# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Core supporting services for the FFI with Java # # This module *must* be imported by modules using the Java FFI. # Some might prefer to import the whole `java` package as it provides # other useful services. module ffi_support is cflags "-I $(JAVA_HOME)/include/ -I $(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux/" ldflags "-L $(JNI_LIB_PATH) -ljvm" new_annotation extra_java_files end import jvm redef class Sys private var jvm_cache: nullable JavaVM = null private var jni_env_cache: nullable JniEnv = null # Default Java Virtual Machine to use # # Instantiated using `create_default_jvm` if not already set. fun jvm: JavaVM do if jvm_cache == null then create_default_jvm return jvm_cache.as(not null) end # Sets the current default Java Virtual Machine (use with `jni_env=`) fun jvm=(jvm: JavaVM) do jvm_cache = jvm # Current main `JniEnv` fun jni_env: JniEnv do if jni_env_cache == null then create_default_jvm return jni_env_cache.as(not null) end # Sets the current default JNI env (use with `jvm=`) fun jni_env=(jni_env: JniEnv) do jni_env_cache = jni_env # Called by `jvm` and `jni_env` to instantiate a Java Virtual Machine. # Used mostly for the FFI with Java. protected fun create_default_jvm do var builder = new JavaVMBuilder # By default, look for Java classes in a jar file the same directory as the executable builder.options.add "-Djava.class.path={sys.program_name}.jar" var jvm = builder.create_jvm assert jvm != null else print "JVM creation failed" self.jvm = jvm assert not jvm.address_is_null self.jni_env = jvm.env assert not jni_env.address_is_null end # Get a Java class by its name from the current `jni_env` fun load_jclass(name: NativeString): JClass import jni_env `{ JNIEnv *nit_ffi_jni_env = Sys_jni_env(self); // retrieve the implementation Java class jclass java_class = (*nit_ffi_jni_env)->FindClass(nit_ffi_jni_env, name); if (java_class == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Nit FFI with Java error: failed to load class.\\n"); (*nit_ffi_jni_env)->ExceptionDescribe(nit_ffi_jni_env); exit(1); } return java_class; `} end # A standard Java string `java.lang.String` # # Converted to a Nit string using `to_s`, or to a C string with `to_cstring`. # Created using `String::to_java_string` or `NativeString::to_java_string`. extern class JavaString in "Java" `{ java.lang.String `} super JavaObject # Get the string from Java and copy it to Nit memory fun to_cstring: NativeString import sys, Sys.jni_env `{ Sys sys = JavaString_sys(self); JNIEnv *env = Sys_jni_env(sys); // Get the data from Java const char *java_cstr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, self, NULL); jsize len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength(env, self); // Copy it in control of Nit char *nit_cstr = (char*)malloc(len+1); memcpy(nit_cstr, java_cstr, len); nit_cstr[len] = '\0'; // Free JNI ref and return (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, self, java_cstr); return nit_cstr; `} redef fun to_s do if is_java_null then return "<{inspect_head}:null>" return to_cstring.to_s end end redef class NativeString # Get a Java string from this C string # # This instance is only valid until the next execution of Java code. # You can use `new_local_ref` to keep it longer. fun to_java_string: JavaString import sys, Sys.jni_env `{ Sys sys = JavaString_sys(self); JNIEnv *env = Sys_jni_env(sys); return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, self); `} end redef class Text # Get `self` as a `JavaString` fun to_java_string: JavaString do return to_cstring.to_java_string end redef extern class JavaObject # Returns a global reference to the Java object behind this reference # # You must use a global reference when keeping a Java object # across execution of Java code, per JNI specification. fun new_global_ref: SELF import sys, Sys.jni_env `{ Sys sys = JavaObject_sys(self); JNIEnv *env = Sys_jni_env(sys); return (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, self); `} # Delete this global reference fun delete_global_ref import sys, Sys.jni_env `{ Sys sys = JavaObject_sys(self); JNIEnv *env = Sys_jni_env(sys); (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, self); `} # Delete this local reference fun delete_local_ref import sys, Sys.jni_env `{ Sys sys = JavaObject_sys(self); JNIEnv *env = Sys_jni_env(sys); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, self); `} # Pops the current local reference frame and return a valid reference to self # # Similar to `JavaVM::pop_local_frame` but returns a value. fun pop_from_local_frame: SELF do var jni_env = sys.jni_env return pop_from_local_frame_with_env(jni_env) end # Java implementation of `pop_from_local_frame` protected fun pop_from_local_frame_with_env(jni_env: JniEnv): SELF `{ return (*jni_env)->PopLocalFrame(jni_env, self); `} # Is `self` null in Java? # # Since Java type system doesn't have the same `nullable` concept as Nit's, # the two systems are not directly compatible. Any Nit instances of # `JavaObject` may hold a Java null. # # To benefit from the safer type system of Nit, it is recommended to check # the return of all extern methods implemented in Java to ensure the value # is not a Java null. In case it is, you should replace it by a normal Nit # `null`. fun is_java_null: Bool in "Java" `{ return self == null; `} # `JavaString` representation of `self` using Java's `toString` fun to_java_string: JavaString in "Java" `{ return self.toString(); `} # Use Java's `toString` for any `JavaObject` redef fun to_s do if is_java_null then return "<{inspect_head}:null>" return to_java_string.to_s end end # Java class: java.lang.Throwable extern class JavaThrowable in "Java" `{ java.lang.Throwable `} super JavaObject # Java implementation: java.lang.String java.lang.Throwable.getMessage() fun message: JavaString in "Java" `{ return self.getMessage(); `} # Java implementation: java.lang.String java.lang.Throwable.getLocalizedMessage() fun localized_message: JavaString in "Java" `{ return self.getLocalizedMessage(); `} # Java implementation: java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace() fun print_stack_trace in "Java" `{ self.printStackTrace(); `} # Java implementation: java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Throwable.getCause() fun cause: JavaThrowable in "Java" `{ return self.getCause(); `} redef fun new_global_ref import sys, Sys.jni_env `{ Sys sys = JavaThrowable_sys(self); JNIEnv *env = Sys_jni_env(sys); return (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, self); `} redef fun pop_from_local_frame_with_env(jni_env) `{ return (*jni_env)->PopLocalFrame(jni_env, self); `} end # Java class: java.lang.Exception extern class JavaException in "Java" `{ java.lang.Exception `} super JavaThrowable redef fun new_global_ref import sys, Sys.jni_env `{ Sys sys = JavaException_sys(self); JNIEnv *env = Sys_jni_env(sys); return (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, self); `} redef fun pop_from_local_frame_with_env(jni_env) `{ return (*jni_env)->PopLocalFrame(jni_env, self); `} end redef class JniEnv # Create new `Java.nio.ByteBuffer` referring to `address` with the given `capacity` in bytes # # JNI function: NewDirectByteBuffer fun new_direct_byte_buffer(address: Pointer, capacity: Int): Java_nio_ByteBuffer `{ return (*self)->NewDirectByteBuffer(self, address, capacity); `} end # Container for data of a specific primitive type # # Java class: java.nio.Buffer extern class Java_nio_Buffer in "Java" `{ java.nio.Buffer `} super JavaObject # Address pointed by this buffer # # JNI function: GetDirectBufferAddress fun direct_buffer_address(jni_env: JniEnv): Pointer `{ return (*jni_env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(jni_env, self); `} # Capacity of this this buffer # # JNI function: GetDirectBufferCapacity fun direct_buffer_capacity(jni_env: JniEnv): Int `{ return (*jni_env)->GetDirectBufferCapacity(jni_env, self); `} end # A byte buffer # # Java class: java.nio.ByteBuffer extern class Java_nio_ByteBuffer in "Java" `{ java.nio.ByteBuffer `} super Java_nio_Buffer # Allocate a new `java.nio.ByteBuffer` with `allocateDirect` new direct(size: Int) in "Java" `{ return java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect((int)size); `} end