# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Save and load `Model` from/to Neo4j base. # # Nit models are composed by MEntities. # This module creates NeoNode for each MEntity found in a `Model` and save them # into Neo4j database. # # see `Neo4jClient`. # # NeoNodes can also be translated back to MEntities to rebuild a Nit `Model`. # # Structure of the nit `Model` in base: # # Note : Any null or empty attribute will not be saved in the database. # # For any `MEntity` (in addition to specific data): # # * labels: model name (`model_name`) and `MEntity`. # * `name`: short (unqualified) name. # * `mdoc`: JSON array representing the associated Markdown documentation # (one item by line). # # Note : All nodes described here are MEntities. # # `MProject` # # * labels: `MProject`, `model_name` and `MEntity`. # * `(:MProject)-[:ROOT]->(:MGroup)`: root of the group tree. # # `MGroup` # # * labels: `MGroup`, `model_name` and `MEntity`. # * `full_name`: fully qualified name. # * `(:MGroup)-[:PROJECT]->(:MProject)`: associated project. # * `(:MGroup)-[:PARENT]->(:MGroup)`: parent group. Does not exist for the root # group. # * `(:MGroup)-[:DECLARES]->(:MModule)`: modules that are direct children of # this group. # * `(:MGroup)-[:NESTS]->(:MGroup)`: nested groups that are direct children of # this group. # # `MModule` # # * labels: `MModule`, `model_name` and `MEntity`. # * `full_name`: fully qualified name. # * `location`: origin of the definition. SEE: `Location.to_s` # * `(:MModule)-[:IMPORTS]->(:MModule)`: modules that are imported directly. # * `(:MModule)-[:INTRODUCES]->(:MClass)`: all by classes introduced by this # module. # * `(:MModule)-[:DEFINES]->(:MClassDef)`: all class definitons contained in # this module. # # `MClass` # # * labels: `MClass`, `model_name` and `MEntity`. # * `full_name`: fully qualified name. # * `arity`: number of generic formal parameters. 0 if the class is not generic. # * `kind`: kind of the class (`interface`, `abstract class`, etc.) # * `visibility`: visibility of the class. # * `(:MClass)-[:CLASSTYPE]->(:MClassType)`: SEE: `MClass.mclass_type` # # Arguments in the `CLASSTYPE` are named following the `parameter_names` # attribute of the `MClassDef` that introduces the class. A class definition # introduces a class if and only if it has this class as `MCLASS` and # has `is_intro` set to `true`. # # `MClassDef` # # * labels: `MClassDef`, `model_name` and `MEntity`. # * `is_intro`: Does this definition introduce the class? # * `location`: origin of the definition. SEE: `Location.to_s` # * `parameter_names`: JSON array listing the name of each formal generic # parameter (in order of declaration). # * `(:MClassDef)-[:BOUNDTYPE]->(:MClassType)`: bounded type associated to the # classdef. # * `(:MClassDef)-[:MCLASS]->(:MClass)`: associated `MClass`. # * `(:MClassDef)-[:INTRODUCES]->(:MProperty)`: all properties introduced by # the classdef. # * `(:MClassDef)-[:DECLARES]->(:MPropDef)`: all property definitions in the # classdef (introductions and redefinitions). # * `(:MClassDef)-[:INHERITS]->(:MClassType)`: all declared super-types # # `MProperty` # # * labels: `MProperty`, `model_name` and `MEntity`. Must also have `MMethod`, # `MAttribute` or `MVirtualTypeProp`, depending on the class of the represented # entity. # * `full_name`: fully qualified name. # * `visibility`: visibility of the property. # * `is_init`: Indicates if the property is a constructor. Exists only if the # node is a `MMethod`. # * `(:MProperty)-[:INTRO_CLASSDEF]->(:MClassDef)`: classdef that introduces # the property. # # `MPropDef` # # * labels: `MPropDef`, `model_name` and `MEntity`. Must also have `MMethodDef`, # `MAttributeDef` or `MVirtualTypeDef`, depending on the class of the # represented entity. # * `is_intro`: Does this definition introduce the property? # * `location`: origin of the definition. SEE: `Location.to_s`. # * `(:MPropDef)-[:DEFINES]->(:MProperty)`: associated property. # # Additional attributes and relationship for `MMethodDef`: # # * `is_abstract`: Is the method definition abstract? # * `is_intern`: Is the method