# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2012-2013 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # nitni services related to callbacks (used underneath the FFI) module nitni_callbacks import modelbuilder intrude import rapid_type_analysis import nitni_base redef class ToolContext var verify_nitni_callback_phase: Phase = new VerifyNitniCallbacksPhase(self, [typing_phase]) end # * checks for the validity of callbacks # * store the callbacks on each method class VerifyNitniCallbacksPhase super Phase redef fun process_npropdef(npropdef) do if not npropdef isa AMethPropdef then return var mpropdef = npropdef.mpropdef if mpropdef == null then return if not mpropdef.is_extern then return npropdef.verify_nitni_callbacks(toolcontext) end end # Provides a better API but mainly the same content as AExternCalls class ForeignCallbackSet # set of imported functions, cached to avoid repetitions var callbacks: Set[ MExplicitCall ] = new HashSet[ MExplicitCall ] # set of imported functions, cached to avoid repetitions var supers: Set[ MExplicitSuper ] = new HashSet[ MExplicitSuper ] # set of relevant types, cached to avoid repetitions var types: Set[ MType ] = new HashSet[ MType ] # set of imported casts and as, cached to avoid repetitions var casts: Set[ MExplicitCast ] = new HashSet[ MExplicitCast ] # Utility function, must be called only when all other maps are filled private var all_cached: nullable Set[NitniCallback] = null fun all: Set[NitniCallback] do var cached = all_cached if cached != null then return cached var set = new HashSet[NitniCallback] set.add_all(callbacks) set.add_all(supers) set.add_all(types) set.add_all(casts) self.all_cached = set return set end # Integrate content from the `other` set into this one fun join(other: ForeignCallbackSet) do callbacks.add_all( other.callbacks ) supers.add_all( other.supers ) types.add_all( other.types ) casts.add_all( other.casts ) end end redef class AMethPropdef private var foreign_callbacks_cache: nullable ForeignCallbackSet = null # All foreign callbacks from this method fun foreign_callbacks: ForeignCallbackSet do var fcs = foreign_callbacks_cache assert fcs != null else print "Error: attempting to access nitni callbacks before phase 'verify_nitni_callback_phase'." return fcs end # Verifiy the validity of the explicit callbacks to Nit # also fills the set returned by foreign_callbacks fun verify_nitni_callbacks(toolcontext: ToolContext) do if foreign_callbacks_cache != null then return var fcs = new ForeignCallbackSet var mmodule = mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule # receiver var recv_type = mpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype fcs.types.add(recv_type) # return type var rmt = mpropdef.msignature.return_mtype if rmt != null then if rmt isa MParameterType or rmt isa MVirtualType then var mclass_type = mpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype rmt = rmt.anchor_to(mmodule, mclass_type) end var mtype = rmt.resolve_for(recv_type, recv_type, mmodule, true) fcs.types.add(mtype) end # params for p in mpropdef.msignature.mparameters do var mtype = p.mtype.resolve_for(recv_type, recv_type, mmodule, true) if mtype isa MParameterType or mtype isa MVirtualType then var mclass_type = mpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype mtype = mtype.anchor_to(mmodule, mclass_type) end fcs.types.add( mtype ) end # explicit callbacks if n_extern_calls != null then for ec in n_extern_calls.n_extern_calls do ec.verify_and_collect(self, fcs, toolcontext) end end # store result foreign_callbacks_cache = fcs end redef fun accept_rapid_type_visitor(v) do if foreign_callbacks_cache == null then return for cb in foreign_callbacks.callbacks do v.add_send(cb.recv_mtype, cb.mproperty.as(MMethod)) for cast in foreign_callbacks.casts do v.add_cast_type(cast.to) for sup in foreign_callbacks.supers do v.analysis.add_super_send(sup.from.mclassdef.mclass.mclass_type, sup.from.as(MMethodDef)) end for t in foreign_callbacks.types do if t isa MClassType then v.add_type