# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # AST visitor module objc_visitor import objc_model import objc_parser # AST visitor building `model` from the parsed class headers class ObjcVisitor super Visitor # `ObjcModel` in construction var model = new ObjcModel # `ObjcClass` in construction, if any private var objc_class: nullable ObjcClass = null redef fun visit(n) do n.accept_objc(self) end redef class Node private fun accept_objc(v: ObjcVisitor) do visit_children(v) end # --- # Main nodes # Class declaration redef class Nlines_interface redef fun accept_objc(v) do var interface_block = n_interface_block if interface_block == null then return # If reopening a class, continue with the exisitng one var c = null for objc_class in v.model.classes do if objc_class.name == n_class.text then c = objc_class end end # New class if c == null then c = new ObjcClass(n_class.text) v.model.classes.add c end v.objc_class = c # Visit superclass declarations var inheritance_block = n_inheritance if inheritance_block != null then v.enter_visit(inheritance_block) # Visit main body v.enter_visit(interface_block) end end # Method or function declaration redef class Nsignature_block_signature redef fun accept_objc(v) do var method = new ObjcMethod method.return_type = n_signature_return_type.to_type method.scope = if n_scope.is_class_property then '-' else '+' for n_param in n_parameter.children do var param = n_param.to_param if param == null then # Unsupported parameter format method.is_commented = true # Use a placeholder for easier debugging param = new Param param.name = "UNKNOWN" param.return_type = "UNKNOWN" param.variable_name = "UNKNOWN" end method.params.add param end v.objc_class.methods.add method end end # Class variable/attribute declaration (inside alternative node) redef class Nproperty_property redef fun accept_objc(v) do var attr = new ObjcAttribute attr.return_type = n_type.to_type attr.name = n_left.collect_text v.objc_class.attributes.add attr end end # Class variable/attribute declaration (outside with @property) redef class Nproperty_declaration_property redef fun accept_objc(v) do # TODO property attribute readonly, copy, etc. super end end # --- # Support nodes redef class NProd # Append all tokens under this node in a `String` private fun collect_text: String do var buf = new FlatBuffer for node in depth do if node isa NToken then buf.append node.text return buf.to_s end end redef class Nlines # Do not visit other lines, they are only to be eaten redef fun accept_objc(v) do end end redef class Nscope # Does this mark a class property (+)? Otherwise it's an instance property (-). private fun is_class_property: Bool do return false end redef class Nscope_class redef fun is_class_property do return true end redef class Nsignature_return_type # Get type from this node TODO return an ObjcType private fun to_type: String do return collect_text end redef class Nsignature_return_type_return redef fun to_type do return n_type.to_type end redef class Nparameter # Return null if type is not yet unsupported private fun to_param: nullable Param do return null end # Parameters with both a public and an internal name redef class Nparameter_named redef fun to_param do var param = new Param param.variable_name = n_right.collect_text param.name = n_left.collect_text param.return_type = n_parameter_type.to_type return param end end # Usually the name of a method without parameters redef class Nparameter_single redef fun to_param do var param = new Param param.name = n_term.collect_text param.is_single = true return param end end redef class Nparameter_type # Get type from this node TODO return an ObjcType private fun to_type: String do # FIXME taking the first token skips pointers for child in children do if child isa Ntype then return child.to_type end end return collect_text end end redef class Ntype # Get type from this node TODO return an ObjcType private fun to_type: String do return collect_text end