definition intern? # * `is_extern`: Is the method definition extern? # * `(:MMethodDef)-[:SIGNATURE]->(:MSignature)`: signature attached to the # property definition. # # Additional relationship for `MVirtualTypeDef`: # # * `(:MVirtualTypeDef)-[:BOUND]->(:MType)`: type to which the virtual type # is bound in this definition. Exists only if this definition bound the virtual # type to an effective type. # # `MType` # # * labels: `MType`, `model_name` and `MEntity`. Must also have `MClassType`, # `MNullableType`, `MVirtualType` or `MSignature`, depending on the class of # the represented entity. # # Additional label and relationships for `MClassType`: # # * If it is a `MGenericType`, also has the `MGenericType` label. # * `(:MClassType)-[:CLASS]->(:MClass)`: SEE: `MClassType.mclass` # * `(:MClassType)-[:ARGUMENT]->(:MType)`: type arguments. # # Arguments are named following the `parameter_names` attribute of the # `MClassDef` that introduces the class referred by `CLASS`. # # Additional relationship for `MVirtualType`: # # * `(:MVirtualType)-[:PROPERTY]->(:MProperty)`: associated property that # determines the type (usually a `MVirtualTypeProp`). # # Additional attribute and relationship for `MParameterType`: # # * `rank`: position of the parameter (0 for the first parameter). # * `(:MParameterType)-[:CLASS]->(:MClass)`: generic class where the parameter # belong. # # Additional relationship for `MNullableType`: # # * `(:MNullableType)-[:TYPE]->(:MType)`: base type of the nullable type. # # Additional attribute and relationships for `MSignature`: # # * `parameter_names`: JSON array representing the list of the parameter names. # * `(:MSignature)-[:PARAMETER]->(:MParameter)`: parameters. # * `(:MSignature)-[:RETURNTYPE]->(:MType)`: return type. Does not exist for # procedures. # # In order to maintain the correct parameters order, each `MSignature` node # contains an array of parameter names corresponding to the parameter order in # the signature. # # For example, if the source code contains: # # fun foo(a: A, b: B, c: C) # # The `MSignature` node will contain a property # `parameter_names = ["a", "b", "c"]` so the MSignature can be reconstructed # with the parameters in the correct order. # # `MParameter` # # * labels: `MParameter`, `model_name` and `MEntity`. # * `is_vararg`: Is the parameter a vararg? # * `rank`: position of the parameter (0 for the first parameter). # * `(:MParameter)-[:TYPE]->(:MType)`: static type of the parameter. # # MParameters are also ranked by their position in the corresponding signature. # Rank 0 for the first parameter, 1 for the next one and etc. module neo import model import neo4j import toolcontext # Helper class that can save and load a `Model` into a Neo4j database. class NeoModel # The model name. # # Because we use only one Neo4j instance to store all the models, # we need to mark their appartenance to a particular model and avoid loading all models. # # The name is used as a Neo label on each created nodes and used to load nodes from base. var model_name: String # The toolcontext used to init the `NeoModel` tool. var toolcontext: ToolContext # The Neo4j `client` used to communicate with the Neo4j instance. var client: Neo4jClient # Fill `model` using base pointed by `client`. fun load(model: Model): Model do toolcontext.info("Locate all mentities...", 1) var nodes = client.nodes_with_label(model_name) toolcontext.info("Preload nodes...", 1) pull_all_nodes(nodes) toolcontext.info("Preload edges...", 1) pull_all_edges(nodes) toolcontext.info("Build model...", 1) nodes = client.nodes_with_labels([model_name, "MProject"]) for node in nodes do to_mproject(model, node) nodes = client.nodes_with_labels([model_name, "MGroup"]) for node in nodes do to_mgroup(model, node) nodes = client.nodes_with_labels([model_name, "MModule"]) for node in nodes do to_mmodule(model, node) nodes = client.nodes_with_labels([model_name, "MClass"]) for node in nodes do to_mclass(model, node) nodes = client.nodes_with_labels([model_name, "MClassDef"]) for node in nodes do to_mclassdef(model, node) nodes = client.nodes_with_labels([model_name, "MProperty"]) for node in nodes do to_mproperty(model, node) nodes = client.nodes_with_labels([model_name, "MPropDef"]) for node in nodes do to_mpropdef(model, node) return model end # Save `model` in the base pointed by `client`. fun save(model: Model) do var nodes = collect_model_nodes(model) toolcontext.info("Save {nodes.length} nodes...", 1) push_all(nodes) var edges = collect_model_edges(model) toolcontext.info("Save {edges.length} edges...", 1) push_all(edges) end # Save `neo_entities` in base using batch mode. private fun push_all(neo_entities: Collection[NeoEntity]) do var batch = new NeoBatch(client) var len = neo_entities.length var sum = 0 var i = 1 for nentity in neo_entities do batch.save_entity(nentity) if i == batch_max_size then do_batch(batch) sum += batch_max_size toolcontext.info(" {sum * 100 / len}% done", 1) batch = new NeoBatch(client) i = 1 else i += 1 end end do_batch(batch) end # Load content for all `nodes` from base. # # Content corresponds to properties and labels that are loaded in batch mode. private fun pull_all_nodes(nodes: Collection[NeoNode]) do var batch = new NeoBatch(client) var len = nodes.length var sum = 0 var i = 1 for node in nodes do batch.load_node(node) if i == batch_max_size then do_batch(batch) sum += batch_max_size toolcontext.info(" {sum * 100 / len}% done", 1) batch = new NeoBatch(client) i = 1 else i += 1 end end do_batch(batch) end # Load all edges from base linked to `nodes`. # # Edges are loaded in batch mode. private fun pull_all_edges(nodes: Collection[NeoNode]) do var batch = new NeoBatch(client) var len = nodes.length var sum = 0 var i = 1 for node in nodes do batch.load_node_edges(node) if i == batch_max_size then do_batch(batch) sum += batch_max_size toolcontext.info(" {sum * 100 / len}% done", 1) batch = new NeoBatch(client) i = 1 else i += 1 end end do_batch(batch) end # How many operation can be executed in one batch? private var batch_max_size = 1000 # Execute `batch` and check for errors. # # Abort if `batch.execute` returns errors. private fun do_batch(batch: NeoBatch) do var errors = batch.execute if not errors.is_empty then print errors exit(1) end end # Collect all nodes from the current `model`. private fun collect_model_nodes(model: Model): Collection[NeoNode] do for mproject in model.mprojects do to_node(mproject) for mgroup in mproject.mgroups do to_node(mgroup) end return nodes.values end # Collect all edges from the current `model`. # # Actually collect all out_edges from all nodes. private fun collect_model_edges(model: Model): Collection[NeoEdge] do var edges = new HashSet[NeoEdge] for node in nodes.values do edges.add_all(node.out_edges) return edges end # Mentities associated to nodes. private var mentities = new HashMap[NeoNode, MEntity] # Nodes associated with MEntities. private var nodes = new HashMap[MEntity, NeoNode] # Get the `NeoNode` associated with `mentity`. # `mentities` are stored locally to avoid duplication. fun to_node(mentity: MEntity): NeoNode do if nodes.has_key(mentity) then return nodes[mentity] if mentity isa MProject then return mproject_node(mentity) if mentity isa MGroup then return mgroup_node(mentity) if mentity isa MModule then return mmodule_node(mentity) if mentity isa MClass then return mclass_node(mentity) if mentity isa MClassDef then return mclassdef_node(mentity) if mentity isa MProperty then return mproperty_node(mentity) if mentity isa MPropDef then return mpropdef_node(mentity) if mentity isa MType then return mtype_node(mentity) if mentity isa MParameter then return mparameter_node(mentity) abort end # Make a new `NeoNode` based on `mentity`. private fun make_node(mentity: MEntity): NeoNode do var node = new NeoNode nodes[mentity] = node node.labels.add "MEntity" node.labels.add model_name node["name"] = mentity.name if mentity.mdoc != null then node["mdoc"] = new JsonArray.from(mentity.mdoc.content) return node end # Build a `NeoNode` representing `mproject`. private fun mproject_node(mproject: MProject): NeoNode do var node = make_node(mproject) node.labels.add "MProject" var root = mproject.root if