t end end # Classification for all nitni callbacks interface NitniCallback end redef class MType super NitniCallback end # A prossible call from C, declared explictly after the `import` keyword class MExplicitCall super NitniCallback # Previously resolved mtype var recv_mtype: MClassType var mproperty: MProperty var from_mmodule: MModule fun fill_type_for( callback_set: ForeignCallbackSet, from: MModule ) do var first = mproperty.lookup_first_definition( from, recv_mtype ) var mclassdef = first.mclassdef var bound_mtype = mclassdef.bound_mtype # receiver / constructor return recv_mtype = recv_mtype.resolve_for(bound_mtype, bound_mtype, from, true) recv_mtype = recv_mtype.anchor_to(from, bound_mtype) callback_set.types.add( recv_mtype ) if first isa MMethodDef then var rmt = first.msignature.return_mtype if rmt != null then rmt = rmt.resolve_for(bound_mtype, bound_mtype, from, true) rmt = rmt.anchor_to(from, bound_mtype) callback_set.types.add( rmt ) end for p in first.msignature.mparameters do var param_mtype = p.mtype.resolve_for(recv_mtype, recv_mtype, from, true) param_mtype = param_mtype.resolve_for(bound_mtype, bound_mtype, from, true) param_mtype = param_mtype.anchor_to(from, bound_mtype) callback_set.types.add( param_mtype ) end end end # Signature of this call in C as seen by user fun csignature: String do var mproperty = self.mproperty if mproperty isa MMethod then var signature = mproperty.intro.msignature assert signature != null var creturn_type if mproperty.is_init then creturn_type = recv_mtype.cname else if signature.return_mtype != null then var ret_mtype = signature.return_mtype ret_mtype = ret_mtype.resolve_for(recv_mtype, recv_mtype, from_mmodule, true) creturn_type = ret_mtype.cname else creturn_type = "void" end var cname if mproperty.is_init then if mproperty.name == "init" or mproperty.name == "new" then cname = "new_{recv_mtype.mangled_cname}" else cname = "new_{recv_mtype.mangled_cname}_{mproperty.short_cname}" end else cname = "{recv_mtype.mangled_cname}_{mproperty.short_cname}" end var cparams = new List[String] if not mproperty.is_init then cparams.add( "{recv_mtype.cname} self" ) end for p in signature.mparameters do var param_mtype = p.mtype.resolve_for(recv_mtype, recv_mtype, from_mmodule, true) cparams.add( "{param_mtype.cname} {p.name}" ) end return "{creturn_type} {cname}( {cparams.join(", ")} )" else print "Type of callback from foreign code not yet supported." abort end end redef fun hash do return recv_mtype.hash + 1024 * mproperty.hash redef fun ==(o) do return o isa MExplicitCall and recv_mtype == o.recv_mtype and mproperty == o.mproperty end class MExplicitSuper super NitniCallback var from: MPropDef redef fun hash do return from.hash redef fun ==(o) do return o isa MExplicitSuper and from == o.from end class MExplicitCast super NitniCallback var from: MType var to: MType fun check_cname: String do return "{from.mangled_cname}_is_a_{to.mangled_cname}" fun cast_cname: String do return "{from.mangled_cname}_as_{to.mangled_cname}" redef fun hash do return from.hash + 1024 * to.hash redef fun ==(o) do return o isa MExplicitCast and from == o.from and to == o.to end redef class AExternCall # Verify this explicit declaration of call from C and collect all relevant callbacks fun verify_and_collect(npropdef: AMethPropdef, callback_set: ForeignCallbackSet, toolcontext: ToolContext) is abstract end redef class ALocalPropExternCall redef fun verify_and_collect(npropdef, callback_set, toolcontext) do var mmodule = npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule var mclass_type = npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype var m_name = n_methid.collect_text var method = toolcontext.modelbuilder.try_get_mproperty_by_name2( self, mmodule, mclass_type, m_name ) if method == null then toolcontext.error(location, "Local method {m_name} not found.") return end var explicit_call = new MExplicitCall(mclass_type, method, mmodule) callback_set.callbacks.add(explicit_call) explicit_call.fill_type_for(callback_set, mmodule) end