# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2014 Romain Chanoir # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Android audio services, wraps a part of android audio API # # For this example, the sounds "test_sound" and "test_music" are located in the "assets/sounds" folder, # they both have ".ogg" extension. "test_sound" is a short sound and "test_music" a music track # ~~~nitish # # Note that you need to specify the path from "assets" folder and the extension # var s = app.load_sound("sounds/test_sound.ogg") # var m = app.load_music("sounds/test_music.ogg") # s.play # m.play # ~~~ # # Now, the sounds are in "res/raw" # ~~~nitish # s = app.load_sound_from_res("test_sound") # m = app.load_music_from_res("test_sound") # s.play # m.play # ~~~ # # See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/package-summary.html for more infos module audio import java import java::io import assets_and_resources import app::audio in "Java" `{ import android.media.MediaPlayer; import android.media.SoundPool; import java.io.IOException; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.media.AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; `} # FIXME: This listener is not working at the moment, but is needed to gain or give up the audio focus # of the application in "Java inner" `{ static OnAudioFocusChangeListener afChangeListener = new OnAudioFocusChangeListener() { public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) { if(focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT) { }else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN) { }else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) { } } }; `} # AudioManager of the application, used to manage the audio mode extern class NativeAudioManager in "Java" `{ android.media.AudioManager `} super JavaObject # Current audio mode. # ( MODE_NORMAL = 0, MODE_RINGTONE = 1, MODE_IN_CALL = 2 or MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION = 3 ) fun mode: Int in "Java" `{ return recv.getMode(); `} # Sets the audio mode. # ( MODE_NORMAL = 0, MODE_RINGTONE = 1, MODE_IN_CALL = 2 or MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION = 3 ) fun mode=(i: Int) in "Java" `{ recv.setMode((int)i); `} # Sends a request to obtain audio focus fun request_audio_focus: Int in "Java" `{ return recv.requestAudioFocus(afChangeListener, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN); `} # Gives up audio focus fun abandon_audio_focus: Int in "Java" `{ return recv.abandonAudioFocus(afChangeListener); `} end # Media Player from Java, used to play long sounds or musics, not simultaneously # This is a low-level class, use `MediaPlater` instead private extern class NativeMediaPlayer in "Java" `{ android.media.MediaPlayer `} super JavaObject new in "Java" `{ MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); return mp; `} fun start in "Java" `{ recv.start(); `} fun prepare in "Java" `{ try { recv.prepare(); }catch(IOException e) { Log.e("Error preparing the Media Player", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } `} fun create(context: NativeActivity, id: Int): NativeMediaPlayer in "Java" `{ return recv.create(context, (int)id); `} fun pause in "Java" `{ recv.pause(); `} fun stop in "Java" `{ recv.stop(); `} fun playing: Bool in "Java" `{ return recv.isPlaying(); `} fun release in "Java" `{ recv.release(); `} fun duration: Int in "Java" `{ return recv.getDuration(); `} fun looping: Bool in "Java" `{ return recv.isLooping(); `} fun looping=(b: Bool) in "Java" `{ recv.setLooping(b); `} fun volume=(vol: Float) in "Java" `{ recv.setVolume((float)vol, (float)vol); `} fun both_volume(left_volume, right_volume: Float) in "Java" `{ recv.setVolume((float)left_volume, (float)right_volume); `} fun stream_type=(stream_type: Int) in "Java" `{ recv.setAudioStreamType((int)stream_type); `} fun data_source_fd(fd: NativeFileDescriptor, start_offset, length: Int) in "Java" `{ try { recv.setDataSource(fd, start_offset, length); }catch(IOException e) { Log.e("Error loading the Media Player with a file descriptor", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } `} fun data_source_path(path: JavaString) in "Java" `{ try { recv.setDataSource(path); }catch(IOException e) { Log.e("Error loading the Media Player", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } `} fun reset in "Java" `{ recv.reset(); `} end # Sound Pool from Java, used to play sounds simultaneously # This is a low-level class, use `SoundPool`instead private extern class NativeSoundPool in "Java" `{ android.media.SoundPool `} super JavaObject new(max_streams, stream_type, src_quality: Int) in "Java" `{ return new SoundPool((int)max_streams, (int)stream_type, (int)src_quality); `} fun load_asset_fd(afd: NativeAssetFileDescriptor, priority: Int): Int in "Java" `{ return recv.load(afd, (int)priority); `} fun load_id(context: NativeActivity, resid, priority: Int): Int in "Java" `{ return recv.load(context, (int)resid, (int)priority); `} fun load_path(path: JavaString, priority: Int): Int in "Java" `{ return recv.load(path, (int)priority); `} fun play(sound_id: Int, left_volume, right_volume: Float, priority, l: Int, rate: Float): Int in "Java" `{ return recv.play((int)sound_id, (float)left_volume, (float)right_volume, (int)priority, (int)l, (float)rate); `} fun pause(stream_id: Int) in "Java" `{ recv.pause((int)stream_id); `} fun auto_pause in "Java" `{ recv.autoPause(); `} fun auto_resume in "Java" `{ recv.autoResume(); `} fun resume(stream_id: Int) in "Java" `{ recv.resume((int)stream_id); `} fun set_loop(stream_id, l: Int) in "Java" `{ recv.setLoop((int)stream_id, (int)l); `} fun set_priority(stream_id, priority: Int) in "Java" `{ recv.setPriority((int)stream_id, (int)priority); `} fun set_rate(stream_id: Int, rate: Float) in "Java" `{ recv.setRate((int)stream_id, (float)rate); `} fun set_volume(stream_id: Int, left_volume, right_volume: Float) in "Java" `{ recv.setVolume((int)stream_id, (float)left_volume, (float)right_volume); `} fun stop(stream_id: Int) in "Java" `{ recv.stop((int)stream_id); `} fun unload(sound_id: Int): Bool in "Java" `{ return recv.unload((int)sound_id); `} fun release in "Java" `{ recv.release(); `} end # Used to play sound, best suited for sounds effects in apps or games class SoundPool private var nsoundpool: NativeSoundPool is noinit # The maximum number of simultaneous streams for this SoundPool var max_streams = 10 is writable # The audio stream type, 3 is STREAM_MUSIC, default for game application var stream_type = 3 is writable # The sample-rate converter quality, currently has no effect var src_quality = 0 is writable # Left volume value, range 0.0 to 1.0 var left_volume = 1.0 is writable # Right volume value, range 0.0 to 1.0 var right_volume = 1.0 is writable # Playback rate, 1.0 = normal playback, range 0.5 to 2.0 var rate = 1.0 is writable # Loop mode, 0 = no loop, -1 = loop forever var looping = 0 is writable # Stream priority private var priority = 1 init do self.nsoundpool = new NativeSoundPool(max_streams, stream_type, src_quality) # Load the sound from an asset file descriptor # this function is for advanced use fun load_asset_fd(afd: NativeAssetFileDescriptor): Sound do return new SoundSP(null, nsoundpool.load_asset_fd(afd, priority), self) end # Load the sound from its resource id fun load_id(context: NativeActivity, id:Int): Sound do return new SoundSP(null, nsoundpool.load_id(context, id, priority), self) end # Load the sound from the specified path fun load_path(path: String): Sound do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(1) var return_value = new SoundSP(0, nsoundpool.load_path(path.to_java_string, priority), self) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Play a sound from a sound ID # return non-zero streamID if successful, zero if failed fun play(id: Int): Int do return nsoundpool.play(id, left_volume, right_volume, priority, looping, rate) end # Load a sound by its name in the resources, the sound must be in the `res/raw` folder fun load_name(resource_manager: ResourcesManager, context: NativeActivity, sound: String): Sound do var id = resource_manager.raw_id(sound) return new SoundSP(id, nsoundpool.load_id(context, id, priority), self) end # Pause a playback stream fun pause_stream(stream_id: Int) do nsoundpool.pause(stream_id) # Pause all active_streams fun auto_pause do nsoundpool.auto_pause # Resume all previously active streams fun auto_resume do nsoundpool.auto_resume # Resume a playback stream fun resume(stream_id: Int) do nsoundpool.resume(stream_id) # Set loop mode on a stream fun stream_loop=(stream_id, looping: Int) do nsoundpool.set_loop(stream_id, looping) # Change stream priority fun stream_priority=(stream_id, priority: Int) do nsoundpool.set_priority(stream_id, priority) # Change playback rate fun stream_rate=(stream_id: Int, rate: Float) do nsoundpool.set_rate(stream_id, rate) # Set stream volume fun stream_volume(stream_id: Int, left_volume, right_volume: Float) do nsoundpool.set_volume(stream_id, left_volume, right_volume) end # Stop a playback stream fun stop_stream(stream_id: Int) do nsoundpool.stop(stream_id) # Unload a sound from a sound ID fun unload(sound: SoundSP): Bool do return nsoundpool.unload(sound.soundpool_id) fun destroy do nsoundpool.release end # Used to play sounds, designed to use with medium sized sounds or streams # The Android MediaPlayer has a complex state diagram that you'll need to # respect if you want your MediaPlayer to work fine, see the android doc class MediaPlayer private var nmedia_player: NativeMediaPlayer is noinit # Used to control the state of the mediaplayer private var is_prepared = false is writable # The sound associated with this mediaplayer var sound: nullable Sound = null is writable # Create a new MediaPlayer, but no sound is attached, you'll need # to use `load_sound` before using it init do self.nmedia_player = new NativeMediaPlayer # Init the mediaplayer with a sound resource id init from_id(context: NativeActivity, id: Int) do self.nmedia_player = new NativeMediaPlayer self.nmedia_player = nmedia_player.create(context, id) self.sound = new SoundMP(id, self) end # Load a sound for a given resource id fun load_sound(id: Int, context: NativeActivity): Sound do self.nmedia_player = self.nmedia_player.create(context, id) self.sound = new SoundMP(id, self) self.is_prepared = true return self.sound.as(not null) end # Starts or resumes playback # REQUIRE `self.sound != null` fun start do if not is_prepared then prepare nmedia_player.start end # Stops playback after playback has been stopped or paused # REQUIRE `self.sound != null` fun stop do is_prepared = false nmedia_player.stop end # Prepares