#!/usr/bin/env nit # Microbenchmak generation for multiple language # Just a quick an dirty Nit script file :) class Klass var id: Int var supers = new Array[Klass] var all_supers = new HashSet[Klass] redef fun to_s do return "C{id}" end end class Generator var classes = new Array[Klass] var width = 5 var height = 5 var superprobs: Array[Int] = [40, 20, 5] fun genhier do var i = 0 for w in [0..width[ do var s: nullable Klass = null for h in [0..height[ do i += 1 var c = new Klass(i) classes.add(c) c.all_supers.add(c) if s != null then c.supers.add(s) c.all_supers.add_all(s.all_supers) end s = c end end for j in [0..listlen[ do var c = classes[classes.length - 1 - (j % classes.length)] list.unshift(c) unlist.push(c) end end # List of instantited class in the order to read var list = new List[Klass] # List of instantited class in the order to push var unlist = new List[Klass] var arraylen = 2000 var loops = 10000 var listlen = 50 var file: nullable OFStream = null fun write(str: String) do file.write(str) file.write("\n") end fun writenit(name: String) do file = new OFStream.open("{name}.nit") write "class Root\n\tfun id: Int do return 0\nend" for c in classes do write "class {c}" if c.supers.is_empty then write "\tsuper Root" else for s in c.supers do write "\tsuper {s}" end write "\tredef fun id do return {c.id}" write "end" end write "class L[E]\n\tsuper Root\n\tvar item:E \n\tvar next: nullable L[E]\ninit(item:E,next: nullable L[E])do\n\tself.item = item\n\tself.next=next\nend\nend" write "fun fill: nullable L[Root]\ndo" write "\tvar head: nullable L[Root] = null" write "\tvar l: L[Root]" for c in classes do write "\tvar l{c} = new L[{c}](new {c}, null)" write "\thead = new L[Root](l{c}, head)" end write "\thead = null" write "for x in [0..{arraylen}[ do" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = unlist[i] write "\tvar l{i} = new L[{c}](new {c}, null)" write "\thead = new L[Root](l{i}, head)" end write "end" write "return head" write "end" write "fun run(head1: nullable L[Root], head2: nullable L[Root]): Int\ndo" write "\tvar cpt = 0" write "\tvar y = {loops/list.length}" write "\twhile y > 0 do" write "\tvar n1 = head1" write "\tvar n2 = head2" write "\twhile not n1 is null do" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = list[i] write "\t\tvar l{i} = n1.item" write "\t\tvar lc{i} = l{i}.as(L[{c}])" write "\t\tvar c{i} = lc{i}.item" write "\t\tn1 = n1.next" if count then write "\t\tif c{i}.id == {c.id} then cpt += 1" end write "\t\tvar l2_{i} = n2.item" write "\t\tvar lc2_{i} = l2_{i}.as(L[{c}])" write "\t\tlc2_{i}.item = c{i}" write "\t\tn2 = n2.next" end write "\tend" write "y -= 1" write "end" write "return cpt" write "end" write "var head = fill" write "var loops = 25" write "if not args.is_empty then loops = args.first.to_i " write "for x in [0..loops[ do" write "\tvar cpt = run(head, head)" write "\tprint \"\{x\}:\tcpt:\{cpt\}\"" write "end" file.close end fun writejava(name: String, interfaces: Bool) do var cl = "" if interfaces then cl = "X" file = new OFStream.open("{name}.java") write "class {name} \{" if interfaces then write "static interface Root\n\t\{ int id(); \}" else write "static class Root\n\t\{ int id() \{ return 0;\} \}" end for c in classes do if interfaces then write "static interface {c} " else write "static class {c} " end if c.supers.is_empty then write "\textends Root" else for s in [c.supers.first] do write "\textends {s}" end if interfaces then write "\{\}" write "static class X{c} implements {c}" end write "\{" write "\tpublic int id() \{ return {c.id}; \}" write "\}" end write "static class L" if interfaces then write "implements Root \{" else write "extends Root \{" end write "\tE _item; E item() \{ return _item; \} void set_item(E i) \{ _item = i; \}" write "\tL _next; L next() \{ return _next; \} void set_next(L n) \{ _next = n; \}" write "\tL(E i, L n) \{ set_item(i); set_next(n); \}" write "\tpublic int id() \{ return -1; \}" write "\}" write "static L fill() \{" write "\tL head = null;" for c in classes do write "\tL<{c}> l{c} = new L<{c}>(new {cl}{c}(), null);" write "\thead = new