# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # GTK+ services added at version 3.10 module v3_10 is pkgconfig("gtk+-3.0") import v3_8 redef class GtkWindow fun titlebar=(widget: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_window_set_titlebar(self, widget); `} end # A vertical container of `GtkListBoxRow` extern class GtkListBox `{ GtkListBox * `} super GtkContainer new `{ return (GtkListBox*)gtk_list_box_new(); `} fun prepend(child: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_list_box_prepend(self, child); `} fun insert(child: GtkWidget, position: Int) `{ gtk_list_box_insert(self, child, position); `} fun selected_row: GtkListBoxRow `{ return gtk_list_box_get_selected_row(self); `} fun row_at_index(index: Int): GtkListBoxRow`{ return gtk_list_box_get_row_at_index(self, index); `} fun row_at_y(y: Int): GtkListBoxRow `{ return gtk_list_box_get_row_at_y(self, y); `} fun select_row(row: GtkListBoxRow) `{ gtk_list_box_select_row(self, row); `} fun placeholder=(placeholder: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_list_box_set_placeholder(self, placeholder); `} fun adjustment=(adjustment: GtkAdjustment) `{ gtk_list_box_set_adjustment(self, adjustment); `} fun selection_mode=(mode: GtkSelectionMode) `{ gtk_list_box_set_selection_mode(self, mode); `} fun selection_mode: GtkSelectionMode `{ return gtk_list_box_get_selection_mode (self); `} fun invalidate_filter `{ gtk_list_box_invalidate_filter(self); `} fun invalidate_sort `{ gtk_list_box_invalidate_sort(self); `} fun invalidate_headers `{ gtk_list_box_invalidate_headers(self); `} fun activate_on_single_click=(single: Bool) `{ gtk_list_box_set_activate_on_single_click(self, single); `} fun activate_on_single_click: Bool `{ return gtk_list_box_get_activate_on_single_click(self); `} fun drag_unhighlight_row `{ gtk_list_box_drag_unhighlight_row(self); `} fun drag_highlight_row(row: GtkListBoxRow) `{ gtk_list_box_drag_highlight_row(self, row); `} # TODO #fun (* GtkListBoxForeachFunc)(GtkListBoxRow *row, gpointer user_data) `{ (* GtkListBoxForeachFunc)(self, GtkListBoxRow *row, gpointer user_data); `} #fun set_filter_func(GtkListBoxFilterFunc filter_func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy) `{ gtk_list_box_set_filter_func(self, GtkListBoxFilterFunc filter_func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy); `} #fun set_header_func(GtkListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc update_header, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy) `{ gtk_list_box_set_header_func(self, GtkListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc update_header, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy); `} #fun set_sort_func(GtkListBoxSortFunc sort_func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy) `{ gtk_list_box_set_sort_func(self, GtkListBoxSortFunc sort_func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy); `} end # A single row of a `GtkListBox` extern class GtkListBoxRow `{ GtkListBoxRow* `} super GtkWidget new `{ return (GtkListBoxRow*)gtk_list_box_row_new(); `} fun header: GtkWidget `{ return gtk_list_box_row_get_header(self); `} fun header=(header: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_list_box_row_set_header(self, header); `} fun index: Int `{ return gtk_list_box_row_get_index(self); `} fun changed `{ gtk_list_box_row_changed(self); `} end # Horizontal container with a title and subtitle extern class GtkHeaderBar `{ GtkHeaderBar* `} super GtkContainer new `{ return (GtkHeaderBar*)gtk_header_bar_new(); `} fun title=(title: Text) do native_title = title.to_cstring private fun native_title=(title: NativeString) `{ gtk_header_bar_set_title(self, title); `} fun title: String do return native_title.to_s private fun native_title: NativeString `{ return (gchar *)gtk_header_bar_get_title(self); `} fun subtitle=(subtitle: Text) do native_subtitle = subtitle.to_cstring fun native_subtitle=(subtitle: NativeString) `{ gtk_header_bar_set_subtitle(self, subtitle); `} fun subtitle: String do return native_subtitle.to_s fun native_subtitle: NativeString `{ return (gchar *)gtk_header_bar_get_subtitle(self); `} fun custom_title=(title_widget: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_header_bar_set_custom_title(self, title_widget); `} fun custom_title: GtkWidget `{ return gtk_header_bar_get_custom_title(self); `} fun pack_start(child: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_header_bar_pack_start(self, child); `} fun pack_end(child: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_header_bar_pack_end(self, child); `} fun show_close_button=(setting: Bool) `{ gtk_header_bar_set_show_close_button(self, setting); `} fun show_close_button: Bool `{ return gtk_header_bar_get_show_close_button(self); `} end # Container with a single child visible at a time extern class GtkStack `{ GtkStack * `} super GtkContainer new `{ return (GtkStack*)gtk_stack_new(); `} fun stack_add(child: GtkWidget, name: String) do native_stack_add(child, name.to_cstring) private fun native_stack_add(child: GtkWidget, name: NativeString) `{ gtk_stack_add_named(self, child, name); `} fun add_titled(child: GtkWidget, name, title: NativeString) `{ gtk_stack_add_titled(self, child, name, title); `} fun native_add_titled(child: GtkWidget, name, title: NativeString) `{ gtk_stack_add_titled(self, child, name, title); `} fun visible_child=(child: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_stack_set_visible_child(self, child); `} fun visible_child: GtkWidget `{ return gtk_stack_get_visible_child(self); `} fun visible_child_name=(name: Text) do native_visible_child_name = name.to_cstring fun native_visible_child_name=(name: NativeString) `{ gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name(self, name); `} fun visible_child_name: Text do return native_visible_child_name.to_s fun native_visible_child_name: NativeString `{ return (gchar *)gtk_stack_get_visible_child_name(self); `} fun set_visible_child_full(name: Text, transition: GtkStackTransitionType) do native_set_visible_child_full(name.to_cstring, transition) fun native_set_visible_child_full(name: NativeString, transition: GtkStackTransitionType) `{ gtk_stack_set_visible_child_full(self, name, transition); `} fun homogeneous=(homogeneous: Bool) `{ gtk_stack_set_homogeneous(self, homogeneous); `} fun homogeneous: Bool `{ return gtk_stack_get_homogeneous(self); `} fun transition_duration=(duration: Int) `{ gtk_stack_set_transition_duration(self, duration); `} fun transition_duration: Int `{ return gtk_stack_get_transition_duration(self); `} fun transition_type=(transition: GtkStackTransitionType) `{ gtk_stack_set_transition_type(self, transition); `} fun transition_type: GtkStackTransitionType `{ return gtk_stack_get_transition_type(self); `} end # Type of animation used for transitions between pages in a `GtkStack` extern class GtkStackTransitionType `{ GtkStackTransitionType `} new none `{ return GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_NONE; `} new crossfade `{ return GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_CROSSFADE; `} new slide_right `{ return GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_RIGHT; `} new slide_left `{ return GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_LEFT; `} new slide_up `{ return GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_UP; `} new slide_down `{ return GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_DOWN; `} new slide_left_right `{ return GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_LEFT_RIGHT; `} new slide_up_down `{ return GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_UP_DOWN; `} end