# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Decorators for `markdown` parsing. module decorators import markdown # `Decorator` that outputs markdown. class MdDecorator super Decorator redef var headlines = new ArrayMap[String, HeadLine] redef fun add_ruler(v, block) do v.add "***\n" redef fun add_headline(v, block) do # save headline var txt = block.block.first_line.value var id = strip_id(txt) var lvl = block.depth headlines[id] = new HeadLine(id, txt, lvl) v.add "{"#" * lvl} " v.emit_in block v.addn end redef fun add_paragraph(v, block) do v.emit_in block v.addn end redef fun add_code(v, block) do if block isa BlockFence and block.meta != null then v.add "~~~{block.meta.to_s}" else v.add "~~~" end v.addn v.emit_in block v.add "~~~" v.addn end redef fun add_blockquote(v, block) do v.add "> " v.emit_in block v.addn end redef fun add_unorderedlist(v, block) do in_unorderedlist = true v.emit_in block in_unorderedlist = false end private var in_unorderedlist = false redef fun add_orderedlist(v, block) do in_orderedlist = true current_li = 0 v.emit_in block in_unorderedlist = false end private var in_orderedlist = false private var current_li = 0 redef fun add_listitem(v, block) do if in_unorderedlist then v.add "* " else if in_orderedlist then current_li += 1 v.add "{current_li} " end v.emit_in block v.addn end redef fun add_em(v, text) do v.add "*" v.add text v.add "*" end redef fun add_strong(v, text) do v.add "**" v.add text v.add "**" end redef fun add_strike(v, text) do v.add "~~" v.add text v.add "~~" end redef fun add_image(v, link, name, comment) do v.add "![" v.add name v.add "](" append_value(v, link) if comment != null and not comment.is_empty then v.add " " append_value(v, comment) end v.add ")" end redef fun add_link(v, link, name, comment) do v.add "[" v.add name v.add "](" append_value(v, link) if comment != null and not comment.is_empty then v.add " " append_value(v, comment) end v.add ")" end redef fun add_abbr(v, name, comment) do v.add "" v.emit_text(name) v.add "" end redef fun add_span_code(v, text, from, to) do v.add "`" append_code(v, text, from, to) v.add "`" end redef fun add_line_break(v) do v.add "\n" end redef fun append_value(v, text) do for c in text do escape_char(v, c) redef fun escape_char(v, c) do v.addc(c) redef fun append_code(v, buffer, from, to) do for i in [from..to[ do v.addc buffer[i] end end redef fun strip_id(txt) do # strip id var b = new FlatBuffer for c in txt do if c == ' ' then b.add '_' else if not c.is_letter and not c.is_digit and not allowed_id_chars.has(c) then continue b.add c end end var res = b.to_s var key = res # check for multiple id definitions if headlines.has_key(key) then var i = 1 key = "{res}_{i}" while headlines.has_key(key) do i += 1 key = "{res}_{i}" end end return key end private var allowed_id_chars: Array[Char] = ['-', '_', ':', '.'] end