# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2013 Matthieu Lucas # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Low-level socket functionalities module socket_c in "C Header" `{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include `} in "C" `{ #include #include `} # Wrapper for the data structure PollFD used for polling on a socket class PollFD super FinalizableOnce # The PollFD object private var poll_struct: NativeSocketPollFD # A collection of the events to be watched var events: Array[NativeSocketPollValues] init(pid: Int, events: Array[NativeSocketPollValues]) do assert events.length >= 1 self.events = events var events_in_one = events[0] for i in [1 .. events.length-1] do events_in_one += events[i] end self.poll_struct = new NativeSocketPollFD(pid, events_in_one) end # Reads the response and returns an array with the type of events that have been found private fun check_response(response: Int): Array[NativeSocketPollValues] do var resp_array = new Array[NativeSocketPollValues] for i in events do if c_check_resp(response, i) != 0 then resp_array.push(i) end end return resp_array end # Checks if the poll call has returned true for a particular type of event private fun c_check_resp(response: Int, mask: NativeSocketPollValues): Int `{ return response & mask; `} redef fun finalize_once do poll_struct.free end end # Data structure used by the poll function private extern class NativeSocketPollFD `{ struct pollfd * `} # File descriptor fun fd: Int `{ return recv->fd; `} # List of events to be watched fun events: Int `{ return recv->events; `} # List of events received by the last poll function fun revents: Int `{ return recv->revents; `} new (pid: Int, events: NativeSocketPollValues) `{ struct pollfd *poll = malloc(sizeof(struct pollfd)); poll->fd = pid; poll->events = events; return poll; `} end extern class NativeSocket `{ int* `} new socket(domain: NativeSocketAddressFamilies, socketType: NativeSocketTypes, protocol: NativeSocketProtocolFamilies) `{ int ds = socket(domain, socketType, protocol); if(ds == -1){ return NULL; } int *d = malloc(sizeof(int)); memcpy(d, &ds, sizeof(ds)); return d; `} fun destroy `{ free(recv); `} fun close: Int `{ return close(*recv); `} fun descriptor: Int `{ return *recv; `} fun gethostbyname(n: String): NativeSocketHostent import String.to_cstring `{ return gethostbyname(String_to_cstring(n)); `} fun connect(addrIn: NativeSocketAddrIn): Int `{ return connect(*recv, (struct sockaddr*)addrIn, sizeof(*addrIn)); `} fun write(buffer: String): Int import String.to_cstring, String.length `{ return write(*recv, (char*)String_to_cstring(buffer), String_length(buffer)); `} # Write `value` as a single byte fun write_byte(value: Int): Int `{ return write(*recv, &value, 1); `} fun read: String import NativeString.to_s_with_length, NativeString.to_s_with_copy `{ static char c[1024]; int n = read(*recv, c, 1023); if(n < 0) { return NativeString_to_s_with_length("",0); } c[n] = 0; return NativeString_to_s_with_copy(c); `} # Sets an option for the socket # # Returns `true` on success. fun setsockopt(level: NativeSocketOptLevels, option_name: NativeSocketOptNames, option_value: Int): Bool `{ int err = setsockopt(*recv, level, option_name, &option_value, sizeof(int)); if(err != 0){ return 0; } return 1; `} fun bind(addrIn: NativeSocketAddrIn): Int `{ return bind(*recv, (struct sockaddr*)addrIn, sizeof(*addrIn)); `} fun listen(size: Int): Int `{ return listen(*recv, size); `} # Checks if the buffer is ready for any event specified when creating the pollfd structure fun socket_poll(filedesc: PollFD, timeout: Int): Array[NativeSocketPollValues] do var result = native_poll(filedesc.poll_struct, timeout) assert result != -1 return filedesc.check_response(result) end # Call to the poll function of the C socket # # Signature: # int poll(struct pollfd fds[], nfds_t nfds, int timeout); # # Official documentation of the poll function: # # The poll() function provides applications with a mechanism for multiplexing input/output over a set of file descriptors. # For each member of the array pointed to by fds, poll() shall examine the given file descriptor for the event(s) specified in events. # The number of pollfd structures in the fds array is specified by nfds. # The