# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Simple API for 2D games, built around `Sprite` and `App::update` # # Client programs should implement `App::update` to execute game logic and # add instances of `Sprite` to `App::sprites` and `App::ui_sprites`. # At each frame, all sprites are drawn to the screen. # # This system relies on two cameras `App::world_camera` and `App::ui_camera`. # # * `App::world_camera` applies a perspective effect to draw the game world. # This camera is designed to be moved around to see the world as well as to # zoom in and out. It is used to position the sprites in `App::sprites`. # # * `App::ui_camera` is a simple orthogonal camera to display UI objects. # This camera should mostly be still, it can still move for chock effects # and the like. It can be used to standardize the size of the UI across # devices. It is used to position the sprites in `App::ui_sprites`. # # See the sample game at `contrib/asteronits/` and the basic project template # at `lib/gamnit/examples/template/`. module flat import glesv2 intrude import geometry::points_and_lines # For _x, _y and _z intrude import matrix import matrix::projection import more_collections import performance_analysis import gamnit import gamnit::cameras_cache import gamnit::dynamic_resolution import gamnit::limit_fps import gamnit::camera_control # Visible 2D entity in the game world or UI # # Similar to `gamnit::Actor` which is in 3D. # # Each sprite associates a `texture` to the position `center`. # The appearance is modified by `rotation`, `invert_x`, # `scale`, `red`, `green`, `blue` and `alpha`. # These values can be changed at any time and will trigger an update # of the data on the GPU side, having a small performance cost. # # For a sprite to be visible, it must be added to either the world `sprites` # or the `ui_sprites`. # However, an instance of `Sprite` can only belong to a single `SpriteSet` # at a time. The final on-screen position depends on the camera associated # to the `SpriteSet`. # # ~~~ # # Load texture and create sprite # var texture = new Texture("path/in/assets.png") # var sprite = new Sprite(texture, new Point3d[Float](0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # # # Add sprite to the visible game world # app.sprites.add sprite # # # Extra configuration of the sprite # sprite.rotation = pi/2.0 # sprite.scale = 2.0 # # # Show only the blue colors # sprite.red = 0.0 # sprite.green = 0.0 # ~~~ # # To add a sprite to the UI it can be anchored to screen borders # with `ui_camera.top_left` and the likes. # # ~~~nitish # # Place it a bit off the top left of the screen # var pos = app.ui_camera.top_left.offset(128.0, -128.0, 0) # # # Load texture and create sprite # var texture = new Texture("path/in/assets.png") # var sprite = new Sprite(texture, pos) # # # Add it to the UI (above world sprites) # app.ui_sprites.add sprite # ~~~ class Sprite # Texture drawn to screen var texture: Texture is writable(texture_direct=) # Texture drawn to screen fun texture=(value: Texture) do if isset _texture and value != texture then needs_update if value.root != texture.root then needs_remap end texture_direct = value end # Center position of this sprite in world coordinates var center: Point3d[Float] is writable(center_direct=), noautoinit # Center position of this sprite in world coordinates fun center=(value: Point3d[Float]) is autoinit do if isset _center and value != center then needs_update center.sprites_remove self end value.sprites_add self center_direct = value end # Rotation on the Z axis, positive values turn counterclockwise var rotation = 0.0 is writable(rotation_direct=) # Rotation on the Z axis, positive values turn counterclockwise fun rotation=(value: Float) do if isset _rotation and value != rotation then needs_update rotation_direct = value end # Mirror `texture` horizontally, inverting each pixel on the X axis var invert_x = false is writable(invert_x_direct=) # Mirror `texture` horizontally, inverting each pixel on the X axis fun invert_x=(value: Bool) do if isset _invert_x and value != invert_x then needs_update invert_x_direct = value end # Scale applied to this sprite # # The basic size of `self` depends on the size in pixels of `texture`. var scale = 1.0 is writable(scale_direct=) # Scale applied to this sprite # # The basic size of `self` depends on the size in pixels of `texture`. fun scale=(value: Float) do if isset _scale and value != scale then needs_update scale_direct = value end # Red tint applied to `texture` on draw fun red: Float do return tint[0] # Red tint applied to `texture` on draw fun red=(value: Float) do if isset _tint and value != red then needs_update tint[0] = value end # Green tint applied to `texture` on draw fun green: Float do return tint[1] # Green tint applied to `texture` on draw fun green=(value: Float) do if isset _tint and value != green then needs_update tint[1] = value end # Blue tint applied to `texture` on draw fun blue: Float do return tint[2] # Blue tint applied to `texture` on draw fun blue=(value: Float) do if isset _tint and value != blue then needs_update tint[2] = value end # Transparency applied to `texture` on draw fun alpha: Float do return tint[3] # Transparency applied to `texture` on draw fun alpha=(value: Float) do if isset _tint and value != alpha then needs_update tint[3] = value end # Tint applied to `texture` on draw # # Alternative to the accessors `red, green, blue & alpha`. # Changes inside the array do not automatically set `needs_update`. # # Require: `tint.length == 4` var tint: Array[Float] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] is writable(tint_direct=) # Tint applied to `texture` on draw, see `tint` fun tint=(value: Array[Float]) do if isset _tint and value != tint then needs_update tint_direct = value end # Is this sprite static and added in bulk? # # Set to `true` to give a hint to the framework that this sprite won't # change often and that it is added in bulk with other static sprites. # This value can be ignored in the prototyping phase of a game and # added only when better performance are needed. var static = false is writable(static_direct=) # Is this sprite static and added in bulk? see `static` fun static=(value: Bool) do if isset _static and value != static then needs_remap static_direct = value end # Request an update on the CPU # # This is called automatically on modification of any value of `Sprite`. # However, it can still be set manually if a modification can't be # detected or by subclasses. fun needs_update do var c = context if c != null then c.sprites_to_update.add self end # Request a resorting of this sprite in its sprite list # # Resorting is required when `static` or the root of `texture` changes. # This is called automatically when such changes are detected. # However, it can still be set manually if a modification can't be # detected or by subclasses. fun needs_remap do var l = sprite_set if l != null then l.sprites_to_remap.add self end # Current context to which `self` was sorted private var context: nullable SpriteContext = null # Current context to which `self` belongs private var sprite_set: nullable SpriteSet = null end redef class App # Default graphic program to draw `sprites` private var simple_2d_program = new Simple2dProgram is lazy # Camera for world `sprites` and `depth::actors` with perspective # # By default, the camera is configured to a height of 1080 units # of world coordinates at `z == 0.0`. var world_camera: EulerCamera is lazy do var camera = new EulerCamera(app.display.as(not null)) # Aim for full HD pixel resolution at level 0 camera.reset_height 1080.0 camera.near = 10.0 return camera end # Camera for `ui_sprites` using an orthogonal view var ui_camera = new UICamera(app.display.as(not null)) is lazy # World sprites drawn as seen by `world_camera` var sprites: Set[Sprite] = new SpriteSet # UI sprites drawn as seen by `ui_camera`, over world `sprites` var ui_sprites: Set[Sprite] = new SpriteSet # Main method to refine in clients to update game logic and `sprites` fun update(dt: Float) do end # Display `texture` as a splash screen # # Load `texture` if needed and resets `ui_camera` to 1080 units on the Y axis. fun show_splash_screen(texture: Texture) do texture.load ui_camera.reset_height 1080.0 var splash = new Sprite(texture, ui_camera.center) ui_sprites.add splash var display = display assert display != null glClear gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT frame_core_ui_sprites display display.flip ui_sprites.remove splash end # --- # Support and implementation # Main clock used to count each frame `dt`, lapsed for `update` only private var clock = new Clock is lazy # Performance clock to for `frame_core_draw` operations private var perf_clock_main = new Clock # Second performance clock for smaller operations private var perf_clock_sprites = new Clock is lazy redef fun on_create do super var display = display assert display != null var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Prepare program var program = simple_2d_program program.compile_and_link var gamnit_error = program.error assert gamnit_error == null else print_error