the player for playback, synchronously # REQUIRE `self.sound != null` fun prepare do assert sound != null nmedia_player.prepare is_prepared = true end # Pauses playback # REQUIRE `self.sound != null` fun pause do assert sound != null nmedia_player.pause end # Checks whether the mediaplayer is playing fun playing: Bool do return nmedia_player.playing # Releases the resources associated with this MediaPlayer fun destroy do nmedia_player.release self.sound = null end # Reset MediaPlayer to its initial state fun reset do nmedia_player.reset # Sets the datasource (file-path or http/rtsp URL) to use fun data_source(path: String): Sound do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(1) nmedia_player.data_source_path(path.to_java_string) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame self.sound = new SoundMP(null, self) return self.sound.as(not null) end # Sets the data source (NativeFileDescriptor) to use fun data_source_fd(fd: NativeFileDescriptor, start_offset, length: Int): Sound do nmedia_player.data_source_fd(fd, start_offset, length) self.sound = new SoundMP(null, self) return self.sound.as(not null) end # Checks whether the MediaPlayer is looping or non-looping fun looping: Bool do return nmedia_player.looping # Sets the player to be looping or non-looping fun looping=(b: Bool) do nmedia_player.looping = b # Sets the volume on this player fun volume=(volume: Float) do nmedia_player.volume = volume # Sets the left volume and the right volume of this player fun both_volume(left_volume, right_volume: Float) do nmedia_player.both_volume(left_volume, right_volume) # Sets the audio stream type for this media player fun stream_type=(stream_type: Int) do nmedia_player.stream_type = stream_type end redef class Sound # Resource ID of this sound var id: nullable Int end # Sound implemented with a SoundPool class SoundSP super Sound # The SoundPool who loaded this sound var soundpool: SoundPool # The SoundID of this sound in his SoundPool var soundpool_id: Int private init (id: nullable Int, soundpool_id: Int, soundpool: SoundPool) do self.id = id self.soundpool_id = soundpool_id self.soundpool = soundpool end redef fun play do soundpool.play(soundpool_id) redef fun pause do soundpool.pause_stream(soundpool_id) redef fun resume do soundpool.resume(soundpool_id) end # Sound Implemented with a MediaPlayer class SoundMP super Sound # The MediaPlayer who loaded this sound var media_player: MediaPlayer private init (id: nullable Int, media_player: MediaPlayer) do self.id = id self.media_player = media_player end redef fun play do media_player.start redef fun pause do media_player.pause redef fun resume do play end redef class App # Sounds handled by the application, when you load a sound, it's added to this list. # This array is used in `pause` and `resume` private var sounds = new Array[Sound] # Returns the default MediaPlayer of the application. # When you load a music, it goes in this MediaPlayer. # Use it for advanced sound management fun default_mediaplayer: MediaPlayer is cached do return new MediaPlayer # Returns the default MediaPlayer of the application. # When you load a short sound (not a music), it's added to this soundpool. # Use it for advanced sound management. fun default_soundpool: SoundPool is cached do return new SoundPool # Get the native audio manager fun audio_manager: NativeAudioManager import native_activity in "Java" `{ return (AudioManager)App_native_activity(recv).getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); `} # Sets the stream of the app to STREAM_MUSIC. # STREAM_MUSIC is the default stream used by android apps. private fun manage_audio_stream import native_activity, native_app_glue in "Java" `{ App_native_activity(recv).setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); `} # Retrieves a sound with a soundpool in the `assets` folder using its name. # Used to play short songs, can play multiple sounds simultaneously redef fun load_sound(path: String): Sound do return add_to_sounds(default_soundpool.load_asset_fd(asset_manager.open_fd(path))) end # Retrieves a music with a media player in the `assets` folder using its name. # Used to play long sounds or musics, can't play multiple sounds simultaneously fun load_music(path: String): Sound do var fd = asset_manager.open_fd(path) return add_to_sounds(default_mediaplayer.data_source_fd(fd.file_descriptor, fd.start_offset, fd.length)) end # Same as `load_sound` but load the sound from the `res/raw` folder fun load_sound_from_res(sound_name: String): Sound do return add_to_sounds(default_soundpool.load_name(resource_manager,self.native_activity, sound_name)) end # Same as `load_music` but load the sound from the `res/raw` folder fun load_music_from_res(music: String): Sound do return add_to_sounds(default_mediaplayer.load_sound(resource_manager.raw_id(music), self.native_activity)) end # Factorizes `sounds.add` to use it in `load_music`, `load_sound`, `load_music_from_res` and `load_sound_from_res` private fun add_to_sounds(sound: Sound): Sound do sounds.add(sound) return sound end redef fun pause do for s in sounds do s.pause audio_manager.abandon_audio_focus end redef fun init_window do super audio_manager.request_audio_focus manage_audio_stream end redef fun resume do super audio_manager.request_audio_focus for s in sounds do s.resume end end