# This file is part of NIT (http://www.nitlanguage.org). # # Copyright 2014 Frédéric Vachon # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Services to generate extern class `in "Java"` module code_generator intrude import types class CodeGenerator var with_attributes: Bool var comment_unknown_types: Bool var file_out: OFStream var java_class: JavaClass var nb_params: Int var module_name: String fun code_warehouse: CodeWarehouse do return once new CodeWarehouse init (file_name: String, jclass: JavaClass, with_attributes, comment: Bool) do file_out = new OFStream.open(file_name) module_name = file_name.substring(0, file_name.search(".nit").from) self.java_class = jclass self.with_attributes = with_attributes self.comment_unknown_types = comment end fun generate do var jclass = self.java_class var class_content = new Array[String] class_content.add(gen_class_header(jclass.class_type)) if with_attributes then for id, jtype in jclass.attributes do class_content.add(gen_attribute(id, jtype)) end for id, methods_info in jclass.methods do for method_info in methods_info do var nid = id if methods_info.length > 1 then nid += "{methods_info.index_of(method_info)}" class_content.add gen_method(id, nid, method_info.return_type, method_info.params) end end class_content.add("\nend\n") var wrappers = new Array[String] for jtype in jclass.unknown_types do if jtype == jclass.class_type then continue wrappers.add("\n") wrappers.add(gen_unknown_class_header(jtype)) end var imports = new Array[String] imports.add("import mnit_android\n") for import_ in jclass.imports do imports.add("import android::{import_}\n") end file_out.write(gen_licence) file_out.write("module {module_name}\n") file_out.write(imports.join("")) file_out.write("\n") file_out.write(class_content.join("")) file_out.write(wrappers.join("")) end fun gen_licence: String do return """# This file is part of NIT (http://www.nitlanguage.org). # # Copyright [Year] [Author name] # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This code has been generated using `javap` """ end fun gen_class_header(jtype: JavaType): String do var temp = new Array[String] temp.add("extern class Native{jtype.id} in \"Java\" `\{ {jtype} `\}\n") temp.add("\tsuper JavaObject\n\tredef type SELF: Native{jtype.id}\n\n") return temp.join("") end fun gen_unknown_class_header(jtype: JavaType): String do var nit_type: NitType if jtype.extern_name.has_generic_params then nit_type = jtype.extern_name.generic_params.first else nit_type = jtype.extern_name end var temp = new Array[String] temp.add("extern class {nit_type} in \"Java\" `\{ {jtype.to_package_name} `\}\n") temp.add("\tsuper JavaObject\n\tredef type SELF: {nit_type}\n\nend\n") return temp.join("") end fun gen_attribute(jid: String, jtype: JavaType): String do return "\tvar {jid.to_snake_case}: {jtype.to_nit_type}\n" end fun gen_method(jmethod_id: String, nmethod_id: String, jreturn_type: JavaType, jparam_list: Array[JavaType]): String do var java_params = "" var nit_params = "" var nit_id = "arg" var nit_id_no = 0 var nit_types = new Array[NitType] var comment = "" # Parameters for i in [0..jparam_list.length[ do var jparam = jparam_list[i] var nit_type = jparam.to_nit_type if not nit_type.is_complete then if jparam.is_wrapped then java_class.imports.add nit_type.mod.as(not null) else if comment_unknown_types then comment = "#" else nit_type = jparam.extern_name java_class.unknown_types.add(jparam) end end end var cast = "" if not jparam.is_collection then cast = jparam.param_cast nit_types.add(nit_type) nit_type.arg_id = "{nit_id}{nit_id_no}" if i == jparam_list.length - 1 then java_params += "{cast}{nit_id}{nit_id_no}" nit_params += "{nit_id}{nit_id_no}: {nit_type}" else java_params += "{cast}{nit_id}{nit_id_no}" + ", " nit_params += "{nit_id}{nit_id_no}: {nit_type}, " end nit_id_no += 1 end # Method identifier var method_id = nmethod_id.to_snake_case var nit_signature = new Array[String] nit_signature.add "\tfun {method_id}" if not jparam_list.is_empty then nit_signature.add "({nit_params})" end var return_type = null if not jreturn_type.is_void then return_type = jreturn_type.to_nit_type if not return_type.is_complete then if jreturn_type.is_wrapped then java_class.imports.add return_type.mod.as(not null) else if comment_unknown_types then comment = "#" else return_type = jreturn_type.extern_name java_class.unknown_types.add(jreturn_type) end end end nit_signature.add ": {return_type} " end var param_to_copy = param_to_copy(jparam_list, nit_types) var temp = new Array[String] if nb_params > 1 then comment = "#" temp.add("\t# NOT SUPPORTED: more than one parameter to copy\n") temp.add("\t# Has to be implemented manually\n") end temp.add(comment + nit_signature.join("")) # FIXME : This huge `if` block is only necessary to copy primitive arrays as long as there's no better way to do it if comment == "#" then temp.add(" in \"Java\" `\{\n{comment}\t\trecv.{jmethod_id}({java_params});\n{comment}\t`\}\n") # Methods with return type else if return_type != null then if jreturn_type.is_primitive_array then # Copy one parameter and the return value if param_to_copy != null then var rtype_couple = new Couple[JavaType, NitType](jreturn_type, return_type) temp.add(code_warehouse.param_return_copy(rtype_couple, param_to_copy, jmethod_id, java_params)) # Copy the return type else temp.add(code_warehouse.return_type_copy(jreturn_type, return_type, jmethod_id, java_params)) end # Copy the parameter else if param_to_copy != null then temp.add(code_warehouse.param_type_copy(param_to_copy.first, param_to_copy.second, jmethod_id, java_params, true)) # No copy else temp.add(" in \"Java\" `\{\n{comment}\t\treturn {jreturn_type.return_cast} recv.