gamnit_error # Enable blending gl.capabilities.blend.enable glBlendFunc(gl_SRC_ALPHA, gl_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) # Enable depth test gl.capabilities.depth_test.enable glDepthFunc gl_LEQUAL glDepthMask true # Prepare viewport and background color glViewport(0, 0, display.width, display.height) glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Prepare to draw for tex in all_root_textures do tex.load gamnit_error = tex.error if gamnit_error != null then print_error gamnit_error glTexParameteri(gl_TEXTURE_2D, gl_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl_LINEAR) glTexParameteri(gl_TEXTURE_2D, gl_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl_LINEAR) end end redef fun on_stop do # Clean up simple_2d_program.delete # Close gamnit var display = display if display != null then display.close end redef fun frame_core(display) do # Prepare to draw, clear buffers glClear(gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) # Check errors var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Update game logic and set sprites perf_clock_main.lapse var dt = clock.lapse.to_f update dt sys.perfs["gamnit flat update client"].add perf_clock_main.lapse # Draw and flip screen frame_core_draw display display.flip # Check errors gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end # Draw the whole screen, all `glDraw...` calls should be executed here protected fun frame_core_draw(display: GamnitDisplay) do frame_core_dynamic_resolution_before display perf_clock_main.lapse frame_core_world_sprites display perfs["gamnit flat world_sprites"].add perf_clock_main.lapse frame_core_ui_sprites display perfs["gamnit flat ui_sprites"].add perf_clock_main.lapse frame_core_dynamic_resolution_after display end private fun frame_core_sprites(display: GamnitDisplay, sprite_set: SpriteSet, camera: Camera) do var simple_2d_program = app.simple_2d_program simple_2d_program.use simple_2d_program.mvp.uniform camera.mvp_matrix # draw sprite_set.draw end # Draw world sprites from `sprites` protected fun frame_core_world_sprites(display: GamnitDisplay) do frame_core_sprites(display, sprites.as(SpriteSet), world_camera) end # Draw UI sprites from `ui_sprites` protected fun frame_core_ui_sprites(display: GamnitDisplay) do # Reset only the depth buffer glClear gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT frame_core_sprites(display, ui_sprites.as(SpriteSet), ui_camera) end end redef class Texture # Vertices coordinates of the base geometry # # Defines the default width and height of related sprites. private var vertices: Array[Float] is lazy do var w = width var h = height return [-0.5*w, 0.5*h, 0.0, 0.5*w, 0.5*h, 0.0, -0.5*w, -0.5*h, 0.0, 0.5*w, -0.5*h, 0.0] end # Coordinates of this texture on the `root` texture, in `[0..1.0]` private var texture_coords: Array[Float] is lazy do var l = offset_left var r = offset_right var b = offset_bottom var t = offset_top return [l, t, r, t, l, b, r, b] end # Coordinates of this texture on the `root` texture, inverting the X axis private var texture_coords_invert_x: Array[Float] is lazy do var l = offset_left var r = offset_right var b = offset_bottom var t = offset_top return [r, t, l, t, r, b, l, b] end end # Graphic program to display simple models with a texture, translation, rotation and scale private class Simple2dProgram super GamnitProgramFromSource redef var vertex_shader_source = """ // Vertex coordinates attribute vec4 coord; // Vertex color tint attribute vec4 color; // Vertex translation attribute vec4 translation; // Vertex scaling attribute float scale; // Vertex coordinates on textures attribute vec2 tex_coord; // Model view projection matrix uniform mat4 mvp; // Rotation matrix attribute vec4 rotation_row0; attribute vec4 rotation_row1; attribute vec4 rotation_row2; attribute vec4 rotation_row3; mat4 rotation() { return mat4(rotation_row0, rotation_row1, rotation_row2, rotation_row3); } // Output to the fragment shader varying vec4 v_color; varying vec2 v_coord; void main() { gl_Position = (vec4(coord.xyz * scale, 1.0) * rotation() + translation)* mvp; v_color = color; v_coord = tex_coord; } """ @ glsl_vertex_shader redef var fragment_shader_source = """ precision mediump float; // Does this object use a texture? uniform bool use_texture; // Texture to apply on this object uniform sampler2D texture0; // Input from the vertex shader varying vec4 v_color; varying vec2 v_coord; void main() { if(use_texture) { gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(texture0, v_coord); if (gl_FragColor.a <= 0.01) discard; } else { gl_FragColor = v_color; } } """ @ glsl_fragment_shader # Vertices coordinates var coord = attributes["coord"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy # Should this program use the texture `texture`? var use_texture = uniforms["use_texture"].as(UniformBool) is lazy # Visible texture unit var texture = uniforms["texture0"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy # Coordinates on the textures, per vertex var tex_coord = attributes["tex_coord"].as(AttributeVec2) is lazy # Color tint per vertex var color = attributes["color"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy # Translation applied to each vertex var translation = attributes["translation"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy # Rotation matrix, row 0 var rotation_row0 = attributes["rotation_row0"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy # Rotation matrix, row 1 var rotation_row1 = attributes["rotation_row1"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy # Rotation matrix, row 2 var rotation_row2 = attributes["rotation_row2"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy # Rotation matrix, row 3 var rotation_row3 = attributes["rotation_row3"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy # Scaling per vertex var scale = attributes["scale"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy # Model view projection matrix var mvp = uniforms["mvp"].as(UniformMat4) is lazy end redef class Point3d[N] # Get a new `Point3d[Float]` with an offset of each axis of `x, y, z` fun offset(x, y, z: Numeric): Point3d[Float] do return new Point3d[Float](self.x.to_f+x.to_f, self.y.to_f+y.to_f, self.z.to_f+z.to_f) end # --- # Associate each point to its sprites private var sprites: nullable Array[Sprite] = null private fun sprites_add(sprite: Sprite) do var sprites = sprites if sprites == null then sprites = new Array[Sprite] self.sprites = sprites end sprites.add sprite end private fun sprites_remove(sprite: Sprite) do var sprites = sprites assert sprites != null sprites.remove sprite end # --- # Notify `sprites` on attribute modification private fun needs_update do var sprites = sprites if sprites != null then for s in sprites do s.needs_update end redef fun x=(v) do if isset _x and v != x then needs_update super end redef fun y=(v) do if isset _y and v != y then needs_update super end redef fun z=(v) do if isset _z and v != z then needs_update super end end # Set of sprites sorting them into different `SpriteContext` private class SpriteSet super HashSet[Sprite] # Map texture then static vs dynamic to a `SpriteContext` var contexts_map = new HashMap2[RootTexture, Bool, SpriteContext] # Contexts in `contexts_map` var contexts_items = new Array[SpriteContext] # Sprites needing resorting in `contexts_map` var sprites_to_remap = new Array[Sprite] # Add a sprite to the appropriate context fun map_sprite(sprite: Sprite) do assert sprite.context == null else print_error "Sprite {sprite} belongs to another SpriteSet" var texture = sprite.texture.root var context = contexts_map[texture, sprite.static] if context == null then var usage = if sprite.static then gl_STATIC_DRAW else gl_DYNAMIC_DRAW context = new SpriteContext(texture, usage) contexts_map[texture, sprite.static] = context contexts_items.add context end context.sprites.add sprite context.sprites_to_update.add sprite sprite.context = context sprite.sprite_set = self end # Remove a sprite from its context fun unmap_sprite(sprite: Sprite) do var context = sprite.context assert context != null context.sprites.remove sprite sprite.context = null sprite.sprite_set = null end # Draw all sprites by all contexts fun draw do for sprite in sprites_to_remap do unmap_sprite sprite map_sprite sprite end sprites_to_remap.clear for context in contexts_items do context.draw end redef fun add(e) do if contexts_items.has(e.context) then return map_sprite e super end redef fun remove(e) do super if e isa Sprite then unmap_sprite e end redef fun remove_all(e) do if not has(e) then return remove e end redef fun clear do for sprite in self do sprite.context = null sprite.sprite_set = null end super for c in contexts_items do c.destroy contexts_map.clear contexts_items.clear end end # Context for calls to `glDrawElements` # # Each context has only one `texture` and `usage`, but many sprites. private class SpriteContext # --- # Context config and state # Only root texture drawn by this context var texture: nullable RootTexture # OpenGL ES usage of `buffer_array` and `buffer_element` var usage: GLBufferUsage # Sprites drawn by this context var sprites = new GroupedArray[Sprite] # Sprites to update since last `draw` var sprites_to_update = new Set[Sprite] # Sprites that have been update and for which `needs_update` can be set to false var updated_sprites = new Array[Sprite] # Buffer size to preallocate at `resize`, multiplied by `sprites.length` # # Require: `resize_ratio >= 1.0` var resize_ratio = 1.2 # --- # OpenGL ES data # OpenGL ES buffer name for vertex data var buffer_array: Int = -1 # OpenGL ES buffer name for indices var buffer_element: Int = -1 # Current capacity, in sprites, of `buffer_array` and `buffer_element` var buffer_capacity = 0 # C buffers used to pass the data of a single sprite var local_data_buffer = new GLfloatArray(float_per_vertex*4) is lazy var local_indices_buffer = new CUInt16Array(indices_per_sprite) is lazy # --- # Constants # Number of GL_FLOAT per vertex of `Simple2dProgram` var float_per_vertex: Int is lazy do # vec4 translation, vec4 color, vec4 coord, # float scale, vec2 tex_coord, vec4 rotation_row* return 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 4*4 end # Number of bytes per vertex of `Simple2dProgram` var bytes_per_vertex: Int is lazy do var fs = 4 # sizeof(GL_FLOAT) return fs * float_per_vertex end # Number of bytes per sprite var bytes_per_sprite: Int is lazy do return bytes_per_vertex * 4 # Number of vertex indices per sprite draw call (2 triangles) var indices_per_sprite = 6 # --- # Main services # Allocate `buffer_array` and `buffer_element` fun prepare do var bufs = glGenBuffers(2) buffer_array = bufs[0] buffer_element = bufs[1] var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end # Destroy `buffer_array` and `buffer_element` fun destroy do glDeleteBuffers([buffer_array, buffer_element]) var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error buffer_array = -1 buffer_element = -1 end # Resize `buffer_array` and `buffer_element` to fit all `sprites` (and more) fun resize do app.perf_clock_sprites.lapse # Allocate a bit more space var capacity = (sprites.capacity.to_f * resize_ratio).to_i var array_bytes = capacity * bytes_per_sprite glBindBuffer(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_array) assert glIsBuffer(buffer_array) glBufferData(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, array_bytes, new Pointer.nul, usage) var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # GL_TRIANGLES 6 vertices * sprite var n_indices = capacity * indices_per_sprite var ius = 2 # sizeof(GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) var element_bytes = n_indices * ius glBindBuffer(gl_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_element) assert glIsBuffer(buffer_element) glBufferData(gl_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, element_bytes, new Pointer.nul, usage) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error buffer_capacity = capacity sys.perfs["gamnit flat gpu resize"].add app.perf_clock_sprites.lapse end # Update GPU data of `sprite` fun update_sprite(sprite: Sprite) do var sprite_index = sprites.index_of(sprite) if sprite_index == -1 then return # Vertices data var data = local_data_buffer var o = 0 for v in [0..4[ do # vec4 translation data[o+ 0] = sprite.center.x data[o+ 1] = sprite.center.y data[o+ 2] = sprite.center.z data[o+ 3] = 0.0 # vec4 color data[o+ 4] = sprite.tint[0] data[o+ 5] = sprite.tint[1] data[o+ 6] = sprite.tint[2] data[o+ 7] = sprite.tint[3] # float scale data[o+ 8] = sprite.scale # vec4 coord data[o+ 9] = sprite.texture.vertices[v*3+0] data[o+10] = sprite.texture.vertices[v*3+1] data[o+11] = sprite.texture.vertices[v*3+2] data[o+12] = 0.0 # vec2 tex_coord var texture = texture if texture != null then var tc = if sprite.invert_x then sprite.texture.texture_coords_invert_x else sprite.texture.texture_coords data[o+13] = tc[v*2+0] data[o+14] = tc[v*2+1] end # mat4 rotation var rot if sprite.rotation == 0.0 then # Cache the matrix at no rotation rot = once new Matrix.identity(4) else rot = new Matrix.rotation(sprite.rotation, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) end data.fill_from_matrix(rot, o+15) o += float_per_vertex end glBindBuffer(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_array) glBufferSubData(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, sprite_index*bytes_per_sprite, bytes_per_sprite, data.native_array) var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Element / indices # # 0--1 # | /| # |/ | # 2--3 var indices = local_indices_buffer var io = sprite_index*4 indices[0] = io+0 indices[1] = io+2 indices[2] = io+1 indices[3] = io+1 indices[4] = io+2 indices[5] = io+3 