# this file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2014 Romain Chanoir # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Android Assets and Resources Management # # Use the ResourceManager to retrieve resources from the `res` folder of your app # Use the AssetManager to retrieve resources files from the `assets` folder of your app # both are available from `App` # If you write your own resources in your NIT project part of the application, # you are obliged to set a string resource with the name "app_name" or it will be # impossible for you to compile the apk correctly module assets_and_resources import native_app_glue import java import java::io in "Java" `{ import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import java.io.IOException; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import java.io.InputStream; import android.util.Log; import java.io.FileDescriptor; `} # AssetManager from Java, used by `AssetManager` to access resources in `assets` app's directory # This is a low-level class, use `AssetManager` instead extern class NativeAssetManager in "Java" `{ android.content.res.AssetManager `} super JavaObject fun close in "Java" `{ recv.close(); `} fun get_locales: Array[JavaString] import Array[JavaString], Array[JavaString].add in "Java" `{ int arr = new_Array_of_JavaString(); for (String s : recv.getLocales()) { Array_of_JavaString_add(arr, s); } return arr; `} fun list(path: JavaString): Array[JavaString] import Array[JavaString], Array[JavaString].add in "Java" `{ int arr = new_Array_of_JavaString(); try { for (String s : recv.list(path)) { Array_of_JavaString_add(arr, s); } }catch (IOException e) { Log.e("Error retrieving the list of assets at 'path' ", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return arr; `} fun open(file_name: JavaString): NativeInputStream in "Java" `{ InputStream stream = null; try { stream = recv.open(file_name); }catch (IOException e) { Log.e("Error while opening " + file_name, e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return stream; `} fun open_fd(file_name: JavaString): NativeAssetFileDescriptor in "Java" `{ AssetFileDescriptor afd = null; try { afd = recv.openFd(file_name); }catch(IOException e){ Log.e("Error while opening " + file_name, e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return afd; `} fun open_non_asset_fd(file_name: JavaString): NativeAssetFileDescriptor in "Java" `{ AssetFileDescriptor afd = null; try { afd = recv.openNonAssetFd(file_name); }catch(IOException e){ Log.e("Error while opening " + file_name, e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return afd; `} end # Assets manager using a `NativeAssetManager` to manage android assets class AssetManager # Native asset manager var native_assets_manager: NativeAssetManager init(app: App) do self.native_assets_manager = app.assets.new_global_ref # Close this asset manager fun close do native_assets_manager.close # Get the locales that this assets manager contains data for fun locales: Array[String] do var java_array = native_assets_manager.get_locales var nit_array = new Array[String] for s in java_array do nit_array.add(s.to_s) end return nit_array end # Return a string array of all the assets at the given path fun list(path: String): Array[String] do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(1) var java_array = native_assets_manager.list(path.to_java_string) var nit_array = new Array[String] for s in java_array do nit_array.add(s.to_s) end sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return nit_array end # Open an asset using ACCESS_STREAMING mode, returning a NativeInputStream fun open(file_name: String): NativeInputStream do var return_value = native_assets_manager.open(file_name.to_java_string) return return_value end # Open an asset using it's name and returning a NativeAssetFileDescriptor # `file_name` is fun open_fd(file_name: String): NativeAssetFileDescriptor do var return_value = native_assets_manager.open_fd(file_name.to_java_string) return return_value end # Open a file that is not an asset returning a NativeAssetFileDescriptor fun open_non_asset_fd(file_name: String): NativeAssetFileDescriptor do var return_value = native_assets_manager.open_non_asset_fd(file_name.to_java_string) return return_value end # Return a bitmap from the assets fun bitmap(name: String): NativeBitmap do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(1) var return_value = new NativeBitmap.from_stream(native_assets_manager.open(name.to_java_string)) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Deallocate the global reference allocated by AssetManager fun destroy do self.native_assets_manager.delete_global_ref end # Resource manager for android resources placed in the `res` folder of your app # This is a low-level class, use `ResourcesManager` instead extern class NativeResources in "Java" `{ android.content.res.Resources `} super JavaObject fun get_assets:NativeAssetManager in "Java" `{ return recv.getAssets(); `} fun get_color(id: Int): Int in "Java" `{ return recv.getColor((int)id); `} fun get_boolean(id: Int): Bool in "Java" `{ return recv.getBoolean((int)id); `} fun get_dimension(id: Int): Int in "Java" `{ return (int)recv.getDimension((int)id); `} fun get_drawable(id: Int): NativeDrawable in "Java" `{ return recv.getDrawable((int)id); `} fun get_identifier(name, def_type, def_package: JavaString): Int in "Java" `{ return recv.getIdentifier(name, def_type, def_package); `} fun get_integer(id: Int): Int in "Java" `{ return recv.getInteger((int)id); `} fun get_string(id: Int): JavaString in "Java" `{ return recv.getString((int)id); `} fun get_resource_entry_name(resid: Int): JavaString in "Java" `{ return recv.getResourceEntryName((int)resid); `} fun get_resource_name(resid: Int): JavaString in "Java" `{ return recv.getResourceName((int)resid); `} fun get_resource_pakage_name(resid: Int): JavaString in "Java" `{ return recv.getResourcePackageName((int)resid); `} fun get_resource_type_name(resid: Int): JavaString in "Java" `{ return recv.getResourceTypeName((int)resid); `} # HACK for bug #845 redef fun new_global_ref import sys, Sys.jni_env `{ Sys sys = NativeResources_sys(recv); JNIEnv *env = Sys_jni_env(sys); return (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, recv); `} end # Resource manager for android resources placed in the `res` folder of your app class ResourcesManager # Native resources var android_resources: NativeResources # The name of the app_package var