# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Server that implements an OAuth2-like authentication bound to a `shibuqam` valid server. # # The protocol is based on [OAuth2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749), # especially the [Authorization Code Grant](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1). # # # Use as a web service # # * User: the human user and its user-agent (browser) that use the client website. # * Client: the 3rd party web site that need authentication. It owns `https://client.example.com` # * Server: the public OAuth server. It owns `https://server.example.com` # # From the user & client point of view, the process is the following: # # 1. The client redirects the user to the server. # 2. The user authenticates on the server. # 3. The server redirects the user to the client with a token. # 4. The client sends the token to the server. # 5. The server responds with the user information. # # ## 1. User Request # # Two GET fields # # * `redirect_uri`: A full URI that will be used to redirect the user once the authentication is done. # * `state`: A temporary string used to check that the callback is legitimate. # # On request, the service authenticate the user then redirect to the callback with the user informations. # # Example: # # ~~~raw # GET https://server.example.com/login?redirect_uri=https://client.example.com/callback&state=secret # ~~~ # # ## 3. Response # # After the authentication, the response is a 303 redirection to `redirect_uri` # with the following GET arguments: # # * `code:` a temporary token to send-back to the server # * `state`: the same state to check that the response is not forged. # # Example: # # ~~~raw # HTTP/1.1 303 See Other # Location: https://client.example.com/callback?code=something&state=secret # ~~~ # # ## 3b. Errors # # If the request is badly formed or if the `redirect_uri` is not authorized, # then there is no redirection and a text error message is send to the user. # # If there is a problem during the authentication, then there is a redirection # but the GET fields are only `state` and `error=access_denied`. # # ## 4. Client request # # A single POST field # # * `code`: The one you get as the user response. # # Example: # # ~~~raw # POST https://server.example.com/info # code=something # ~~~ # # ## 5. Response # # The response is a JSON object that is the plain serialization of a `User` instance. # # ~~~json # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 # # { # "id": "jdoe", # "given_name": "John", # "display_name": "John Doe", # "email": "doe.john@example.com", # "avatar": "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4fe50a575e1c28773800a0aa03c62dbe?d=retro" # } # ~~~ # # # To configure and execute # # ## Run the server # # shibuqamoauth authorized_list [host] [port] # # `authorized_list` is a textfile that registers the list of accepted `redirect_uri`. # # Example: # # ~~~raw # https://example.com/foo # https://other.example.com/ # ~~~ # # To be authorized, a `redirect_uri` must have one of the line of `authorized_list` as a prefix. # For instance, the previous `authorized_list` accepts `https://example.com/foo` and `https://example.com/foo/bar` # but not `https://example.com/bar` nor `https://sub.example.com/foo`. # # # ## Install as a server # # A correct `shibuqam` reverse proxy must be configured (see `shibuqam` for details). # In a full scenario, the server is replaced by: # # * Proxy: the public reverse proxy that can do the genuine Shibboleth authentication. # It owns `https://server.example.com` # * Service: the private shibuqamoauth service. It owns a NATed `https://shibuqamoauth.example.com/` # # On the first access to the server (user request): # # 1. Proxy gets the request # 2. Proxy does the Shibboleth authentication. # 3. Proxy enhances the request header. # 4. Proxy forwards the request to service. # 5. Service checks that `redir` is authorized. # 6. Service digs in the enhanced request header to generate a token and associate it to the user. # 7. Redirect the user to client with the callback and the token. # # On the second access to the server (client request): # # 1. Proxy gets the request # 2. Proxy forwards the request to service without authentification (it is not a user). # 3. Service checks that the token existe and is not expired. # 4. Service serialize and send the user as in the # # The Proxy should only do the authentication on the user request. # The simplest way is to configure two routes that reverse proxy on the same server. # # # Why not using real OAuth2? # # OAuth2 is centered about *access_tokens* that allow clients to performs # a (possibly scoped) set of actions/queries on the behalf of an authenticated user. # # In our scenario, there is no action/queries to do once an user is authenticated. # So we do not delivers *access_tokens* since there is nothing to access once the user is known. # # We need only the third-party authentication part of the protocol. # # Since we do not have the same goals than the RFC, we also have a simplified protocol. # Noways, OAuth is mainly a framework and the implementations are very diverse and unfortunately no # not interoperable anyway. # # Here is the specific changes we have: # # * no `response_type`: there is a single kind of grant and the two steps are identified by the http method (GET or POST) and the configured routes on the server. # * no `client_id`: because we do not want to code a db of clients. The `redirect_uri` can be seen as a simple client_id. We have also no way to present the client to the user since we do not control the authorization page of shibboleth since is done by the reverse proxy. # * no `scope` and no `authorisation_code` since since there is nothing to access. We just get minimal information after the successful shibboleth login. Thus we have nothing more to authorise once the user is authenticated. # * no `client_secret`: the user information are already public. There is no need to make the code more complex to protect public information. module shibuqamoauth import popcorn import popcorn::pop_json import shibuqam import json class AuthHandler super Handler # List of prefixes of authorized redirections. var authorized: Array[String] # Check is `redir` is an authorized redirection (client) fun is_authorized(redir: String): Bool do for r in authorized do if redir.has_prefix(r) then return true return false end # Associate each `code` issued to the user, to the info intended to the client. var infos = new HashMap[String, Info] # Remove expired keys fun expiration do var now = get_time for k, i in infos do if i.expiration < now then infos.keys.remove(k) print "{i.user.id} -> expired" end end end # Generate a new usable token # # Not thread safe! fun new_token: String do var token loop token = generate_token if not infos.has_key(token) then break end return token end redef fun get(http_request, response) do # GET means a Authorization Request from the user-agent # Get the `redirect_uri` parameter, we use it to identify the client var redir = http_request.string_arg("redir") if redir == null then redir = http_request.string_arg("redirect_uri") if redir == null then response.send("No redirect_uri.", 400) return end # Check if the client is authorized if not is_authorized(redir) then response.send("Site not authorized.", 403) return end # Get the state, we use it to avoid CSRF attacks var state = http_request.string_arg("state") var res = redir + "?" # If we are here, the reverse proxy did the authentication # Is there an user? var user = http_request.user if user == null then print "no user -> {redir}" res += "error=access_denied" else # The user is authenticated. print "{user.id} -> {redir}" # We prepare a token (code) that the client will use to get the information. expiration var token = new_token res += "code={token.to_percent_encoding}" var ttl = 10*60*60 # 10 minutes var info = new Info(get_time + ttl, user) infos[token] = info end if state != null then res += "&state={state.to_percent_encoding}" response.redirect res end redef fun post(http_request, response) do # POST means an Access Token Request from the client. # Unfortunately, we have no access to grant, only informations. print http_request.post_args.join(" ; ", ": ") expiration var code = http_request.string_arg("code") if code == null then print "POST: no code" return end var info = infos.get_or_null(code) if info == null then print "POST: bad code {code}" return end print "{info.user.id} -> retrieved" # Drop the code as it is a single use infos.keys.remove(code) # Send the requested information. response.json(info.user) end end redef class User super Serializable end # Information about an authenticated used stored on the server to be given to the client. class Info # Time to live var expiration: Int # The identified user var user: User end var host = "localhost" var port = 3000 if args.is_empty then print "usage: shibuqamoauth authorized_list [host] [port]" return end var list = args[0] if args.length > 1 then host = args[1] if args.length > 2 then port = args[2].to_i var authorized = list.to_path.read_lines if authorized.is_empty then print_error "{list}: not found or empty" exit 1 end var app = new App app.use("/*", new AuthHandler(authorized)) app.listen(host, port)