L(l{c}, head);" end write "\thead = null;" write "for (int x=0; x<{arraylen}; x++) \{" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = unlist[i] write "\tL<{c}> l{i} = new L<{c}>(new {cl}{c}(), null);" write "\thead = new L(l{i}, head);" end write "\}" write "return head;" write "\}" write "static int run(L head1, L head2) \{" write "\tint cpt = 0;" write "\tint y = {loops/list.length};" write "\twhile (y > 0) \{;" write "\tL n1 = head1;" write "\tL n2 = head2;" write "\twhile (n1 != null) \{" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = list[i] write "\t\tRoot l{i} = n1.item();" write "\t\tL<{c}> lc{i} = (L<{c}>)l{i};" write "\t\t{c} c{i} = lc{i}.item();" write "\t\tn1 = n1.next();" if count then write "\t\tif (c{i}.id() == {c.id}) cpt += 1;" end write "\t\tRoot l2_{i} = n2.item();" write "\t\tL<{c}> lc2_{i} = (L<{c}>)l2_{i};" write "\t\tlc2_{i}.set_item(c{i});" write "\t\tn2 = n2.next();" end write "\t\}" write "y -= 1;" write "\}" write "return cpt;" write "\}" write "static public void main(String args[]) \{" write "L head = fill();" write "int loops = 25;" write "if (args.length > 0) loops = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);" write "for (int x=0; x" if interfaces then write ": Root \{" else write ": Root \{" end write "\tE _item;" write "\tpublic E Item() \{ return _item; \}" write "\tpublic void SetItem(E i) \{ _item = i; \}" write "\tL _next;" write "\tpublic L Next() \{ return _next; \}" write "\tpublic void SetNext(L n) \{ _next = n; \}" write "\tpublic L(E i, L n) \{ SetItem(i); SetNext(n); \}" write "\tpublic int Id() \{ return -1; \}" write "\}" write "static L Fill() \{" write "\tL head = null;" for c in classes do write "\tL<{c}> l{c} = new L<{c}>(new {cl}{c}(), null);" write "\thead = new L(l{c}, head);" end write "\thead = null;" write "for (int x=0; x<{arraylen}; x++) \{" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = unlist[i] write "\tL<{c}> l{i} = new L<{c}>(new {cl}{c}(), null);" write "\thead = new L(l{i}, head);" end write "\}" write "return head;" write "\}" write "static int Run(L head1, L head2) \{" write "\tint cpt = 0;" write "\tint y = {loops/list.length};" write "\twhile (y > 0) \{;" write "\tL n1 = head1;" write "\tL n2 = head2;" write "\twhile (n1 != null) \{" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = list[i] write "\t\tRoot l{i} = n1.Item();" write "\t\tL<{c}> lc{i} = (L<{c}>)l{i};" write "\t\t{c} c{i} = lc{i}.Item();" write "\t\tn1 = n1.Next();" if count then write "\t\tif (c{i}.Id() == {c.id}) cpt += 1;" end write "\t\tRoot l2_{i} = n2.Item();" write "\t\tL<{c}> lc2_{i} = (L<{c}>)l2_{i};" write "\t\tlc2_{i}.SetItem(c{i});" write "\t\tn2 = n2.Next();" end write "\t\}" write "y -= 1;" write "\}" write "return cpt;" write "\}" write "static void Main(string[] args) \{" write "L head = Fill();" write "int loops = 25;" write "if (args.Length > 0) loops = int.Parse(args[0]);" write "for (int x=0; x 0) \{" write "\tvar n1: L[Root] = head1" write "\tvar n2: L[Root] = head2" write "\twhile (n1 != null) \{" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = list[i] write "\t\tvar l{i}: Root = n1.item" write "\t\tvar lc{i}: L[{c}] = l{i}.asInstanceOf[L[{c}]]" write "\t\tvar c{i}: {c} = lc{i}.item" write "\t\tn1 = n1.next" if count then write "\t\tif (c{i}.id == {c.id}) cpt += 1" end write "\t\tvar l2_{i}: Root = n2.item" write "\t\tvar lc2_{i}: L[{c}] = l2_{i}.asInstanceOf[L[{c}]]" write "\t\tlc2_{i}.set_item(c{i})" write "\t\tn2 = n2.next" end write "\t\}" write "y -= 1" write "\}" write "return cpt" write "\}" write "def main(args: Array[String]) = \{" write "\tvar head: L[Root] = fill" write "\tvar loops: Int = 25" write "\tif (args.length > 0) \{" write "\t\tloops = Integer.parseInt(args(0))" write "\t\}" write "\tfor (x <- 0 to loops) \{" write "\t\tvar cpt: Int = run(head, head)" write "\t\tprintln(\"\" + x + \":\\t\" + cpt)" write "\t\}" write "\}" write "\}" file.close end fun writecpp(name: String) do file = new OFStream.open("{name}.cpp") write "#include " write "#include " write "class Root\n\t\{ public: virtual int id() \{ return 0;\} \};" for c in classes do