# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Basic SAX listeners. module doxml::listener import saxophonit import model # Common abstractions for SAX listeners reading XML documents generated by Doxygen. abstract class DoxmlListener super ContentHandler # The locator setted by calling `document_locator=`. protected var locator: nullable SAXLocator = null # The project graph. fun graph: ProjectGraph is abstract redef fun document_locator=(locator: SAXLocator) do self.locator = locator end protected fun dox_uri: String do return "" redef fun start_element(uri: String, local_name: String, qname: String, atts: Attributes) do super if uri != dox_uri then return # None of our business. start_dox_element(local_name, atts) end # Process the start of an element in the Doxygen’s namespace. # # See `ContentHandler.start_element` for the description of the parameters. protected fun start_dox_element(local_name: String, atts: Attributes) do end redef fun end_element(uri: String, local_name: String, qname: String) do super if uri != dox_uri then return # None of our business. end_dox_element(local_name) end # Process the end of an element in the Doxygen’s namespace. # # See `ContentHandler.start_element` for the description of the parameters. protected fun end_dox_element(local_name: String) do end protected fun get_bool(atts: Attributes, local_name: String): Bool do return get_optional(atts, local_name, "no") == "yes" end # Get the value of an optional attribute. # # Parameters: # # * `atts`: attribute list. # * `local_name`: local name of the attribute. # * `default`: value to return when the specified attribute is not found. protected fun get_optional(atts: Attributes, local_name: String, default: String): String do return atts.value_ns(dox_uri, local_name) or else default end # Get the value of an required attribute. # # Parameters: # # * `atts`: attribute list. # * `local_name`: local name of the attribute. protected fun get_required(atts: Attributes, local_name: String): String do var value = atts.value_ns(dox_uri, local_name) if value == null then throw_error("The `{local_name}` attribute is required.") return "" else return value end end redef fun end_document do locator = null end # Throw an error with the specified message by prepending the current location. protected fun throw_error(message: String) do var e: SAXParseException if locator != null then e = new SAXParseException.with_locator(message, locator.as(not null)) else e = new SAXParseException(message) end e.throw end end # A `DoxmlListener` that read only a part of a document. # # Temporary redirect events to itself until it ends processing its part. abstract class StackableListener super DoxmlListener # The associated reader. var reader: XMLReader # The parent listener. var parent: DoxmlListener # Namespace’s IRI of the element at the root of the part to process. private var root_uri: String = "" # Local name of the element at the root of the part to process. private var root_local_name: String = "" # The number of open element of the same type than the root of the part to process. private var depth = 0 # The project graph. private var p_graph: ProjectGraph is noinit init do super p_graph = parent.graph end redef fun graph do return p_graph # Temporary redirect events to itself until the end of the specified element. fun listen_until(uri: String, local_name: String) do root_uri = uri root_local_name = local_name depth = 1 reader.content_handler = self locator = parent.locator end redef fun start_element(uri: String, local_name: String, qname: String, atts: Attributes) do super if uri == root_uri and local_name == root_local_name then depth += 1 end end redef fun end_element(uri: String, local_name: String, qname: String) do super if uri == root_uri and local_name == root_local_name then depth -= 1 if depth <= 0 then end_listening parent.end_element(uri, local_name, qname) end end end # Reset the reader’s listener to the parent. fun end_listening do reader.content_handler = parent locator = null end redef fun end_document do end_listening end end # A SAX listener that skips any event except the end of the part to process. # # Used to skip an entire element. class NoopListener super StackableListener end # Concatenates any text node found. class TextListener super StackableListener protected var buffer: Buffer = new FlatBuffer private var sp: Bool = false redef fun listen_until(uri: String, local_name: String) do buffer.clear sp = false super end redef fun characters(str: String) do if sp then if buffer.length > 0 then buffer.append(" ") sp = false end buffer.append(str) end redef fun ignorable_whitespace(str: String) do sp = true end # Flush the buffer. protected fun flush_buffer: String do var s = buffer.to_s buffer.clear sp = false return s end redef fun to_s do return buffer.to_s end # Processes a content of type `linkedTextType`. abstract class LinkedTextListener[T: LinkedText] super TextListener # The read text. var linked_text: T is noinit private var refid = "" # Create a new instance of `T`. protected fun create_linked_text: T is abstract redef fun listen_until(uri: String, local_name: String) do linked_text = create_linked_text refid = "" super end redef fun start_dox_element(local_name: String, atts: Attributes) do super push_part if "ref" == local_name then refid = get_required(atts, "refid") end redef fun end_dox_element(local_name: String) do super push_part if "ref" == local_name then refid = "" end private fun push_part do var s = flush_buffer if not s.is_empty then linked_text.add_part(s, refid) end end redef fun to_s do return linked_text.to_s end # Processes the content of a `` element. class TypeListener super LinkedTextListener[RawType] private var raw_type: RawType is noinit redef fun create_linked_text do return new RawType(graph) end