label(parent=email_line, text="Email".t) private var txt_email = new TextInput(parent=email_line) private var but_signup = new Button(parent=layout_register, text="Signup".t) redef fun on_event(event) do if debug then print "BenitluxWindow::on_event {event}" if event isa ButtonPressEvent then var sender = event.sender if sender == but_login or sender == but_signup then var name = txt_name.text if name == null or not name.name_is_ok then feedback "Invalid username.".t return end var pass = txt_pass.text if pass == null or not pass.pass_is_ok then feedback "Invalid password.".t return end if sender == but_login then feedback "Logging in...".t (new LoginOrSignupAction(self, "rest/login?name={name.to_percent_encoding}&pass={pass.pass_hash}")).start else if sender == but_signup then if pass != txt_pass2.text then feedback "Passwords do not match.".t return end var email = txt_email.text if email == null or email.is_empty then feedback "Invalid email".t return end feedback "Signing up...".t (new LoginOrSignupAction(self, "rest/signup?name={name.to_percent_encoding}&pass={pass.pass_hash}&email={email.to_percent_encoding}")).start end end end super end # Show lasting feedback to the user in a label fun feedback(text: String) do lbl_feedback.text = text end # --- # Async RESTful actions # Async request for login in or signing up class LoginOrSignupAction super WindowHttpRequest redef type W: SignupWindow init do affected_views.add_all([window.but_login, window.but_signup]) redef fun on_load(res, status) do if intercept_error(res) then return if not res isa LoginResult then on_fail new Error("Server sent unexpected data {res or else "null"}") return end app.token = res.token app.user = res.user.name app.on_log_in end redef fun feedback(text) do window.feedback text end