# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2015 Alexandre Terrasa # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # JSON handling for `refund`. module refund_json import refund_base import json::static import json redef class RefundProcessor redef fun process(input_file, output_file) do self.output_file = output_file var json = load_input(input_file) var sheet = new ReclamationSheet.from_json(self, json) var res = process_refunds(sheet) write_output(res.to_pretty_json, output_file) end # Computes allowed refunds for a given `ReclamationSheet`. fun process_refunds(sheet: ReclamationSheet): JsonObject do # update stats var stats = load_stats stats.inc("total_treatments") # compute refunds current_refunds.clear var json = new JsonObject json["dossier"] = sheet.file.to_s json["mois"] = sheet.month.to_s var arr = new JsonArray var sum = 0.0.to_dollar for recl in sheet.recls do var refund = process_refund(sheet, recl) var obj = new JsonObject obj["soin"] = recl.care_id obj["date"] = recl.date.to_s obj["montant"] = refund.to_s arr.add obj sum += refund # update stats for care stats.inc("total_{recl.care_id}") end save_stats(stats) json["remboursements"] = arr json["total"] = sum.to_s return json end # Loads the input string and returns its content as a JsonObject. # # Dies if the file cannot be read or does not contain a valid JSONObject. fun load_input(file: String): JsonObject do if not file.file_exists then die("File `{file}` not found.") abort end var ptr = new FileReader.open(file) var json = ptr.read_all.parse_json if json isa JsonParseError then die("Wrong input file ({json.message})") abort else if json == null then die("Unable to parse input file as json (got null)") abort else if not json isa JsonObject then die("Wrong input type (expected JsonObject got {json.class_name})") abort end ptr.close return json end # Writes `str` in path specified by `file`. # # Used to produce output and stats. fun write_output(str: String, file: String) do var ofs = new FileWriter.open(file) ofs.write(str) ofs.write("\n") ofs.close end # UTILS # Does `json` contains `key`? Dies otherwise. private fun check_key(json: JsonObject, key: String) do if json.has_key(key) then return die("Malformed input (missing key {key})") end # Does `str` match the regex `re`. private fun check_format(str, re: String): Bool do return str.has(re.to_re) end redef fun die(msg) do # save error var obj = new JsonObject obj["message"] = msg write_output(obj.to_pretty_json, output_file) # update stats var stats = load_stats stats.inc("total_reject") save_stats(stats) # leave exit 1 end redef fun show_stats do print load_stats.to_json_object.to_pretty_json redef fun load_stats do # If no stats found, return a new object if not stats_file.file_exists then return new RefundStats # Try to read from file var ifs = new FileReader.open(stats_file) var content = ifs.read_all.parse_json ifs.close # If file is corrupted, return a new object if not content isa JsonObject then return new RefundStats # Return file contained stats return new RefundStats.from_json(content) end redef fun save_stats(stats) do write_output(stats.to_json_object.to_pretty_json, stats_file) end end redef class RefundStats # Inits `self` from the content of a JsonObject init from_json(json: JsonObject) do for k, v in json do self[k] = v.as(Int) end # Outputs `self` as a JSON string. fun to_json_object: JsonObject do var obj = new JsonObject for k, v in self do obj[k] = v return obj end end redef class ReclamationSheet # Inits `self` from the content of a `JsonObject`. init from_json(proc: RefundProcessor, json: JsonObject) do file = new ReclFile.from_json(proc, json) month = new ReclMonth.from_json(proc, json) recls = parse_recls(proc, json) init(file, month) end # Parses and checks the given `json` then returns an array of `Reclamation` instances. private fun parse_recls(proc: RefundProcessor, json: JsonObject): Array[Reclamation] do proc.check_key(json, "reclamations") var res = new Array[Reclamation] var recls = json["reclamations"] if recls == null then proc.die("Wrong type for `number` (expected JsonArray got null)") abort else if not recls isa JsonArray then proc.die("Wrong type for `number` (expected JsonArray got {recls.class_name})") abort end var i = 0 for obj in recls do if obj == null then proc.die("Wrong type for `reclamations#{i}` (expected JsonObject got null)") abort else if not obj isa JsonObject then proc.die("Wrong type for `reclamations#{i}` " + "(expected JsonObject got {obj.class_name})") abort end var recl = new Reclamation.from_json(proc, obj) if