# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2006 Jean Privat # # This file is free software, which comes along with NIT. This software is # distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You can modify it is you want, provided this header # is kept unaltered, and a notification of the changes is added. # You are allowed to redistribute it and sell it, alone or is a part of # another product. # Binding to the SDL multomedia library package sdl extern SDL_Surface fun width: Int is extern "sdl_surface_width" fun height: Int is extern "sdl_surface_height" fun lock_surface: Int is extern "SDL_LockSurface" fun unlock_surface: Int is extern "SDL_LockSurface" fun blit_on(dest: SDL_Surface) is extern "sdl_blit_surface" fun blit_on_xy(dest: SDL_Surface, dest_x: Int, dest_y: Int) is extern "sdl_blit_surface_xy" fun update_rect(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int) is extern "SDL_UpdateRect" fun update_all do update_rect(0, 0, 0, 0) end fun clear is extern "sdl_clear_sruface" fun to_display_format: SDL_Surface is extern "SDL_DisplayFormat" fun free is extern "SDL_FreeSurface" end extern SDL_Screen super SDL_Surface fun flip is extern "SDL_Flip" end extern SDL_Event fun is_keyboard: Bool is extern "sdl_evt_is_keyboard" fun as_keyboard: SDL_KeyboardEvent is extern "sdl_evt_as_keyboard" fun is_mouse_button: Bool is extern "sdl_evt_is_mouse_button" fun as_mouse_button: SDL_MouseButtonEvent is extern "sdl_evt_as_mouse_button" fun is_mouse_motion: Bool is extern "sdl_evt_is_mouse_motion" fun as_mouse_motion: SDL_MouseMotionEvent is extern "sdl_evt_as_mouse_motion" fun is_expose: Bool is extern "sdl_evt_is_expose" fun is_quit: Bool is extern "sdl_evt_is_quit" end extern SDL_ButtonEvent super SDL_Event fun is_pressed: Bool is abstract end extern SDL_MouseEvent super SDL_Event fun x: Int is abstract fun y: Int is abstract end extern SDL_KeyboardEvent super SDL_ButtonEvent redef fun is_pressed: Bool is extern "sdl_keyboard_evt_state" end extern SDL_MouseButtonEvent super SDL_ButtonEvent super SDL_MouseEvent redef fun is_pressed: Bool is extern "sdl_mouse_button_evt_state" redef fun x: Int is extern "sdl_mouse_button_evt_x" redef fun y: Int is extern "sdl_mouse_button_evt_y" fun button: Int is extern "sdl_mouse_button_evt_button" end extern SDL_MouseMotionEvent super SDL_MouseEvent redef fun x: Int is extern "sdl_mouse_evt_x" redef fun y: Int is extern "sdl_mouse_evt_y" fun xrel: Int is extern "sdl_mouse_evt_xrel" fun yrel: Int is extern "sdl_mouse_evt_yrel" end class SDL_EventListener fun on_keyboard(evt: SDL_KeyboardEvent) do end fun on_mouse_button(evt: SDL_MouseButtonEvent) do end fun on_mouse_motion(evt: SDL_MouseMotionEvent) do end fun on_expose do end fun on_quit do end end class SDL_EventProcessor var _listeners: Array[SDL_EventListener] fun add_listener(l: SDL_EventListener) do _listeners.add(l) end fun remove_listener(l: SDL_EventListener) do _listeners.remove(l) end fun process_one_event do if sdl_poll_next_event then process_event(sdl_current_event) end end fun process_all_events do while sdl_poll_next_event do process_event(sdl_current_event) end end private fun process_event(evt: SDL_Event) do var sdl_listeners = _listeners if evt.is_keyboard then for i in sdl_listeners do i.on_keyboard(evt.as_keyboard) end else if evt.is_mouse_button then for i in sdl_listeners do i.on_mouse_button(evt.as_mouse_button) end else if evt.is_mouse_motion then for i in sdl_listeners do i.on_mouse_motion(evt.as_mouse_motion) end else if evt.is_expose then for i in sdl_listeners do i.on_expose end else if evt.is_quit then for i in sdl_listeners do i.on_quit end end end init do _listeners = new Array[SDL_EventListener] end end # General fun sdl_init is extern # Video fun sdl_set_video_mode(w: Int, h: Int, d: Int): SDL_Screen is extern fun sdl_set_fullscreen_video_mode(w: Int, h: Int, d: Int): SDL_Screen is extern fun sdl_load_raw_bmp(s: String): SDL_Surface do return sdl_load_bmp_native(s.to_cstring) end fun sdl_load_bmp(s: String): SDL_Surface do var raw = sdl_load_raw_bmp(s) var sprite = raw.to_display_format raw.free return sprite end fun sdl_load_bmp_native(s: NativeString): SDL_Surface is extern fun sdl_show_cursor=(b: Bool) is extern "sdl_show_cursor_1" fun sdl_show_cursor: Bool is extern "sdl_show_cursor_0" # WM fun sdl_grab=(b: Bool) is extern "sdl_grab_1" fun sdl_grab: Bool is extern "sdl_grab_0" # Events fun sdl_current_event: SDL_Event is extern fun sdl_poll_next_event: Bool is extern # Time fun sdl_get_ticks: Int is extern fun sdl_delay(ms: Int) is extern