# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org )t # # Copyright 2014 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Compile program for the Android platform module android_platform import platform import abstract_compiler import common_ffi import android_annotations redef class ToolContext redef fun platform_from_name(name) do if name == "android" then return new AndroidPlatform return super end fun exec_and_check(args: Array[String]) do var prog = args.first args.remove_at 0 # Is the wanted program available? var proc_which = new IProcess.from_a("which", [prog]) proc_which.wait var res = proc_which.status if res != 0 then print "Android project error: executable \"{prog}\" not found" exit 1 end # Execute the wanted program var proc = new Process.from_a(prog, args) proc.wait res = proc.status if res != 0 then print "Android project error: execution of \"{prog} {args.join(" ")}\" failed" exit 1 end end end class AndroidPlatform super Platform redef fun supports_libunwind do return false redef fun toolchain(toolcontext) do return new AndroidToolchain(toolcontext) end class AndroidToolchain super MakefileToolchain var android_project_root: nullable String = null redef fun compile_dir do var normal_compile_dir = super android_project_root = normal_compile_dir return "{normal_compile_dir}/jni/nit_compile/" end redef fun write_files(compiler, compile_dir, cfiles) do var android_project_root = android_project_root.as(not null) var project = toolcontext.modelbuilder.android_project_for(compiler.mainmodule) var short_project_name = compiler.mainmodule.name var app_name = project.name if app_name == null then app_name = compiler.mainmodule.name print app_name var app_package = project.java_package if app_package == null then app_package = "org.nitlanguage.{short_project_name}" var app_version = project.version if app_version == null then app_version = "1.0" var args = ["android", "-s", "create", "project", "--name", short_project_name, "--target", "android-10", "--path", android_project_root, "--package", app_package, "--activity", short_project_name] toolcontext.exec_and_check(args) # create compile_dir var dir = "{android_project_root}/jni/" if not dir.file_exists then dir.mkdir dir = compile_dir if not dir.file_exists then dir.mkdir # compile normal C files super(compiler, compile_dir, cfiles) # Gather extra C files generated elsewhere than in super for f in compiler.extern_bodies do if f isa ExternCFile then cfiles.add(f.filename.basename("")) end ## Generate delagating makefile dir = "{android_project_root}/jni/" var file = new OFStream.open("{dir}/Android.mk") file.write """ include $(call all-subdir-makefiles) """ file.close ### generate makefile into "{compile_dir}/Android.mk" dir = compile_dir file = new OFStream.open("{dir}/Android.mk") file.write """ LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_CFLAGS := -D ANDROID LOCAL_MODULE := main LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \\ {{{cfiles.join(" \\\n")}}} LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -landroid -lEGL -lGLESv1_CM -lz LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := android_native_app_glue png include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) $(call import-module,android/native_app_glue) """ file.close ### generate AndroidManifest.xml dir = android_project_root file = new OFStream.open("{dir}/AndroidManifest.xml") file.write """ {{{project.manifest_application_lines.join("\n")}}} {{{project.manifest_lines.join("\n")}}} """ file.close ### generate res/values/strings.xml dir = "{android_project_root}/res/" if not dir.file_exists then dir.mkdir dir = "{dir}/values/" if not dir.file_exists then dir.mkdir file = new OFStream.open("{dir}/strings.xml") file.write """ {{{app_name}}} """ file.close ### Link to png sources # libpng is not available on Android NDK # FIXME make obtionnal when we have alternatives to mnit var nit_dir = toolcontext.nit_dir var share_dir = "{nit_dir}/share/" if nit_dir == null or not share_dir.file_exists then print "Android project error: Nit share directory not found, please use the environment variable NIT_DIR" exit 1 end share_dir = share_dir.realpath var target_png_dir = "{android_project_root}/jni/png" if not target_png_dir.file_exists then toolcontext.exec_and_check(["ln", "-s", "{share_dir}/png/", target_png_dir]) end ### Link to assets (for mnit and others) # This will be accessed from `android_project_root` var assets_dir if compiler.mainmodule.location.file != null then # it is a real file, use "{file}/../assets" assets_dir = "{compiler.mainmodule.location.file.filename.dirname}/../assets" else # probably used -m, use "." assets_dir = "assets" end if assets_dir.file_exists then assets_dir = assets_dir.realpath var target_assets_dir = "{android_project_root}/assets" if not target_assets_dir.file_exists then toolcontext.exec_and_check(["ln", "-s", assets_dir, target_assets_dir]) end end end redef fun write_makefile(compiler, compile_dir, cfiles) do # Do nothing, already done in `write_files` end redef fun compile_c_code(compiler, compile_dir) do var android_project_root = android_project_root.as(not null) # Compile C code (and thus Nit) toolcontext.exec_and_check(["ndk-build", "-s", "-j", "4", "-C", android_project_root]) # Generate the apk toolcontext.exec_and_check(["ant", "-q", "debug", "-f", android_project_root+"/build.xml"]) # Move the apk to the target var outname = toolcontext.opt_output.value if outname == null then outname = "{compiler.mainmodule.name}.apk" toolcontext.exec_and_check(["mv", "{android_project_root}/bin/{compiler.mainmodule.name}-debug.apk", outname]) end end redef class JavaClassTemplate redef fun write_to_files(compdir) do var jni_path = "jni/nit_compile/" if compdir.has_suffix(jni_path) then var path = "{compdir.substring(0, compdir.length-jni_path.length)}/src/" return super(path) else return super end end