root != null then node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "ROOT", to_node(root))) end return node end # Build a new `MProject` from a `node`. # # REQUIRE `node.labels.has("MProject")` private fun to_mproject(model: Model, node: NeoNode): MProject do if mentities.has_key(node) then return mentities[node].as(MProject) assert node.labels.has("MProject") var mproject = new MProject(node["name"].to_s, model) mentities[node] = mproject set_doc(node, mproject) mproject.root = to_mgroup(model, node.out_nodes("ROOT").first) return mproject end # Build a `NeoNode` representing `mgroup`. private fun mgroup_node(mgroup: MGroup): NeoNode do var node = make_node(mgroup) node.labels.add "MGroup" node["full_name"] = mgroup.full_name var parent = mgroup.parent node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "PROJECT", to_node(mgroup.mproject))) if parent != null then node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "PARENT", to_node(parent))) end for mmodule in mgroup.mmodules do node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "DECLARES", to_node(mmodule))) end for subgroup in mgroup.in_nesting.direct_smallers do node.in_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "NESTS", to_node(subgroup))) end return node end # Build a new `MGroup` from a `node`. # # REQUIRE `node.labels.has("MGroup")` private fun to_mgroup(model: Model, node: NeoNode): MGroup do if mentities.has_key(node) then return mentities[node].as(MGroup) assert node.labels.has("MGroup") var mproject = to_mproject(model, node.out_nodes("PROJECT").first) var parent: nullable MGroup = null var out = node.out_nodes("PARENT") if not out.is_empty then parent = to_mgroup(model, out.first) end var mgroup = new MGroup(node["name"].to_s, mproject, parent) mentities[node] = mgroup set_doc(node, mgroup) return mgroup end # Build a `NeoNode` representing `mmodule`. private fun mmodule_node(mmodule: MModule): NeoNode do var node = make_node(mmodule) node.labels.add "MModule" node["full_name"] = mmodule.full_name node["location"] = mmodule.location.to_s for parent in mmodule.in_importation.direct_greaters do node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "IMPORTS", to_node(parent))) end for mclass in mmodule.intro_mclasses do node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "INTRODUCES", to_node(mclass))) end for mclassdef in mmodule.mclassdefs do node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "DEFINES", to_node(mclassdef))) end return node end # Build a new `MModule` from a `node`. # # REQUIRE `node.labels.has("MModule")` private fun to_mmodule(model: Model, node: NeoNode): MModule do if mentities.has_key(node) then return mentities[node].as(MModule) assert node.labels.has("MModule") var ins = node.in_nodes("DECLARES") var mgroup: nullable MGroup = null if not ins.is_empty then mgroup = to_mgroup(model, ins.first) end var name = node["name"].to_s var location = to_location(node["location"].to_s) var mmodule = new MModule(model, mgroup, name, location) mentities[node] = mmodule set_doc(node, mmodule) var imported_mmodules = new Array[MModule] for smod in node.out_nodes("IMPORTS") do imported_mmodules.add to_mmodule(model, smod) end mmodule.set_imported_mmodules(imported_mmodules) return mmodule end # Build a `NeoNode` representing `mclass`. private fun mclass_node(mclass: MClass): NeoNode do var node = make_node(mclass) node.labels.add "MClass" node["full_name"] = mclass.full_name node["kind"] = mclass.kind.to_s node["visibility"] = mclass.visibility.to_s if not mclass.mparameters.is_empty then var parameter_names = new Array[String] for p in mclass.mparameters do parameter_names.add(p.name) node["parameter_names"] = new JsonArray.from(parameter_names) end node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "CLASSTYPE", to_node(mclass.mclass_type))) return node end # Build a new `MClass` from a `node`. # # REQUIRE `node.labels.has("MClass")` private fun to_mclass(model: Model, node: NeoNode): MClass do if mentities.has_key(node) then return mentities[node].as(MClass) assert node.labels.has("MClass") var mmodule = to_mmodule(model, node.in_nodes("INTRODUCES").first) var name = node["name"].to_s var kind = to_kind(node["kind"].to_s) var visibility = to_visibility(node["visibility"].to_s) var parameter_names = new Array[String] if node.has_key("parameter_names") then for e in node["parameter_names"].as(JsonArray) do parameter_names.add e.to_s end end var mclass = new MClass(mmodule, name, parameter_names, kind, visibility) mentities[node] = mclass set_doc(node, mclass) return mclass end # Build a `NeoNode` representing `mclassdef`. private fun mclassdef_node(mclassdef: MClassDef): NeoNode do var node = make_node(mclassdef) node.labels.add "MClassDef" node["is_intro"] = mclassdef.is_intro node["location"] = mclassdef.location.to_s node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "BOUNDTYPE", to_node(mclassdef.bound_mtype))) node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "MCLASS", to_node(mclassdef.mclass))) for mproperty in mclassdef.intro_mproperties do node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "INTRODUCES", to_node(mproperty))) end for mpropdef in mclassdef.mpropdefs do node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "DECLARES", to_node(mpropdef))) end for sup in mclassdef.supertypes do node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "INHERITS", to_node(sup))) end return node end # Build a new `MClassDef` from a `node`. # # REQUIRE `node.labels.has("MClassDef")` private fun to_mclassdef(model: Model, node: NeoNode): MClassDef do if mentities.has_key(node) then return mentities[node].as(MClassDef) assert node.labels.has("MClassDef") var mmodule = to_mmodule(model, node.in_nodes("DEFINES").first) var mtype = to_mtype(model, node.out_nodes("BOUNDTYPE").first).as(MClassType) var location = to_location(node["location"].to_s) var mclassdef = new MClassDef(mmodule, mtype, location) mentities[node] = mclassdef set_doc(node, mclassdef) var supertypes = new Array[MClassType] for sup in node.out_nodes("INHERITS") do supertypes.add to_mtype(model, sup).as(MClassType) end mclassdef.set_supertypes(supertypes) mclassdef.add_in_hierarchy return mclassdef end # Build a `NeoNode` representing `mproperty`. private fun mproperty_node(mproperty: MProperty): NeoNode do var node = make_node(mproperty) node.labels.add "MProperty" node["full_name"] = mproperty.full_name node["visibility"] = mproperty.visibility.to_s if mproperty isa MMethod then node.labels.add "MMethod" node["is_init"] = mproperty.is_init else if mproperty isa MAttribute then node.labels.add "MAttribute" else if mproperty isa MVirtualTypeProp then node.labels.add "MVirtualTypeProp" end node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "INTRO_CLASSDEF", to_node(mproperty.intro_mclassdef))) return node end # Build a new `MProperty` from a `node`. # # REQUIRE `node.labels.has("MProperty")` private fun to_mproperty(model: Model, node: NeoNode): MProperty do if mentities.has_key(node) then return mentities[node].as(MProperty) assert node.labels.has("MProperty") var intro_mclassdef = to_mclassdef(model, node.out_nodes("INTRO_CLASSDEF").first) var name = node["name"].to_s var visibility = to_visibility(node["visibility"].to_s) var mprop: nullable MProperty = null if node.labels.has("MMethod") then mprop = new MMethod(intro_mclassdef, name, visibility) mprop.is_init = node["is_init"].as(Bool) else if node.labels.has("MAttribute") then mprop = new MAttribute(intro_mclassdef, name, visibility) else if node.labels.has("MVirtualTypeProp") then mprop = new MVirtualTypeProp(intro_mclassdef, name, visibility) end if mprop == null then print "not yet implemented to_mproperty for {node.labels.join(",")}" abort end mentities[node] = mprop set_doc(node, mprop) for npropdef in node.in_nodes("DEFINES") do var mpropdef = to_mpropdef(model, npropdef) if npropdef["is_intro"].as(Bool) then mprop.mpropdefs.unshift mpropdef else mprop.mpropdefs.add mpropdef end end return mprop end # Build a `NeoNode` representing `mpropdef`. private fun mpropdef_node(mpropdef: MPropDef): NeoNode do var node = make_node(mpropdef) node.labels.add "MPropDef" node["is_intro"] = mpropdef.is_intro