glBindBuffer(gl_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_element) glBufferSubData(gl_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sprite_index*6*2, 6*2, indices.native_array) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end # Draw all `sprites` # # Call `resize` and `update_sprite` as needed before actual draw operation. # # Require: `app.simple_2d_program` and `mvp` must be bound on the GPU fun draw do if buffer_array == -1 then prepare assert buffer_array > 0 and buffer_element > 0 else print_error "Internal error: {self} was destroyed" end # Setup glBindBuffer(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_array) glBindBuffer(gl_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_element) # Resize GPU buffers? if sprites.capacity > buffer_capacity then # Try to defragment first var moved = sprites.defragment if sprites.capacity > buffer_capacity then # Defragmentation wasn't enough, grow resize # We must update everything for s in sprites.items do if s != null then sprites_to_update.add s else # Just update the moved sprites for s in moved do sprites_to_update.add s end else if sprites.available.not_empty then # Defragment a bit anyway # TODO defrag only when there's time left on a frame var moved = sprites.defragment(1) for s in moved do sprites_to_update.add s end # Update GPU sprites data if sprites_to_update.not_empty then app.perf_clock_sprites.lapse for sprite in sprites_to_update do update_sprite(sprite) sprites_to_update.clear sys.perfs["gamnit flat gpu update"].add app.perf_clock_sprites.lapse end # Update uniforms specific to this context var texture = texture app.simple_2d_program.use_texture.uniform texture != null if texture != null then glActiveTexture gl_TEXTURE0 glBindTexture(gl_TEXTURE_2D, texture.gl_texture) app.simple_2d_program.texture.uniform 0 end var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Configure attributes, in order: # vec4 translation, vec4 color, float scale, vec4 coord, vec2 tex_coord, vec4 rotation_row* var offset = 0 var p = app.simple_2d_program var sizeof_gl_float = 4 # sizeof(GL_FLOAT) var size = 4 # Number of floats glEnableVertexAttribArray p.translation.location glVertexAttribPointeri(p.translation.location, size, gl_FLOAT, false, bytes_per_vertex, offset) offset += size * sizeof_gl_float gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error size = 4 glEnableVertexAttribArray p.color.location glVertexAttribPointeri(p.color.location, size, gl_FLOAT, false, bytes_per_vertex, offset) offset += size * sizeof_gl_float gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error size = 1 glEnableVertexAttribArray p.scale.location glVertexAttribPointeri(p.scale.location, size, gl_FLOAT, false, bytes_per_vertex, offset) offset += size * sizeof_gl_float gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error size = 4 glEnableVertexAttribArray p.coord.location glVertexAttribPointeri(p.coord.location, size, gl_FLOAT, false, bytes_per_vertex, offset) offset += size * sizeof_gl_float gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error size = 2 glEnableVertexAttribArray p.tex_coord.location glVertexAttribPointeri(p.tex_coord.location, size, gl_FLOAT, false, bytes_per_vertex, offset) offset += size * sizeof_gl_float gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error size = 4 for r in [p.rotation_row0, p.rotation_row1, p.rotation_row2, p.rotation_row3] do if r.is_active then glEnableVertexAttribArray r.location glVertexAttribPointeri(r.location, size, gl_FLOAT, false, bytes_per_vertex, offset) end offset += size * sizeof_gl_float gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end # Actual draw for s in sprites.starts, e in sprites.ends do var l = e-s glDrawElementsi(gl_TRIANGLES, l*indices_per_sprite, gl_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 2*s*indices_per_sprite) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end # Take down for attr in [p.translation, p.color, p.scale, p.coord, p.tex_coord, p.rotation_row0, p.rotation_row1, p.rotation_row2, p.rotation_row3: Attribute] do if not attr.is_active then continue glDisableVertexAttribArray(attr.location) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end glBindBuffer(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) glBindBuffer(gl_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end end # Representation of sprite data on the GPU # # The main purpose of this class is to optimize the use of contiguous # space in GPU memory. Each contiguous memory block can be drawn in a # single call. The starts index of each block