app_package: String init(res: NativeResources, app_package: String) do self.android_resources = res.new_global_ref self.app_package = app_package end # Get a color from resources fun color(name: String): Int do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(3) var return_value = android_resources.get_color(android_resources.get_identifier(name.to_java_string, "color".to_java_string, app_package.to_java_string)) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Get a `Bool` from resources fun boolean(name: String): Bool do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(3) var return_value = android_resources.get_boolean(android_resources.get_identifier(name.to_java_string, "bool".to_java_string, app_package.to_java_string)) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Get a dimension from resources # A dimension is specified with a number followed by a unit of measure fun dimension(name: String): Int do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(3) var return_value = android_resources.get_dimension(android_resources.get_identifier(name.to_java_string, "dimen".to_java_string, app_package.to_java_string)) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Get an `Integer` from resources fun integer(name: String): Int do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(3) var return_value = android_resources.get_integer(android_resources.get_identifier(name.to_java_string, "integer".to_java_string, app_package.to_java_string)) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Get a `String` from resources fun string(name: String): String do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(3) var return_value = android_resources.get_string(android_resources.get_identifier(name.to_java_string, "string".to_java_string, app_package.to_java_string)).to_s sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Get a resource ID from one resource in `res/raw`folder # you may use this to retrieve the id of a sound for example fun raw_id(name: String): Int do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(3) var return_value = android_resources.get_identifier(name.to_java_string, "raw".to_java_string, app_package.to_java_string) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Get a drawable from `res/drawable` folder fun drawable(name: String): NativeDrawable do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(3) var return_value = android_resources.get_drawable(android_resources.get_identifier(name.to_java_string, "drawable".to_java_string, app_package.to_java_string)) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Get and ID from a specific resource in `res/res_type` folder fun other_id(name, res_type: String): Int do sys.jni_env.push_local_frame(3) var return_value = android_resources.get_identifier(name.to_java_string, res_type.to_java_string, app_package.to_java_string) sys.jni_env.pop_local_frame return return_value end # Deallocate global reference allocated by ResourcesManager fun destroy do self.android_resources.delete_global_ref end # An android Bitmap, get an instance using the AssetManager or the ResourceManager extern class NativeBitmap in "Java" `{ android.graphics.Bitmap `} super JavaObject # Create a NativeBitmap from a NativeInputStream retrieved with `open` function of the AssetManager # Called by the AssetManager new from_stream(input_stream: NativeInputStream) in "Java" `{ return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input_stream); `} # Create a NativeBitmap using a resource ID and the NativeResources # Called by the ResourceManager new from_resources(res: NativeResources, id: Int) in "Java" `{ return BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, (int)id); `} fun width: Int in "Java" `{ return recv.getWidth(); `} fun height: Int in "Java" `{ return recv.getHeight(); `} end # Android AssetFileDescriptor, can be retrieve by AssetManager and used to load a sound in a SoundPool extern class NativeAssetFileDescriptor in "Java" `{ android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor `} super JavaObject fun close in "Java" `{ try { recv.close(); }catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } `} fun create_input_stream: NativeFileInputStream in "Java" `{ try { return recv.createInputStream(); }catch(IOException e){ Log.e("Error creating input_stream", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } `} fun create_output_stream: NativeFileOutputStream in "Java" `{ try { return recv.createOutputStream(); }catch(IOException e){ Log.e("Error creating output stream", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } `} fun describe_contents: Int in "Java" `{ return (int)recv.describeContents(); `} fun declared_length: Int in "Java" `{ return (int)recv.getDeclaredLength(); `} # fun extras: Bundle in "Java" `{ return recv.getExtras(); `} fun file_descriptor: NativeFileDescriptor in "Java" `{ FileDescriptor fd = recv.getFileDescriptor(); if (fd == null) { Log.e("AssetFileDesciptorError", "Can't retrieve the FileDescriptor of this AssetFileDescriptor"); } return fd; `} fun length: Int in "Java" `{ return (int)recv.getLength(); `} fun start_offset: Int in "Java" `{ return (int)recv.getStartOffset(); `} redef fun to_s: String import JavaString.to_s in "Java" `{ return JavaString_to_s(recv.toString()); `} end # Native class representing something drawable, can be retrieved from the resources # will be used by the GUI extern class NativeDrawable in "Java" `{ android.graphics.drawable.Drawable `} end redef class App # Resource Manager used to manage resources placed in the `res` folder of the app fun resource_manager: ResourcesManager is cached do return new ResourcesManager(self.resources, self.package_name.to_s) # Assets Manager used to manage resources placed in the `assets` folder of the app fun asset_manager: AssetManager is cached do return new AssetManager(self) # Get the native AssetsManager of the application, used to initialize the nit's AssetManager private fun assets: NativeAssetManager import native_activity in "Java" `{ return App_native_activity(recv).getAssets(); `} # Get the package name of the application private fun package_name: JavaString import native_activity in "Java" `{ return App_native_activity(recv).getPackageName(); `} # Get the native ResourceManager of the application, used to initialize the nit's ResourceManager private fun resources: NativeResources import native_activity in "Java" `{ return App_native_activity(recv).getResources(); `} end