# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This is an example of a client of the frontend without command-line processing. # # It offers a simple nitcorn web server that offers a textarea and nitpick and nitlignt it. module nitlight_as_a_service import frontend import highlight import nitcorn import nitcorn::log import template # Fully process a content as a nit source file. fun hightlightcode(hl: HighlightVisitor, content: String): HLCode do # Prepare a stand-alone tool context var tc = new ToolContext tc.nit_dir = tc.locate_nit_dir # still use the common lib to have core tc.keep_going = true # no exit, obviously tc.opt_warn.value = -1 # no output, obviously # Prepare an stand-alone model and model builder. # Unfortunately, models are enclosing and append-only. # There is no way (yet?) to have a shared module `core` with # isolated and throwable user modules. var model = new Model var mb = new ModelBuilder(model, tc) # Parse the code var source = new SourceFile.from_string("", content + "\n") var lexer = new Lexer(source) var parser = new Parser(lexer) var tree = parser.parse var hlcode = new HLCode(hl, content, source) # Check syntax error var eof = tree.n_eof if eof isa AError then mb.error(eof, eof.message) hl.hightlight_source(source) return hlcode end var amodule = tree.n_base.as(not null) # Load the AST as a module in the model # Then process it mb.load_rt_module(null, amodule, "") mb.run_phases # Highlight the processed module hl.enter_visit(amodule) return hlcode end # A standalone highlighted piece of code class HLCode # The highlighter used var hl: HighlightVisitor # The raw code source var content: String # The pseudo source-file var source: SourceFile # JavaScript code to update an existing codemirror editor. fun code_mirror_update: Template do var res = new Template res.add """ function nitmessage() { editor.operation(function(){ for (var i = 0; i < widgets.length; ++i) editor.removeLineWidget(widgets[i]); widgets.length = 0; """ for m in source.messages do res.add """ var l = document.createElement("div"); l.className = "lint-error" l.innerHTML = " {{{m.text.html_escape}}}"; var w = editor.addLineWidget({{{m.location.line_start-1}}}, l); widgets.push(w); """ end res.add """});}""" return res end end # Nitcorn service to hightlight code # # It's a single stand-alone page that has to form to itself. class HighlightAction super Action redef fun answer(http_request, turi) do var hl = new HighlightVisitor var page = new Template # There is code? Process it var code = http_request.post_args.get_or_null("code") var hlcode = null if code != null then hlcode = hightlightcode(hl, code) if http_request.post_args.get_or_null("ajax") == "true" and hlcode != null then page.add hlcode.code_mirror_update page.add """ document.getElementById("lightcode").innerHTML = "{{{hl.html.write_to_string.escape_to_c}}}"; nitmessage(); """ var response = new HttpResponse(200) response.header["Content-Type"] = "application/javascript" response.body = page.write_to_string return response end page.add """ {{{hl.head_content}}} """ # Add the form+textarea page.add """

""" if hlcode != null then # Inject highlight page.add "
			page.add hl.html.write_to_string
			page.add "

" page.add "" else page.add "
" end page.add hl.foot_content # Call codemirror page.add """ """ var response = new HttpResponse(200) response.header["Content-Type"] = "text/html" response.body = page.write_to_string return response end end var host = "localhost:8080" if args.length > 0 then host = args.first var vh = new VirtualHost(host) vh.routes.add new Route("/", new HighlightAction) var factory = new HttpFactory.and_libevent factory.config.virtual_hosts.add vh factory.run