node["location"] = mpropdef.location.to_s node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "DEFINES", to_node(mpropdef.mproperty))) if mpropdef isa MMethodDef then node.labels.add "MMethodDef" node["is_abstract"] = mpropdef.is_abstract node["is_intern"] = mpropdef.is_intern node["is_extern"] = mpropdef.is_extern var msignature = mpropdef.msignature if msignature != null then node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "SIGNATURE", to_node(msignature))) end else if mpropdef isa MAttributeDef then node.labels.add "MAttributeDef" else if mpropdef isa MVirtualTypeDef then node.labels.add "MVirtualTypeDef" var bound = mpropdef.bound if bound != null then node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "BOUND", to_node(bound))) end end return node end # Build a new `MPropDef` from a `node`. # # REQUIRE `node.labels.has("MPropDef")` private fun to_mpropdef(model: Model, node: NeoNode): MPropDef do if mentities.has_key(node) then return mentities[node].as(MPropDef) assert node.labels.has("MPropDef") var mclassdef = to_mclassdef(model, node.in_nodes("DECLARES").first) var mproperty = to_mproperty(model, node.out_nodes("DEFINES").first) var location = to_location(node["location"].to_s) var mpropdef: nullable MPropDef = null if node.labels.has("MMethodDef") then mpropdef = new MMethodDef(mclassdef, mproperty.as(MMethod), location) mpropdef.is_abstract = node["is_abstract"].as(Bool) mpropdef.is_intern = node["is_intern"].as(Bool) mpropdef.is_extern = node["is_extern"].as(Bool) mentities[node] = mpropdef mpropdef.msignature = to_mtype(model, node.out_nodes("SIGNATURE").first).as(MSignature) else if node.labels.has("MAttributeDef") then mpropdef = new MAttributeDef(mclassdef, mproperty.as(MAttribute), location) mentities[node] = mpropdef else if node.labels.has("MVirtualTypeDef") then mpropdef = new MVirtualTypeDef(mclassdef, mproperty.as(MVirtualTypeProp), location) mentities[node] = mpropdef var bound = node.out_nodes("BOUND") if not bound.is_empty then mpropdef.bound = to_mtype(model, bound.first) end if mpropdef == null then print "not yet implemented to_mpropdef for {node.labels.join(",")}" abort end set_doc(node, mpropdef) return mpropdef end # Build a `NeoNode` representing `mtype`. private fun mtype_node(mtype: MType): NeoNode do var node = make_node(mtype) node.labels.add "MType" if mtype isa MClassType then node.labels.add "MClassType" node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "CLASS", to_node(mtype.mclass))) for arg in mtype.arguments do node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "ARGUMENT", to_node(arg))) end if mtype isa MGenericType then node.labels.add "MGenericType" end else if mtype isa MVirtualType then node.labels.add "MVirtualType" node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "PROPERTY", to_node(mtype.mproperty))) else if mtype isa MParameterType then node.labels.add "MParameterType" node["rank"] = mtype.rank node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "CLASS", to_node(mtype.mclass))) else if mtype isa MNullableType then node.labels.add "MNullableType" node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "TYPE", to_node(mtype.mtype))) else if mtype isa MSignature then node.labels.add "MSignature" var names = new JsonArray var rank = 0 for mparameter in mtype.mparameters do names.add mparameter.name var pnode = to_node(mparameter) pnode["rank"] = rank node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "PARAMETER", pnode)) end if not names.is_empty then node["parameter_names"] = names var return_mtype = mtype.return_mtype if return_mtype != null then node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "RETURNTYPE", to_node(return_mtype))) end end return node end # Build a new `MType` from a `node`. # # REQUIRE `node.labels.has("MType")` private fun to_mtype(model: Model, node: NeoNode): MType do if mentities.has_key(node) then return mentities[node].as(MType) assert node.labels.has("MType") if node.labels.has("MClassType") then var mclass = to_mclass(model, node.out_nodes("CLASS").first) var args = new Array[MType] for narg in