# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Tool to parse XML texture atlas and generated Nit code to access subtextures module texture_atlas_parser import dom import gen_nit import opts # Command line options var opts = new OptionContext var opt_name = new OptionString("Name of the module to generate", "--name", "-n") var opt_dir = new OptionString("Folder where to write the generated module", "--dir") opts.add_option(opt_name, opt_dir) opts.parse var rest = opts.rest if opts.errors.not_empty then print_error opts.errors exit 1 end if rest.is_empty then print_error "Error: Expected the path to the XML file as argument" exit 2 end # Prepare to read XML file and gather the attributes var xml_file = rest.first var attributes = new Array[String] # Insert the first attribute, to load the root texture var png_file = "images" / xml_file.basename("xml") + "png" attributes.add """ var root_texture = new Texture("{{{png_file}}}")""" # Read XML file var content = xml_file.to_path.read_all var xml = content.to_xml if xml isa XMLError then print_error "RSS Parse Error: {xml.message}:{xml.location or else "null"}" exit 3 end var items = xml["TextureAtlas"].first.children for item in items do if item isa XMLOnelinerTag then var x = null var y = null var width = null var height = null var name = null for attr in item.attributes do if attr isa XMLStringAttr then if attr.name == "x" then x = attr.value.to_i else if attr.name == "y" then y = attr.value.to_i else if attr.name == "width" then width = attr.value.to_i else if attr.name == "height" then height = attr.value.to_i else if attr.name == "name" then name = attr.value end end if x != null and y != null and width != null and height != null and name != null then name = name.strip_extension(".png").to_snake_case var coords = "{x}, {y}, {width}, {height}" attributes.add """ var {{{name}}}: Texture = root_texture.subtexture({{{coords}}})""" else print_error "Error on {item}" end end var module_name = opt_name.value if module_name == null then module_name = "spritesheet" var class_name = module_name.capitalized.to_camel_case # Generate Nit code var nit_module = new NitModule(module_name) nit_module.header = """ # This file is generated by texture_atlas_parser """ nit_module.content.add """ import gamnit::display import gamnit::textures class {{{class_name}}} """ for a in attributes do nit_module.content.add a nit_module.content.add """ end""" var dir = opt_dir.value if dir != null then var out_path = dir / module_name + ".nit" nit_module.write_to_file out_path else printn nit_module.write_to_string end