# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2014 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The Foundation Kit provides basic Objective-C classes and structures module foundation is ldflags "-framework Foundation" in "ObjC Header" `{ #import `} # Base of the Foundation framework class hierarchy extern class NSObject in "ObjC" `{ NSObject * `} end # String of the Foundation Kit # # Created using `Text::to_nsstring`. extern class NSString in "ObjC" `{ NSString * `} super NSObject # Null pointer new nil in "ObjC" `{ return nil; `} # Get an UTF8 encoded `char*` copy of `self` fun utf8_string: NativeString in "ObjC" `{ return (char *)[self UTF8String]; `} redef fun to_s do return utf8_string.to_s_with_copy end redef class NativeString # Get a `NSString` from `self` with the specified `length` fun to_nsstring(length: Int): NSString in "ObjC" `{ return [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:self length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; `} end redef class Text # Get a `NSString` from `self` fun to_nsstring: NSString do return to_cstring.to_nsstring(bytelen) end # Wrapper of byte buffers extern class NSData in "ObjC" `{ NSData * `} # Pointer to contained data fun bytes: NativeString in "ObjC" `{ return (char*)self.bytes; `} # Number of bytes containted in `self` fun length: Int in "ObjC" `{ return self.length; `} redef fun to_s do return bytes.to_s_with_copy_and_length(length) end # Error condition extern class NSError in "ObjC" `{ NSError * `} # Wraps: `[self initWithDomain:(NSString)domain code:(NSInteger)code userInfo:(NSDictionary)dict]` #new init_with_domain_code_user_info(domain: NSString, code: Int, dict: NSDictionary) in "ObjC" `{ # return [[NSError alloc] initWithDomain: domain code: code userInfo: dict]; #`} # Wraps: `NSError.domain` fun domain: NSString in "ObjC" `{ return [self domain]; `} # Wraps: `NSError.code` fun code: Int in "ObjC" `{ return [self code]; `} # Wraps: `NSError.userInfo` #fun user_info: NSDictionary in "ObjC" `{ # return [self userInfo]; #`} # Wraps: `NSError.localizedDescription` fun localized_description: NSString in "ObjC" `{ return [self localizedDescription]; `} # Wraps: `NSError.localizedFailureReason` fun localized_failure_reason: NSString in "ObjC" `{ return [self localizedFailureReason]; `} # Wraps: `NSError.localizedRecoverySuggestion` fun localized_recovery_suggestion: NSString in "ObjC" `{ return [self localizedRecoverySuggestion]; `} # Wraps: `NSError.localizedRecoveryOptions` #fun localized_recovery_options: NSArray in "ObjC" `{ # return [self localizedRecoveryOptions]; #`} # Wraps: `NSError.recoveryAttempter` fun recovery_attempter: NSObject in "ObjC" `{ return [self recoveryAttempter]; `} # Wraps: `NSError.helpAnchor` fun help_anchor: NSString in "ObjC" `{ return [self helpAnchor]; `} end # Path to a specific node in a tree of nested array collections extern class NSIndexPath in "ObjC" `{ NSIndexPath * `} super NSObject # Wraps: `[self initWithIndex:(NSUInteger)index]` new init_with_index(index: Int) in "ObjC" `{ return [[NSIndexPath alloc] initWithIndex: index]; `} # Wraps: `NSIndexPath.length` fun length: Int in "ObjC" `{ return [self length]; `} # Wraps: `[self indexPathByAddingIndex:(NSUInteger)index]` fun index_path_by_adding_index(index: Int): NSIndexPath in "ObjC" `{ return [self indexPathByAddingIndex: index]; `} # Wraps: `[self indexPathByRemovingLastIndex]` fun index_path_by_removing_last_index: NSIndexPath in "ObjC" `{ return [self indexPathByRemovingLastIndex]; `} # Wraps: `[self indexAtPosition:(NSUInteger)position]` fun index_at_position(position: Int): Int in "ObjC" `{ return [self indexAtPosition: position]; `} end # Interface to the defaults system for an app to customize its behavior to match a user's preferences extern class NSUserDefaults in "ObjC" `{ NSUserDefaults * `} super NSObject # Wraps: `[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]` new standard_user_defaults in "ObjC" `{ return [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; `} # Wraps: `[NSIndexPath stringForKey:]` fun string_for_key(key: NSString): NSString in "ObjC" `{ return [self stringForKey: key]; `} # Wraps: `[NSIndexPath setObject: forKey:]` fun set_object(value: NSObject, default_name: NSString) in "ObjC" `{ [self setObject:value forKey:default_name]; `} end