# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Services to load models from the assets folder module more_models intrude import depth_core import gamnit::obj import gamnit::mtl import more_materials import more_meshes redef class Model # Prepare to load a model from the assets folder new(path: Text) do return new ModelAsset(path.to_s) end # Model loaded from a file in the asset folder # # In case of error, `error` is set accordingly. # If the error is on the mesh, `mesh` is set to a default `new Mesh.cube`. # If the material is missing or it failed to load, `material` is set to a `new SimpleMaterial.default`. class ModelAsset super Model super Asset init do models.add self private var loaded = false redef fun load do var ext = path.file_extension if ext == "obj" then load_obj_file else errors.add new Error("Model at '{path}' failed to load: Extension '{ext or else "null"}' unrecognized") end if leaves_cache.is_empty then # Nothing was loaded, use a cube with the default material var leaf = placeholder_model leaves_cache.add leaf end loaded = true end private fun load_obj_file do # Read .obj description from assets var text_asset = new TextAsset(path) var content = text_asset.to_s if content.is_empty then errors.add new Error("Model failed to load: Asset empty at '{self.path}'") leaves_cache.add new LeafModel(new Cube, new Material) return end # Parse .obj description var parser = new ObjFileParser(content) var obj_def = parser.parse if obj_def == null then errors.add new Error("Model failed to load: .obj format error on '{self.path}'") leaves_cache.add new LeafModel(new Cube, new Material) return end # Check for errors if debug_gamnit then assert obj_def.is_coherent # Build models var converter = new ModelFromObj(path, obj_def) converter.models leaves_cache errors.add_all converter.errors end redef fun leaves do if not loaded then # Lazy load load # Print errors when lazy loading only if errors.length == 1 then print_error errors.first else if errors.length > 1 then print_error "Loading model at '{path}' raised {errors.length} errors:\n* " print_error errors.join("\n* ") end end return leaves_cache end private var leaves_cache = new Array[LeafModel] end # Short-lived service to convert an `ObjDef` to `models` # # Limitations: This service only support faces with 3 or 4 vertices. # Faces with more vertices should be triangulated by the modeling tool. private class ModelFromObj # Path to the .obj file in the assets folder, used to find .mtl files var path: String # Parsed .obj definition var obj_def: ObjDef # Errors raised by calls to `models` var errors = new Array[Error] # Fill `leaves` with models described in `obj_def` fun models(leaves: Array[LeafModel]) do # Sort faces by material var mtl_to_faces = new MultiHashMap[String, ObjFace] for face in obj_def.faces do var mtl_lib_name = face.material_lib var mtl_name = face.material_name var full_name = "" if mtl_lib_name != null and mtl_name != null then full_name = mtl_lib_name / mtl_name mtl_to_faces[full_name].add face end # Load material libs var mtl_libs = sys.mtl_libs var lib_names = obj_def.material_libs for name in lib_names do var asset_path = self.path.dirname / name var lib_asset = new TextAsset(asset_path) lib_asset.load var error = lib_asset.error if error != null then errors.add error continue end var mtl_parser = new MtlFileParser(lib_asset.to_s) var mtl_lib = mtl_parser.parse mtl_libs[asset_path] = mtl_lib end # Create 1 mesh per material, and prepare materials var mesh_to_mtl = new Map[Mesh, nullable MtlDef] var texture_names = new Set[String] for full_name, faces in mtl_to_faces do # Create mesh var mesh = new Mesh mesh.vertices = vertices(faces) mesh.normals = normals(faces) mesh.texture_coords = texture_coords(faces) # Material var mtl_def = null var mtl_lib_name = faces.first.material_lib var mtl_name = faces.first.material_name if mtl_lib_name != null and mtl_name != null then var asset_path = self.path.dirname / mtl_lib_name var mtl_lib = mtl_libs[asset_path] var mtl = mtl_lib.get_or_null(mtl_name) if mtl != null then mtl_def = mtl for e in mtl.maps do texture_names.add self.path.dirname / e end else errors.add new Error("Error loading model at '{path}': mtl '{mtl_name}' not found in '{asset_path}'") end end mesh_to_mtl[mesh] = mtl_def end # Load textures need for these materials for name in texture_names do if not asset_textures_by_name.keys.has(name) then var tex = new TextureAsset(name) asset_textures_by_name[name] = tex tex.load var error = tex.error if error != null then errors.add error end end # Create final `Materials` from defs and textures var materials = new Map[MtlDef, Material] for mtl in