end redef class AFullPropExternCall redef fun verify_and_collect(npropdef, callback_set, toolcontext) do var mmodule = npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule var mclassdef = npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef var mclass_type = mclassdef.bound_mtype var mtype = toolcontext.modelbuilder.resolve_mtype(mmodule, mclassdef, n_type) if mtype == null then return if mtype isa MParameterType or mtype isa MVirtualType then mtype = mtype.anchor_to(mmodule, mclass_type) end if mtype isa MNullableType then toolcontext.error(location, "Type {n_type.collect_text} is nullable and thus cannot be the receiver." ) return end var m_name = n_methid.collect_text var method = toolcontext.modelbuilder.try_get_mproperty_by_name2( self, mmodule, mtype, m_name ) if method == null then toolcontext.error(location, "Method {m_name} not found in {n_type.collect_text}." ) return end var explicit_call = new MExplicitCall(mtype.as(MClassType), method, mmodule) callback_set.callbacks.add(explicit_call) explicit_call.fill_type_for(callback_set, mmodule) end end redef class AInitPropExternCall redef fun verify_and_collect(npropdef, callback_set, toolcontext) do var mmodule = npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule var mclassdef = npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef var mtype = toolcontext.modelbuilder.resolve_mtype(mmodule, mclassdef, n_type) if mtype == null then return if not mtype isa MClassType then toolcontext.error(location, "Type {n_type.collect_text} is not a class and thus cannot be used to instanciate a new instance." ) return end var meth_name = "init" var meth = toolcontext.modelbuilder.try_get_mproperty_by_name2( self, mmodule, mtype, meth_name ) if meth == null then toolcontext.error(location, "Method {meth_name} not found in {n_type.collect_text}." ) return end var explicit_call = new MExplicitCall(mtype, meth, mmodule) callback_set.callbacks.add(explicit_call) explicit_call.fill_type_for(callback_set, mmodule) end end redef class ASuperExternCall redef fun verify_and_collect(npropdef, callback_set, toolcontext) do callback_set.supers.add( new MExplicitSuper( npropdef.mpropdef.as(not null) ) ) callback_set.types.add( npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef.mclass.mclass_type ) npropdef.mpropdef.has_supercall = true end end redef class ACastExternCall fun from_mtype: MType is abstract fun to_mtype: MType is abstract redef fun verify_and_collect(npropdef, callback_set, toolcontext) do var from = from_mtype var to = to_mtype callback_set.types.add(from) callback_set.types.add(to) callback_set.casts.add(new MExplicitCast(from, to)) end end redef class ACastAsExternCall redef fun from_mtype do return n_from_type.mtype.as(not null) redef fun to_mtype do return n_to_type.mtype.as(not null) redef fun verify_and_collect(npropdef, callback_set, toolcontext) do var mclassdef = npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef var mmodule = mclassdef.mmodule toolcontext.modelbuilder.resolve_mtype_unchecked(mmodule, mclassdef, n_from_type, true) toolcontext.modelbuilder.resolve_mtype_unchecked(mmodule, mclassdef, n_to_type, true) super end end redef class AAsNullableExternCall redef fun from_mtype do return n_type.mtype.as(not null) redef fun to_mtype do return n_type.mtype.as_nullable redef fun verify_and_collect(npropdef, callback_set, toolcontext) do var mclassdef = npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef var mmodule = mclassdef.mmodule toolcontext.modelbuilder.resolve_mtype_unchecked(mmodule, mclassdef, n_type, true) super end end redef class AAsNotNullableExternCall redef fun from_mtype do return n_type.mtype.as_nullable redef fun to_mtype do var mtype = n_type.mtype.as(not null) mtype = mtype.as_notnullable return mtype end redef fun verify_and_collect(npropdef, callback_set, toolcontext) do var mclassdef = npropdef.mpropdef.mclassdef var mmodule = mclassdef.mmodule toolcontext.modelbuilder.resolve_mtype_unchecked(mmodule, mclassdef, n_type, true) super end end