poll() function shall identify those file descriptors on which an application can read or write data, or on which certain events have occurred. # The fds argument specifies the file descriptors to be examined and the events of interest for each file descriptor. # It is a pointer to an array with one member for each open file descriptor of interest. # The array's members are pollfd structures within which fd specifies an open file descriptor and events and revents are bitmasks constructed by # OR'ing a combination of the pollfd flags. private fun native_poll(filedesc: NativeSocketPollFD, timeout: Int): Int `{ int poll_return = poll(filedesc, 1, timeout); return poll_return; `} private fun native_accept(addr_in: NativeSocketAddrIn): NativeSocket `{ socklen_t s = sizeof(struct sockaddr); int socket = accept(*recv, (struct sockaddr*)addr_in, &s); if (socket == -1) return NULL; int *ptr = malloc(sizeof(int)); *ptr = socket; return ptr; `} fun accept: nullable SocketAcceptResult do var addrIn = new NativeSocketAddrIn var s = native_accept(addrIn) if s.address_is_null then return null return new SocketAcceptResult(s, addrIn) end # Set wether this socket is non blocking fun non_blocking=(value: Bool) `{ int flags = fcntl(*recv, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1) flags = 0; if (value) { flags = flags | O_NONBLOCK; } else if (flags & O_NONBLOCK) { flags = flags - O_NONBLOCK; } else { return; } fcntl(*recv, F_SETFL, flags); `} end # Result of a call to `NativeSocket::accept` class SocketAcceptResult # Opened socket var socket: NativeSocket # Address of the remote client var addr_in: NativeSocketAddrIn end extern class NativeSocketAddrIn `{ struct sockaddr_in* `} new `{ struct sockaddr_in *sai = NULL; sai = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); return sai; `} new with_port(port: Int, family: NativeSocketAddressFamilies) `{ struct sockaddr_in *sai = NULL; sai = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); sai->sin_family = family; sai->sin_port = htons(port); sai->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; return sai; `} new with_hostent(hostent: NativeSocketHostent, port: Int) `{ struct sockaddr_in *sai = NULL; sai = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); sai->sin_family = hostent->h_addrtype; sai->sin_port = htons(port); memcpy((char*)&sai->sin_addr.s_addr, (char*)hostent->h_addr, hostent->h_length); return sai; `} fun address: String import NativeString.to_s `{ return NativeString_to_s((char*)inet_ntoa(recv->sin_addr)); `} fun family: NativeSocketAddressFamilies `{ return recv->sin_family; `} fun port: Int `{ return ntohs(recv->sin_port); `} fun destroy `{ free(recv); `} end extern class NativeSocketHostent `{ struct hostent* `} private fun native_h_aliases(i: Int): String import NativeString.to_s `{ return NativeString_to_s(recv->h_aliases[i]); `} private fun native_h_aliases_reachable(i: Int): Bool `{ return (recv->h_aliases[i] != NULL); `} fun h_aliases: Array[String] do var i=0 var d=new Array[String] loop d.add(native_h_aliases(i)) if native_h_aliases_reachable(i+1) == false then break i += 1 end return d end fun h_addr: String import NativeString.to_s `{ return NativeString_to_s((char*)inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)recv->h_addr)); `} fun h_addrtype: Int `{ return recv->h_addrtype; `} fun h_length: Int `{ return recv->h_length; `} fun h_name: String import NativeString.to_s `{ return NativeString_to_s(recv->h_name); `} end extern class NativeTimeval `{ struct timeval* `} new (seconds: Int, microseconds: Int) `{ struct timeval* tv = NULL; tv = malloc(sizeof(struct timeval)); tv->tv_sec = seconds; tv->tv_usec = microseconds; return tv; `} fun seconds: Int `{ return recv->tv_sec; `} fun microseconds: Int `{ return recv->tv_usec; `} fun destroy `{ free(recv); `} end extern class NativeSocketSet `{ fd_set* `} new `{ fd_set *f = NULL; f = malloc(sizeof(fd_set)); return f; `} fun set(s: NativeSocket) `{ FD_SET(*s, recv); `} fun is_set(s: NativeSocket): Bool `{ return FD_ISSET(*s, recv); `} fun zero `{ FD_ZERO(recv); `} fun clear(s: NativeSocket) `{ FD_CLR(*s, recv); `} fun destroy `{ free(recv); `} end class NativeSocketObserver # FIXME this implementation is broken. `reads`, `write` and `except` # are