node.out_nodes("ARGUMENT") do args.add to_mtype(model, narg) end var mtype = mclass.get_mtype(args) mentities[node] = mtype return mtype else if node.labels.has("MParameterType") then var mclass = to_mclass(model, node.out_nodes("CLASS").first) var rank = node["rank"].to_s.to_i var mtype = mclass.mparameters[rank] mentities[node] = mtype return mtype else if node.labels.has("MNullableType") then var intype = to_mtype(model, node.out_nodes("TYPE").first) var mtype = intype.as_nullable mentities[node] = mtype return mtype else if node.labels.has("MVirtualType") then var mproperty = to_mproperty(model, node.out_nodes("PROPERTY").first) assert mproperty isa MVirtualTypeProp var mtype = mproperty.mvirtualtype mentities[node] = mtype return mtype else if node.labels.has("MSignature") then # Get all param nodes var mparam_nodes = new HashMap[String, MParameter] for pnode in node.out_nodes("PARAMETER") do var mparam = to_mparameter(model, pnode) mparam_nodes[mparam.name] = mparam end # Load params in the good order var mparam_names = node["parameter_names"] var mparameters = new Array[MParameter] if mparam_names isa JsonArray then for mparam_name in mparam_names do var mparam = mparam_nodes[mparam_name.to_s] mparameters.add mparam end end var return_mtype: nullable MType = null var ret_nodes = node.out_nodes("RETURNTYPE") if not ret_nodes.is_empty then return_mtype = to_mtype(model, ret_nodes.first) end var mtype = new MSignature(mparameters, return_mtype) mentities[node] = mtype return mtype end print "not yet implemented to_mtype for {node.labels.join(",")}" abort end # Build a `NeoNode` representing `mparameter`. private fun mparameter_node(mparameter: MParameter): NeoNode do var node = make_node(mparameter) node.labels.add "MParameter" node["name"] = mparameter.name node["is_vararg"] = mparameter.is_vararg node.out_edges.add(new NeoEdge(node, "TYPE", to_node(mparameter.mtype))) return node end # Build a new `MParameter` from `node`. # # REQUIRE `node.labels.has("MParameter")` private fun to_mparameter(model: Model, node: NeoNode): MParameter do if mentities.has_key(node) then return mentities[node].as(MParameter) assert node.labels.has("MParameter") var name = node["name"].to_s var mtype = to_mtype(model, node.out_nodes("TYPE").first) var is_vararg = node["is_vararg"].as(Bool) var mparameter = new MParameter(name, mtype, is_vararg) mentities[node] = mparameter return mparameter end # Get a `Location` from its string representation. private fun to_location(loc: String): Location do #TODO filepath var parts = loc.split_with(":") var file = new SourceFile.from_string(parts[0], "") var pos = parts[1].split_with("--") var pos1 = pos[0].split_with(",") var pos2 = pos[1].split_with(",") var line_s = pos1[0].to_i var line_e = pos2[0].to_i var column_s = pos1[1].to_i var column_e = 0 if pos2.length == 2 then pos2[1].to_i return new Location(file, line_s, line_e, column_s, column_e) end # Get a `MVisibility` from its string representation. private fun to_visibility(vis: String): MVisibility do if vis == intrude_visibility.to_s then return intrude_visibility else if vis == public_visibility.to_s then return public_visibility else if vis == protected_visibility.to_s then return protected_visibility else if vis == private_visibility.to_s then return private_visibility else return none_visibility end end # Get a `MKind` from its string representation. private fun to_kind(kind: String): MClassKind do if kind == abstract_kind.to_s then return abstract_kind else if kind == concrete_kind.to_s then return concrete_kind else if kind == interface_kind.to_s then return interface_kind else if kind == enum_kind.to_s then return enum_kind else if kind == extern_kind.to_s then return extern_kind end abort end # Extract the `MDoc` from `node` and link it to `mentity`. private fun set_doc(node: NeoNode, mentity: MEntity) do if node.has_key("mdoc") then var lines = new Array[String] for e in node["mdoc"].as(JsonArray) do lines.add e.to_s#.replace("\n", "\\n") end var mdoc = new MDoc mdoc.content.add_all(lines) mdoc.original_mentity = mentity mentity.mdoc = mdoc end end end