not month.has(recl.date) then proc.die("Wrong `mois` for `soin` with id `{recl.care_id}`") abort end if file.contract.care_by_id(recl.care_id) == null then proc.die("Unknown `soin` with id `{recl.care_id}`") abort end res.add recl i += 1 end return res end end redef class ReclFile # Inits `self` from the content of a JsonObject. init from_json(proc: RefundProcessor, json: JsonObject) do proc.check_key(json, "dossier") var id = json["dossier"] if id == null then proc.die("Wrong type for `dossier` (expected String got null)") abort else if not id isa String then proc.die("Wrong type for `dossier` (expected String got {id.class_name})") abort end # Check format parse_contract(proc, id) parse_client(proc, id) init(id) end # Tries to parse the contract from `file_id` string. private fun parse_contract(proc: RefundProcessor, file_id: String) do var kind = file_id.first.to_s if not proc.check_format(kind, "^[A-E]\{1\}$") then proc.die("Wrong contract (expected A, B, C, D or E got {kind})") end contract = contract_factory(proc, kind) end # Tries to parse the client number from the `file_id` string. private fun parse_client(proc: RefundProcessor, file_id: String) do var num = file_id.substring_from(1) if not proc.check_format(num, "^[0-9]\{6\}$") then proc.die("Wrong format for `number` (expected XXXXXX got {num})") abort end client = new Client(num) end end redef class ReclMonth # Inits `self` from a `JsonObject`. init from_json(proc: RefundProcessor, json: JsonObject) do proc.check_key(json, "mois") var month = json["mois"] if month == null then proc.die("Wrong type for `mois` (expected String got null)") return else if not month isa String then proc.die("Wrong type for `mois` (expected String got {month.class_name})") return end if not proc.check_format(month, "^[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}$") then proc.die("Wrong format for `mois` (expected AAAA-MM got {month})") return end from_string(proc, month) end # Inits `self` from a string representation formatted as `AAAA-MM`. init from_string(proc: RefundProcessor, str: String) do var parts = str.split("-") var year = parts[0].to_i var month = parts[1].to_i if month < 1 or month > 12 then proc.die("Wrong format for `mois` (expected AAAA-MM got {str})") return end date = new ReclDate(year, month, 1) init(date) end end redef class ReclDate # Inits `self` from a `JsonObject`. # # Dies if the `json` input is invalid. init from_json(proc: RefundProcessor, json: JsonObject) do proc.check_key(json, "date") var date = json["date"] if date == null then proc.die("Wrong type for `date` (expected String got null)") abort else if not date isa String then proc.die("Wrong type for `date` (expected String got {date.class_name})") abort end if not proc.check_format(date, "^[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}$") then proc.die("Wrong format for `date` (expected AAAA-MM-DD got {date})") abort end from_string(proc, date) end # Inits `self` from its string representation formatted as `AAAA-MM`. init from_string(proc: RefundProcessor, str: String) do var parts = str.split("-") year = parts[0].to_i month = parts[1].to_i day = parts[2].to_i if month < 1 or month > 12 or day < 1 or day > 31 then proc.die("Wrong format for `mois` (expected AAAA-MM got {str})") abort end init(year, month, day) end end redef class Reclamation # Inits `self` from a `JsonObject`. init from_json(proc: RefundProcessor, json: JsonObject) do care_id = parse_care_id(proc, json) date = new ReclDate.from_json(proc, json) fees = parse_fees(proc, json) init(care_id, date, fees) end # Inits `self` from its string representation formatted as `Int`. private fun parse_care_id(proc: RefundProcessor, json: JsonObject): Int do proc.check_key(json, "soin") var id = json["soin"] if id == null then proc.die("Wrong type for `soin` (expected Int got null)") abort else if not id isa Int then proc.die("Wrong type for `soin` (expected Int got {id.class_name})") abort end return id end # Inits `self` from its string representation formatted as `0.00$`. private fun parse_fees(proc: RefundProcessor, json: JsonObject): Dollar do proc.check_key(json, "montant") var fees = json["montant"] if fees == null then proc.die("Wrong type for `fees` (expected String got null)") abort else if not fees isa String then proc.die("Wrong type for `fees` (expected String got {fees.class_name})") abort end if not proc.check_format(fees, "^[0-9]+((\\.|\\,)[0-9]+)?\\$$") then proc.die("Wrong format for `montant` (expected XX.XX$ got {fees})") abort end return new Dollar.from_float(fees.basename("$").to_f) end end