{ "results": [{ "name": "Career", "synopsis": "A `Career` gives a characteristic bonus or malus to the character.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "Career", "synopsis": "A `Career` gives a characteristic bonus or malus to the character." }], "class_name": "MClass", "full_name": "test_prog::Career", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "A Career gives a characteristic bonus or malus to the character.", "modifiers": ["abstract class"] }, { "name": "career", "synopsis": "The current `Career` of the character.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "Character", "synopsis": "Characters can be played by both the human or the machine." }, "::", { "name": "career", "synopsis": "The current `Career` of the character." }], "class_name": "MMethod", "full_name": "test_prog::Character::career", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "The current Career of the character.", "modifiers": ["fun"], "msignature": { "arity": 0, "mparameters": [], "return_mtype": { "name": "nullable Career", "synopsis": "A `Career` gives a characteristic bonus or malus to the character.", "html_synopsis": "A Career gives a characteristic bonus or malus to the character." } } }, { "name": "game", "synopsis": "Gaming group", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, ">", { "name": "game", "synopsis": "Gaming group" }, ">"], "class_name": "MGroup", "full_name": "test_prog>game>", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "Gaming group", "modifiers": ["group"] }, { "name": "game", "synopsis": "A game abstraction for RPG.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "game", "synopsis": "A game abstraction for RPG." }], "class_name": "MModule", "full_name": "test_prog::game", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "A game abstraction for RPG.", "modifiers": ["module"] }, { "name": "races", "synopsis": "Races of the game.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "races", "synopsis": "Races of the game." }], "class_name": "MModule", "full_name": "test_prog::races", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "Races of the game.", "modifiers": ["module"] }, { "name": "careers", "synopsis": "Careers of the game.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "careers", "synopsis": "Careers of the game." }], "class_name": "MModule", "full_name": "test_prog::careers", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "Careers of the game.", "modifiers": ["module"] }, { "name": "Game", "synopsis": "This is the interface you have to implement to use ure gaming platform.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "Game", "synopsis": "This is the interface you have to implement to use ure gaming platform." }], "class_name": "MClass", "full_name": "test_prog::Game", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "This is the interface you have to implement to use ure gaming platform.", "modifiers": ["interface"] }, { "name": "Race", "synopsis": "Race determines basic characteristics and what the character will be able to do in life.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "Race", "synopsis": "Race determines basic characteristics and what the character will be able to do in life." }], "class_name": "MClass", "full_name": "test_prog::Race", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "Race determines basic characteristics and what the character will be able to do in life.", "modifiers": ["abstract class"] }, { "name": "Starter", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "Starter" }], "class_name": "MClass", "full_name": "test_prog::Starter", "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["class"] }, { "name": "age", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "Character", "synopsis": "Characters can be played by both the human or the machine." }, "::", { "name": "age" }], "class_name": "MMethod", "full_name": "test_prog::Character::age", "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["fun"], "msignature": { "arity": 0, "mparameters": [], "return_mtype": { "name": "Int", "synopsis": "Some services about Integers.", "html_synopsis": "Some services about Integers." } } }], "page": 1, "count": 121, "limit": 10, "max": 12 }