is kept by `starts, # and the end + 1 by `ends`. # # The data can be compressed by a call to `defragment`. # # ~~~ # intrude import gamnit::flat # # var array = new GroupedArray[String] # assert array.to_s == "" # # array.add "a" # array.add "b" # array.add "c" # array.add "d" # array.add "e" # array.add "f" # assert array.to_s == "[a,b,c,d,e,f]" # assert array.capacity == 6 # # array.remove "a" # assert array.to_s == "[b,c,d,e,f]" # # array.remove "b" # assert array.to_s == "[c,d,e,f]" # # array.remove "f" # assert array.to_s == "[c,d,e]" # # array.remove "d" # assert array.to_s == "[c][e]" # # array.add "A" # assert array.to_s == "[A][c][e]" # # array.add "B" # assert array.to_s == "[A,B,c][e]" # # array.remove "e" # assert array.to_s == "[A,B,c]" # # array.add "D" # assert array.to_s == "[A,B,c,D]" # # array.add "E" # assert array.to_s == "[A,B,c,D,E]" # assert array.capacity == 6 # assert array.length == 5 # # array.remove "A" # array.remove "B" # array.remove "c" # array.remove "D" # array.remove "E" # assert array.to_s == "" # # array.add "a" # assert array.to_s == "[a]" # ~~~ private class GroupedArray[E] # Memory with actual objects, and null in empty slots var items = new Array[nullable E] # Number of items in the array var length = 0 # Number of item slots in the array fun capacity: Int do return items.length # Index of `item` fun index_of(item: E): Int do return items.index_of(item) # List of available slots var available = new MinHeap[Int].default # Start index of filled chunks var starts = new List[Int] # Index of the spots after filled chunks var ends = new List[Int] # Add `item` to the first available slot fun add(item: E) do length += 1 if available.not_empty then # starts & ends can't be empty var i = available.take items[i] = item if i == starts.first - 1 then # slot 0 free, 1 taken starts.first -= 1 else if i == 0 then # slot 0 and more free starts.unshift 0 ends.unshift 1 else if starts.length >= 2 and ends.first + 1 == starts[1] then # merge 2 chunks ends.remove_at 0 starts.remove_at 1 else # at end of first chunk ends.first += 1 end return end items.add item if ends.is_empty then starts.add 0 ends.add 1 else ends.last += 1 end # Remove the first instance of `item` fun remove(item: E) do var i = items.index_of(item) assert i != -1 length -= 1 items[i] = null var ii = 0 for s in starts, e in ends do if s <= i and i < e then if s == e-1 then # single item chunk starts.remove_at ii ends.remove_at ii if starts.is_empty then items.clear available.clear return end else if e-1 == i then # last item of chunk ends[ii] -= 1 else if s == i then # first item of chunk starts[ii] += 1 else # break up chunk ends.insert(ends[ii], ii+1) ends[ii] = i starts.insert(i+1, ii+1) end available.add i return end ii += 1 end abort end # Defragment and compress everything into a single chunks beginning at 0 # # Returns the elements that moved as a list. # # ~~~ # intrude import gamnit::flat # # var array = new GroupedArray[String] # array.add "a" # array.add "b" # array.add "c" # array.add "d" # array.remove "c" # array.remove "a" # assert array.to_s == "[b][d]" # # var moved = array.defragment # assert moved.to_s == "[d]" # assert array.to_s == "[d,b]" # assert array.length == 2 # assert array.capacity == 2 # # array.add "e" # array.add "f" # assert array.to_s == "[d,b,e,f]" # ~~~ fun defragment(max: nullable Int): Array[E] do app.perf_clock_sprites.lapse max = max or else length var moved = new Array[E] while max > 0 and (starts.length > 1 or starts.first != 0) do var i = ends.last - 1 var e = items[i] remove e add e moved.add e max -= 1 end if starts.length == 1 and starts.first == 0 then for i in [length..capacity[ do items.pop available.clear end sys.perfs["gamnit flat gpu defrag"].add app.perf_clock_sprites.lapse return moved end redef fun to_s do var ss = new Array[String] for s in starts, e in ends do ss.add "[" for i in [s..e[ do var item: nullable Object = items[i] if item == null then item = "null" ss.add item.to_s if i != e-1 then ss.add "," end ss.add "]" end return ss.join end end redef class GLfloatArray private fun fill_from_matrix(matrix: Matrix, dst_offset: nullable Int) do dst_offset = dst_offset or else 0 var mat_len = matrix.width*matrix.height assert length >= mat_len + dst_offset native_array.fill_from_matrix_native(matrix.items, dst_offset, mat_len) end end redef class NativeGLfloatArray private fun fill_from_matrix_native(matrix: matrix::NativeDoubleArray, dst_offset, len: Int) `{ int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) self[i+dst_offset] = (GLfloat)matrix[i]; `} end