boxed objects, passing them to a C function is illegal. fun select(max: NativeSocket, reads: nullable NativeSocketSet, write: nullable NativeSocketSet, except: nullable NativeSocketSet, timeout: NativeTimeval): Int `{ fd_set *rds, *wts, *exs = NULL; struct timeval *tm = NULL; if (reads != NULL) rds = (fd_set*)reads; if (write != NULL) wts = (fd_set*)write; if (except != NULL) exs = (fd_set*)except; if (timeout != NULL) tm = (struct timeval*)timeout; return select(*max, rds, wts, exs, tm); `} end extern class NativeSocketTypes `{ int `} new sock_stream `{ return SOCK_STREAM; `} new sock_dgram `{ return SOCK_DGRAM; `} new sock_raw `{ return SOCK_RAW; `} new sock_seqpacket `{ return SOCK_SEQPACKET; `} end extern class NativeSocketAddressFamilies `{ int `} new af_null `{ return 0; `} # Unspecified new af_unspec `{ return AF_UNSPEC; `} # Local to host (pipes) new af_unix `{ return AF_UNIX; `} # For backward compatibility new af_local `{ return AF_LOCAL; `} # Internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc. new af_inet `{ return AF_INET; `} # IBM SNA new af_sna `{ return AF_SNA; `} # DECnet new af_decnet `{ return AF_DECnet; `} # Internal Routing Protocol new af_route `{ return AF_ROUTE; `} # Novell Internet Protocol new af_ipx `{ return AF_IPX; `} # IPv6 new af_inet6 `{ return AF_INET6; `} new af_max `{ return AF_MAX; `} end extern class NativeSocketProtocolFamilies `{ int `} new pf_null `{ return 0; `} new pf_unspec `{ return PF_UNSPEC; `} new pf_local `{ return PF_LOCAL; `} new pf_unix `{ return PF_UNIX; `} new pf_inet `{ return PF_INET; `} new pf_sna `{ return PF_SNA; `} new pf_decnet `{ return PF_DECnet; `} new pf_route `{ return PF_ROUTE; `} new pf_ipx `{ return PF_IPX; `} new pf_key `{ return PF_KEY; `} new pf_inet6 `{ return PF_INET6; `} new pf_max `{ return PF_MAX; `} end # Level on which to set options extern class NativeSocketOptLevels `{ int `} # Dummy for IP (As defined in C) new ip `{ return IPPROTO_IP;`} # Control message protocol new icmp `{ return IPPROTO_ICMP;`} # Use TCP new tcp `{ return IPPROTO_TCP; `} # Socket level options new socket `{ return SOL_SOCKET; `} end # Options for socket, use with setsockopt extern class NativeSocketOptNames `{ int `} # Enables debugging information new debug `{ return SO_DEBUG; `} # Authorizes the broadcasting of messages new broadcast `{ return SO_BROADCAST; `} # Authorizes the reuse of the local address new reuseaddr `{ return SO_REUSEADDR; `} # Authorizes the use of keep-alive packets in a connection new keepalive `{ return SO_KEEPALIVE; `} # Disable the Nagle algorithm and send data as soon as possible, in smaller packets new tcp_nodelay `{ return TCP_NODELAY; `} end # Used for the poll function of a socket, mix several Poll values to check for events on more than one type of event extern class NativeSocketPollValues `{ int `} # Data other than high-priority data may be read without blocking. new pollin `{ return POLLIN; `} # Normal data may be read without blocking. new pollrdnorm `{ return POLLRDNORM; `} # Priority data may be read without blocking. new pollrdband `{ return POLLRDBAND; `} # High-priority data may be read without blocking. new pollpri `{ return POLLPRI; `} # Normal data may be written without blocking. new pollout `{ return POLLOUT; `} # Equivalent to POLLOUT new pollwrnorm `{ return POLLWRNORM; `} # Priority data may be written. new pollwrband `{ return POLLWRBAND; `} # An error has occurred on the device or stream. # # This flag is only valid in the revents bitmask; it shall be ignored in the events member. new pollerr `{ return POLLERR; `} # The device has been disconnected. # # This event and POLLOUT are mutually-exclusive; a stream can never be # writable if a hangup has occurred. However, this event and POLLIN, # POLLRDNORM, POLLRDBAND, or POLLPRI are not mutually-exclusive. # # This flag is only valid in the revents bitmask; it shall be ignored in the events member. new pollhup `{ return POLLHUP; `} # The specified fd value is invalid. # # This flag is only valid in the revents member; it shall ignored in the events member. new pollnval `{ return POLLNVAL; `} # Combines two NativeSocketPollValues private fun +(other: NativeSocketPollValues): NativeSocketPollValues `{ return recv | other; `} end