# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2012-2014 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Tool to extract PNGs of different resolution from a SVG file module svg_to_icons import opts import xcode_assets redef class Int # Android name for this resolution fun android_name: String do if self == 36 then return "ldpi" if self == 48 then return "mdpi" if self == 72 then return "hdpi" if self == 96 then return "xhdpi" if self == 144 then return "xxhdpi" if self == 192 then return "xxxhdpi" abort end end var opt_out = new OptionString("Where to output PNG files", "--out", "-o") var opt_id = new OptionString("Extract only object with given ID", "--id", "-i") var opt_android = new OptionBool("Generate in the file structure for Android", "--android", "-a") var opt_ios = new OptionBool("Generate in the file structure for iOS", "--ios") var opt_android_name = new OptionString("Name of the resource for Android", "--name", "-n") var opt_large = new OptionBool("Generate large icons (512 and 1024 px)", "--large", "-l") var opt_help = new OptionBool("Print this help message", "--help", "-h") var opt_context = new OptionContext opt_context.add_option(opt_out, opt_id, opt_android, opt_ios, opt_android_name, opt_large, opt_help) opt_context.parse(args) var rest = opt_context.rest var errors = opt_context.errors if rest.length != 1 and not opt_help.value then errors.add "You must specify one source drawing file" if [opt_android.value, opt_ios.value, opt_large.value].count(true) > 1 then errors.add "You must specify a single format (--android, --ios or --large)" end if not errors.is_empty or opt_help.value then print errors.join("\n") print "Usage: svg_to_icons [Options] drawing.svg" print "Options:" opt_context.usage exit 1 end if not "inkscape".program_is_in_path then print "This tool needs the external program `inkscape`, make sure it is installed and in your PATH." exit 1 end var drawing = rest.first if not drawing.file_exists then stderr.write "Source drawing file '{drawing}' does not exist." exit 1 end var out_path = opt_out.value if out_path == null then out_path = "." if not out_path.file_exists then out_path.mkdir if not out_path.file_exists then print_error "Failed to create output dir '{out_path}'" exit 1 end var id = opt_id.value var resolutions if opt_android.value then resolutions = [36, 48, 72, 96, 144, 192] else if opt_ios.value then resolutions = [29, 58, 76, 80, 87, 120, 152, 180] else if opt_large.value then resolutions = [512, 1024] else abort var android_res_name = opt_android_name.value or else "icon" if opt_ios.value then var contents_path = out_path / "Contents.json" appiconset_contents_json.write_to_file contents_path end for wh in resolutions do var png_path if opt_android.value then png_path = out_path / "drawable-" + wh.android_name / android_res_name + ".png" var dir = png_path.dirname if not dir.file_exists then dir.mkdir else if opt_ios.value then png_path = out_path / "{wh}.png" else png_path = out_path / "{wh}.png" end var prog = "inkscape" var prog_args = ["--without-gui", drawing, "-w={wh}", "-h={wh}", "--export-png={png_path}"] if id != null then prog_args.add "--export-id={id}" var proc = new Process.from_a(prog, prog_args) proc.wait end