# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Graph commands # # Commands that return graphical representations about a Model or a MEntity. module commands_graph import commands_model import uml import dot # An abstract command that returns a dot graph abstract class CmdGraph super DocCommand # Rendering format # # Default is `dot`. # See `allowed_formats`. var format = "dot" is optional, writable # Allowed rendering formats. # # Can be `dot` or `svg`. var allowed_formats: Array[String] = ["dot", "svg"] # Dot to render var dot: nullable Writable = null is optional, writable # Render `dot` depending on `format` fun render: nullable Writable do var dot = self.dot if dot == null then return null if format == "svg" then var proc = new ProcessDuplex("dot", "-Tsvg") var svg = proc.write_and_read(dot.write_to_string) proc.close proc.wait return svg end return dot end redef fun init_command do if not allowed_formats.has(format) then return new ErrorBadGraphFormat(format, allowed_formats) end return super end end # Bad graph format requested class ErrorBadGraphFormat super CmdError # Provided format var format: String # Allowed formats var allowed_formats: Array[String] redef fun to_s do var allowed_values = new Buffer for allowed in allowed_formats do allowed_values.append "`{allowed}`" if allowed != allowed_formats.last then allowed_values.append ", " end end return "Bad format `{format}`. Allowed values are {allowed_values.write_to_string}." end end # UML command # # Return an UML diagram about a `mentity`. class CmdUML super CmdEntity super CmdGraph autoinit(view, mentity, mentity_name, format, uml) # UML model to return var uml: nullable UMLModel = null is optional, writable redef fun init_command do if uml != null then return new CmdSuccess var res = super if not res isa CmdSuccess then return res var mentity = self.mentity.as(not null) if mentity isa MClassDef then mentity = mentity.mclass if mentity isa MClass then uml = new UMLModel(view, view.mainmodule) else if mentity isa MModule then uml = new UMLModel(view, view.mainmodule) else return new WarningNoUML(mentity) end return res end redef fun render do var uml = self.uml if uml == null then return null if mentity isa MClass then dot = uml.generate_class_uml.write_to_string else if mentity isa MModule then dot = uml.generate_package_uml.write_to_string end return super end end # No UML model for `mentity` class WarningNoUML super CmdWarning # MEntity provided var mentity: MEntity redef fun to_s do return "No UML for `{mentity.full_name}`" end # Render a hierarchy graph for `mentity` if any. class CmdInheritanceGraph super CmdEntity super CmdGraph autoinit(view, mentity, mentity_name, pdepth, cdepth, format, graph) # Parents depth to display var pdepth: nullable Int = null is optional, writable # Children depth to display var cdepth: nullable Int = null is optional, writable # Inheritance graph to return var graph: nullable InheritanceGraph = null is optional, writable redef fun init_command do if graph != null then return new CmdSuccess var res = super if not res isa CmdSuccess then return res var mentity = self.mentity.as(not null) graph = new InheritanceGraph(mentity, view) return res end redef fun render do var graph = self.graph if graph == null then return "" self.dot = graph.draw(pdepth, cdepth).to_dot return super end end # Graph for mentity hierarchies # # Recursively build parents and children list from a `center`. class InheritanceGraph # MEntity at the center of this graph var center: MEntity # ModelView used to filter graph var view: ModelView # Graph generated var graph: DotGraph is lazy do var graph = new DotGraph("package_diagram", "digraph") graph["compound"] = "true" graph["rankdir"] = "BT" graph["ranksep"] = 0.3 graph["nodesep"] = 0.3 graph.nodes_attrs["margin"] = 0.1 graph.nodes_attrs["width"] = 0 graph.nodes_attrs["height"] = 0 graph.nodes_attrs["fontsize"] = 10 graph.nodes_attrs["fontname"] = "helvetica" graph.edges_attrs["dir"] = "none" graph.edges_attrs["color"] = "gray" return graph end # Build the graph fun draw(parents_depth, children_depth: nullable Int): DotGraph do draw_node center draw_parents(center, parents_depth) draw_children(center, children_depth) return graph end private var nodes = new HashMap[MEntity, DotElement] private var done_parents = new HashSet[MEntity] private var done_children = new HashSet[MEntity] # Recursively draw parents of mentity fun draw_parents(mentity: MEntity, max_depth: nullable Int, current_depth: nullable Int) do if done_parents.has(mentity) then return done_parents.add mentity current_depth = current_depth or else 0 if max_depth != null and current_depth >= max_depth then from_dotdotdot(mentity) return end var parents = mentity.collect_parents(view) if parents.length > 10 then from_dotdotdot(mentity) return end for parent in parents do if parent isa MModule then var mgroup = parent.mgroup if mgroup != null and mgroup.default_mmodule == parent then parent = mgroup end if parent isa MGroup then if parent.mpackage.mgroups.first == parent then parent = parent.mpackage end draw_edge(mentity, parent) end for parent in parents do if parent isa MModule then var mgroup = parent.mgroup if mgroup != null and mgroup.default_mmodule == parent then parent = mgroup end if parent isa MGroup then if parent.mpackage.mgroups.first == parent then parent = parent.mpackage end draw_parents(parent, max_depth, current_depth + 1) end end # Recursively draw children of mentity fun draw_children(mentity: MEntity, max_depth: nullable Int, current_depth: nullable Int) do if done_children.has(mentity) then return done_children.add mentity current_depth = current_depth or else 0 if max_depth != null and current_depth >= max_depth then to_dotdotdot(mentity) return end var children = mentity.collect_children(view) if children.length > 10 then to_dotdotdot(mentity) return end for child in children do if child isa MGroup then if child.mpackage.mgroups.first == child then child = child.mpackage end draw_edge(child, mentity) end for child in children do if child isa MGroup then if child.mpackage.mgroups.first == child then child = child.mpackage end draw_children(child, max_depth, current_depth + 1) end end # Draw a node from a `mentity` fun draw_node(mentity: MEntity): DotElement do if nodes.has_key(mentity) then return nodes[mentity] var node: DotElement = mentity.to_dot_node if mentity == center then node = highlight(node) nodes[mentity] = node graph.add node return node end private var edges = new HashMap2[MEntity, MEntity, DotEdge] # Draw a edges between two mentities fun draw_edge(from, to: MEntity): DotEdge do if edges.has(from, to) then return edges[from, to].as(not null) if edges.has(to, from) then return edges[to, from].as(not null) var nfrom = draw_node(from) var nto = draw_node(to) var edge = new DotEdge(nfrom, nto) edges[from, to] = edge graph.add edge return edge end private var to_dots = new HashMap[MEntity, DotElement] # Create a link from `mentity` to a `...` node fun to_dotdotdot(mentity: MEntity): DotEdge do var nto = draw_node(mentity) var dots = to_dots.get_or_null(mentity) if dots == null then dots = dotdotdot("{nto.id}...") to_dots[mentity] = dots end graph.add dots var edge = new DotEdge(dots, nto) graph.add edge return edge end private var from_dots = new HashMap[MEntity, DotElement] # Create a link from a `...` node to a `mentity` fun from_dotdotdot(mentity: MEntity): DotEdge do var nfrom = draw_node(mentity) var dots = to_dots.get_or_null(mentity) if dots == null then dots = dotdotdot("...{nfrom.id}") from_dots[mentity] = dots end graph.add dots var edge = new DotEdge(dots, nfrom) graph.add edge return edge end # Change the border color of the node fun highlight(dot: DotElement): DotElement do dot["color"] = "#1E9431" return dot end # Generate a `...` node fun dotdotdot(id: String): DotNode do var node = new DotNode(id) node["label"] = "..." node["shape"] = "none" return node end end redef class MEntity # Return `self` as a DotNode fun to_dot_node: DotNode do var node = new DotNode(full_name) node["label"] = name return node end end redef class MPackage redef fun to_dot_node do var node = super node["shape"] = "tab" return node end end redef class MGroup redef fun to_dot_node do var node = super node["shape"] = "folder" return node end end redef class MModule redef fun to_dot_node do var node = super node["shape"] = "note" return node end end redef class MClass redef fun to_dot_node do var node = super node["shape"] = "box" return node end end