# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Visualisation of Nit models module model_viz import model import ordered_tree # A simple specialisation of OrderedTree to display projects, groups and modules # FIXME do not use Object, but a better common interface of MModule and MGroup class MProjectTree super OrderedTree[Object] # The model where to look for information var model: Model init(model: Model) do self.model = model redef fun display(a) do if a isa MGroup then if a.parent == null then return "{a.mproject.name} ({a.filepath})" return a.name + " (group)" else if a isa MModule then return a.name else abort end end var linex_comparator: nullable LinexComparator = null # Sort modules and groups with their names fun sort_with_alpha do sort_with(alpha_comparator) end # Sort modules and groups with a loosly adaptation of the linerarisation of modules fun sort_with_linex do var c = linex_comparator if c == null then c = new LinexComparator(self) linex_comparator = c end sort_with(c) end end # Compare modules and groups using the # FIXME do not use Object, but a better common interface of MModule and MGroup private class LinexComparator super Comparator[Object] var mins = new HashMap [MGroup, nullable MModule] var maxs = new HashMap [MGroup, nullable MModule] fun min(o: Object): nullable MModule do if o isa MModule then return o assert o isa MGroup if not mins.has_key(o) then computeminmax(o) return mins[o] end fun max(o: Object): nullable MModule do if o isa MModule then return o assert o isa MGroup if not maxs.has_key(o) then computeminmax(o) return maxs[o] end fun computeminmax(o: MGroup) do if not tree.sub.has_key(o) then mins[o] = null maxs[o] = null return end var subs = tree.sub[o] var minres = min(subs.first) var maxres = max(subs.first) var order = minres.model.mmodule_importation_hierarchy for o2 in subs do var c = min(o2) if c == null then continue if minres == null or order.compare(minres, c) > 0 then minres = c c = max(o2) if c == null then continue if maxres == null or order.compare(maxres, c) < 0 then maxres = c end mins[o] = minres maxs[o] = maxres #if minres != maxres then print "* {o} {minres}..{maxres}" end redef fun compare(a,b) do var ma = min(a) var mb = min(b) if ma == null then if mb == null then return 0 else return -1 else if mb == null then return 1 end var order = ma.model.mmodule_importation_hierarchy return order.compare(ma, mb) end var tree: OrderedTree[Object] end redef class Model # Generate a MProjectTree based on the projects, groups and modules known in the model fun to_mproject_tree: MProjectTree do var res = new MProjectTree(self) for p in mprojects do for g in p.mgroups do res.add(g.parent, g) for m in g.mmodules do res.add(g, m) end end end return res end end # Generate graphiz files based on projects, groups and modules # # Interessing elements must be selected. See `mmodules`, `` # Display configuration can be set. See `cluster_group`, `project_group` class MProjectDot super Streamable # The model where to look for information var model: Model # Set of projects to expand fully (ie all groups and modules are displayed) # Initially empty, projects can be added var mprojects = new HashSet[MProject] # Set of modules to display # Initially empty, modules can be added var mmodules = new HashSet[MModule] private fun node_for(mmodule: MModule): nullable String do return "m_{mmodule.object_id}" end # Should groups be shown as clusters? var cluster_group writable = true # Should projects be shown as clusters? var project_group writable = true # Recursively generate noed ans clusters for a mroup private fun dot_cluster(o: OStream, mgroup: MGroup) do # Open the cluster, if required if mgroup.parent == null then # is is a root group, so display the project if project_group then o.write("subgraph cluster_{mgroup.object_id} \{\nlabel=\"{mgroup.mproject.name}\\n({mgroup.filepath})\"\ncolor=black\nstyle=dotted\n") end else if cluster_group then o.write("subgraph cluster_{mgroup.object_id} \{\nlabel=\"{mgroup.name}\"\ncolor=blue\nstyle=dotted\n") end end # outputs the mmodules to show for mmodule in mgroup.mmodules do if not mmodules.has(mmodule) then continue o.write("\t{node_for(mmodule)} [label=\"{mmodule.name}\",color=green]\n") end # recusively progress on sub-clusters for d in mgroup.in_nesting.direct_smallers do dot_cluster(o, d) end # close the cluster if required if mgroup.parent == null then if project_group then o.write("\}\n") else if cluster_group then o.write("\}\n") end end # Extends the set of `mmodules` by recurdively adding the most specific imported modules of foreign projects fun collect_important_importation do var todo = new List[MModule] todo.add_all(mmodules) while not todo.is_empty do var m = todo.pop for psm in m.in_importation.greaters do if m.mgroup.mproject != psm.mgroup.mproject then continue for ssm in psm.in_importation.direct_greaters do if psm.mgroup.mproject == ssm.mgroup.mproject then continue mmodules.add(ssm) todo.add(ssm) end end end end # Generate the dot content with the current configuration redef fun write_to(stream) do # Collect interessing nodes for m in model.mmodules do # filter out modules outside wanted projects if m.mgroup == null then continue if not mprojects.has(m.mgroup.mproject) then continue mmodules.add(m) end collect_important_importation # Collect interessing edges var sub_hierarchy = new POSet[MModule] for m in mmodules do sub_hierarchy.add_node(m) for sm in m.in_importation.greaters do if sm == m then continue if not mmodules.has(sm) then continue sub_hierarchy.add_edge(m, sm) end end stream.write("digraph g \{\n") stream.write("rankdir=BT;node[shape=box];\n") # Generate the nodes for p in model.mprojects do dot_cluster(stream, p.root.as(not null)) end # Generate the edges for m in mmodules do for sm in sub_hierarchy[m].direct_greaters do var nm = node_for(m) var nsm = node_for(sm) if m.in_importation.direct_greaters.has(sm) then stream.write("\t{nm} -> {nsm}[style=bold]\n") else stream.write("\t{nm} -> {nsm}[style=solid]\n") end end end stream.write("\}\n") end end