write "class {c} " if c.supers.is_empty then write "\t: public virtual Root" else for s in [c.supers.first] do write "\t: public virtual {s}" end write "\{" write "\tpublic: virtual int id() \{ return {c.id}; \}" write "\};" end write "template" write "class L: public virtual Root \{ public:" write "\tE _item; virtual E item() \{ return _item; \} virtual void set_item(E i) \{ _item = i; \}" write "\tL *_next; virtual L *next() \{ return _next; \} virtual void set_next(L *n) \{ _next = n; \}" write "\tL(E i, L *n) \{ set_item(i); set_next(n); \}" write "\};" write "L *fill() \{" write "\tL *head = 0;" for c in classes do write "\tL<{c}*> *l{c} = new L<{c}*>(new {c}(), 0);" write "\thead = new L(l{c}, head);" end write "\thead = 0;" write "for (int x=0; x<{arraylen}; x++) \{" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = unlist[i] write "\tL<{c}*> *l{i} = new L<{c}*>(new {c}(), 0);" write "\thead = new L(l{i}, head);" end write "\}" write "return head;" write "\}" write "int run(L *head1, L *head2) \{" write "\tint cpt = 0;" write "\tint y = {loops/list.length};" write "\twhile (y > 0) \{;" write "\tL *n1 = head1;" write "\tL *n2 = head2;" write "\twhile (n1 != 0) \{" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = list[i] write "\t\tRoot *l{i} = n1->item();" write "\t\tL<{c}*> *lc{i} = dynamic_cast*>(l{i});" write "\t\t{c} *c{i} = lc{i}->item();" write "\t\tn1 = n1->next();" if count then write "\t\tif (c{i}->id() == {c.id}) cpt += 1;" end write "\t\tRoot *l2_{i} = n2->item();" write "\t\tL<{c}*> *lc2_{i} = dynamic_cast*>(l2_{i});" write "\t\tlc2_{i}->set_item(c{i});" write "\t\tn2 = n2->next();" end write "\t\}" write "y -= 1;" write "\}" write "return cpt;" write "\}" write "int main(int argc, char **argv) \{" write "L *head = fill();" write "int loops = 25;" write "if (argc > 1) loops = atoi(argv[1]);" write "for (int x=0; x= {arraylen} loop" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = unlist[i] write "\tcreate Result.make(create \{L[{c}]\}.make(create \{{c}\}, Void), Result)" end write "i := i + 1" write "end" write "end" write "run(head1: L[ROOT]; head2: L[ROOT]): INTEGER{istk}" write "local" write "\ty: INTEGER" write "\tn1, n2: L[ROOT]" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = list[i] write "\t\tl{i}: ROOT" write "\t\tlc{i}: L[{c}]" write "\t\tc{i}: {c}" write "\t\tl2_{i}: ROOT" write "\t\tlc2_{i}: L[{c}]" end write "do" write "\tfrom y := {loops/list.length}" write "\tuntil y <= 0" write "\tloop" write "\tfrom" write "\tn1 := head1" write "\tn2 := head2" write "\tuntil n1 = Void loop" for i in [0..listlen[ do var c = list[i] write "\t\tl{i} := n1.item" write "\t\tlc{i} ?= l{i}" write "\t\tc{i} := lc{i}.item" if count then write "\t\tif c{i}.id = {c.id} then Result := Result + 1 end" end write "\t\tl2_{i} := n2.item" write "\t\tlc2_{i} ?= l2_{i}" write "\t\tlc2_{i}.set_item(c{i})" write "\t\tn1 := n1.next" write "\t\tn2 := n2.next" end write "end" write "y := y - 1" write "end" write "end" if se then write "make{istk}" else write "make(args: ARRAY[STRING]){istk}" end write "local" write "head: L[ROOT]" write "loops: INTEGER" write "cpt: INTEGER" write "x: INTEGER" write "do" write "head := fill" write "loops := 25" if se then write "if argument_count > 0 then loops := argument(1).to_integer" else write "if args.count > 1 then loops := args.item(1).to_integer" end write "from x := 0 until x>=loops loop" write "\tcpt := run(head, head)" write "\tprint(x.out+\":%T\"+cpt.out+\"%N\")" write "\t x := x + 1" write "end" write "end" write "end" write "end" file.close end var count = false end var g = new Generator var name = args.first if args.length > 1 then var opts = args[1].split_with("_") for opt in opts do var oname = opt.substring(0,1) var val = opt.substring_from(1).to_i if oname == "l" then g.listlen = val else if oname == "w" then g.width = val else if oname == "h" then g.height = val else print "Option inconnue '{oname}'" exit(1) end end end g.genhier g.writenit(name) g.writejava(name, true) g.writecsharp(name, true) g.writescala(name) g.writecpp(name) g.writee("{name}_se", true) g.writee(name, false)