mesh_to_mtl.values do if mtl == null then continue var ambient = mtl.ambient.to_a ambient.add 1.0 var diffuse = mtl.diffuse.to_a diffuse.add 1.0 var specular = mtl.specular.to_a specular.add 1.0 var material = new TexturedMaterial(ambient, diffuse, specular) materials[mtl] = material var tex_name = mtl.map_ambient if tex_name != null then tex_name = self.path.dirname / tex_name material.ambient_texture = asset_textures_by_name[tex_name] end tex_name = mtl.map_diffuse if tex_name != null then tex_name = self.path.dirname / tex_name material.diffuse_texture = asset_textures_by_name[tex_name] end tex_name = mtl.map_specular if tex_name != null then tex_name = self.path.dirname / tex_name material.specular_texture = asset_textures_by_name[tex_name] end end # Create models and store them for mesh, mtl_def in mesh_to_mtl do var material = materials.get_or_null(mtl_def) if material == null then material = new Material var model = new LeafModel(mesh, material) leaves.add model end end # Compute the vertices coordinates of `faces` in a flat `Array[Float]` fun vertices(faces: Array[ObjFace]): Array[Float] do var obj_def = obj_def var vertices = new Array[Float] for face in faces do # 1st triangle var count = 0 for e in face.vertices do var i = e.vertex_point_index - 1 var v = obj_def.vertex_points[i] vertices.add v.x vertices.add v.y vertices.add v.z if count == 2 then break count += 1 end # If square, 2nd triangle # # This may not support all vertices ordering. if face.vertices.length > 3 then for e in [face.vertices[0], face.vertices[2], face.vertices[3]] do var i = e.vertex_point_index - 1 var v = obj_def.vertex_points[i] vertices.add v.x vertices.add v.y vertices.add v.z end end # TODO use polygon triangulation to support larger polygons end return vertices end # Compute the normals of `faces` in a flat `Array[Float]` fun normals(faces: Array[ObjFace]): Array[Float] do var obj_def = obj_def var normals = new Array[Float] for face in faces do # 1st triangle var count = 0 for e in face.vertices do var i = e.normal_index if i == null then compute_and_append_normal(normals, face) else var v = obj_def.normals[i-1] normals.add v.x normals.add v.y normals.add v.z end if count == 2 then break count += 1 end # If square, 2nd triangle # # This may not support all vertices ordering. if face.vertices.length > 3 then for e in [face.vertices[0], face.vertices[2], face.vertices[3]] do var i = e.normal_index if i == null then compute_and_append_normal(normals, face) else var v = obj_def.normals[i-1] normals.add v.x normals.add v.y normals.add v.z end end end end return normals end # Compute the normal of `face` and append it as 3 floats to `seq` # # Resulting normals are not normalized. fun compute_and_append_normal(seq: Sequence[Float], face: ObjFace) do var i1 = face.vertices[0].vertex_point_index var i2 = face.vertices[1].vertex_point_index var i3 = face.vertices[2].vertex_point_index var v1 = obj_def.vertex_points[i1-1] var v2 = obj_def.vertex_points[i2-1] var v3 = obj_def.vertex_points[i3-1] var vx = v2.x - v1.x var vy = v2.y - v1.y var vz = v2.z - v1.z var wx = v3.x - v1.x var wy = v3.y - v1.y var wz = v3.z - v1.z var nx = (vy*wz) - (vz*wy) var ny = (vz*wx) - (vx*wz) var nz = (vx*wy) - (vy*wx) # Append to `seq` seq.add nx seq.add ny seq.add nz end # Compute the texture coordinates of `faces` in a flat `Array[Float]` fun texture_coords(faces: Array[ObjFace]): Array[Float] do var obj_def = obj_def var coords = new Array[Float] for face in faces do # 1st triangle var count = 0 for e in face.vertices do var i = e.texture_coord_index if i == null then coords.add 0.0 coords.add 0.0 else var tc = obj_def.texture_coords[i-1] coords.add tc.u coords.add tc.v end if count == 2 then break count += 1 end # If square, 2nd triangle # # This may not support all vertices ordering. if face.vertices.length > 3 then for e in [face.vertices[0], face.vertices[2], face.vertices[3]] do var i = e.texture_coord_index if i == null then coords.add 0.0 coords.add 0.0 else var tc = obj_def.texture_coords[i-1] coords.add tc.u coords.add tc.v end end end end return coords end end redef class Sys # Textures loaded from .mtl files for models var asset_textures_by_name = new Map[String, TextureAsset] # Loaded .mtl material definitions, sorted by path in assets and material name private var mtl_libs = new Map[String, Map[String, MtlDef]] # All instantiated asset models var models = new Set[ModelAsset] # Blue cube of 1 unit on each side, acting as placeholder for models failing to load # # This model can be freely used by any `Actor` as placeholder or for debugging. var placeholder_model = new LeafModel(new Cube, new Material) is lazy end