{jmethod_id}({java_params});\n{comment}\t`\}\n") end # Methods without return type else if jreturn_type.is_void then # Copy one parameter if param_to_copy != null then temp.add(code_warehouse.param_type_copy(param_to_copy.first, param_to_copy.second, jmethod_id, java_params, false)) # No copy else temp.add(" in \"Java\" `\{\n{comment}\t\trecv.{jmethod_id}({java_params});\n{comment}\t`\}\n") end # No copy else temp.add(" in \"Java\" `\{\n{comment}\t\trecv.{jmethod_id}({java_params});\n{comment}\t`\}\n") end return temp.join("") end # Only one primitive array parameter can be copied # If there's none or more than one then `null` is returned fun param_to_copy(jtypes: Array[JavaType], ntypes: Array[NitType]): nullable Couple[JavaType, NitType] do var counter = 0 var couple = null for i in [0..jtypes.length[ do if jtypes[i].is_primitive_array then counter += 1 couple = new Couple[JavaType, NitType](jtypes[i], ntypes[i]) end end nb_params = counter if counter > 1 then return null return couple end end # Contains raw code mostly used to copy collections class CodeWarehouse # Collection as return value fun return_type_copy(java_type: JavaType, nit_type: NitType, jmethod_id, params_id: String): String do var narray_id = "nit_array" var loop_ = create_loop(java_type, nit_type, false, "java_array", narray_id) var imports = create_imports(nit_type, false) return """{{{imports}}} in "Java" `{ {{{java_type.to_s}}} java_array = recv.{{{jmethod_id}}}({{{params_id}}}); int {{{narray_id}}} = new_{{{nit_type.id}}}_of_{{{nit_type.generic_params.join("_")}}}(); {{{loop_}}} return {{{narray_id}}}; `} """ end # Collection as parameter fun param_type_copy(java_type: JavaType, nit_type: NitType, jmethod_id, params_id: String, has_return: Bool): String do var narray_id = "nit_array" var jarray_id = "java_array" var loop_ = create_loop(java_type, nit_type, true, jarray_id, narray_id) var imports = create_imports(nit_type, true) var jinstanciation = create_array_instance(java_type, nit_type, jarray_id) var return_str = "" if has_return then return_str = "return " end params_id = params_id.replace(nit_type.arg_id, jarray_id) return """{{{imports}}} in "Java" `{ {{{jinstanciation}}} int {{{narray_id}}} = new_{{{nit_type.id}}}_of_{{{nit_type.generic_params.join("_")}}}(); {{{loop_}}} {{{return_str}}}recv.{{{jmethod_id}}}({{{params_id}}}); `} """ end # One collection parameter and the return type will be copied fun param_return_copy(return_types, param_types: Couple[JavaType, NitType], jmethod_id, params_id: String): String do var narray_id = "nit_array" var narray_id2 = "nit_array2" var r_jtype = return_types.first var r_ntype = return_types.second var p_jtype = param_types.first var p_ntype = param_types.second var r_loop = create_loop(r_jtype, r_ntype, false, "java_array", narray_id) var p_loop = create_loop(p_jtype, p_ntype, true, "java_array2", narray_id2) var imports = new Array[String] # Avoid import duplication if p_ntype.to_s != r_ntype.to_s then imports.add create_imports(p_ntype, true) end imports.add create_imports(r_ntype, false) params_id = params_id.replace(p_ntype.arg_id, narray_id) var jinstanciation = create_array_instance(p_jtype, p_ntype, "java_array") return """{{{imports.join(", ")}}} in "Java" `{ {{{jinstanciation}}} {{{p_loop}}} {{{r_jtype.to_s}}} java_array2 = recv.{{{jmethod_id}}}({{{params_id}}}); int {{{narray_id2}}} = new_{{{r_ntype.id}}}_of_{{{r_ntype.generic_params.join("_")}}}(); {{{r_loop}}} return {{{narray_id2}}}; `} """ end private fun create_array_instance(java_type: JavaType, nit_type: NitType, jarray_id: String): String do var jtype = java_type.to_s var instanciation = "" if java_type.is_primitive_array then instanciation = "{jtype} {jarray_id} = new {java_type.full_id}[(int)Array_of_{nit_type.generic_params[0]}_length({nit_type.arg_id})];" else instanciation = "{jtype} {jarray_id} = new {jtype}();" end return instanciation end private fun create_imports(nit_type: NitType, is_param: Bool): String do var imports = "" var ntype = nit_type.to_s var gen_type = nit_type.generic_params.join(", ") if not is_param then if nit_type.is_map then imports = """ import {{{ntype}}}, {{{ntype}}}.[]=""" else imports = """ import {{{ntype}}}, {{{ntype}}}.add""" end else if nit_type.id == "Array" then imports = """ import {{{ntype}}}, {{{ntype}}}.length, {{{ntype}}}.[]""" else if nit_type.is_map then imports = """ import {{{ntype}}}.iterator, Iterator[{{{gen_type}}}].is_ok, Iterator[{{{gen_type}}}].next, Iterator[{{{gen_type}}}].item, Iterator[{{{gen_type}}}].key""" else imports = """ import {{{ntype}}}.iterator, Iterator[{{{gen_type}}}].is_ok, Iterator[{{{gen_type}}}].next, Iterator[{{{gen_type}}}].item""" end return imports end private fun create_loop(java_type: JavaType, nit_type: NitType, is_param: Bool, jarray_id, narray_id: String): String do var loop_header = "" var loop_body = "" var gen_type = nit_type.generic_params.join("_") if is_param then if java_type.is_primitive_array then loop_header = "for(int i=0; i < {jarray_id}.length; ++i)" loop_body = """\t\t\t{{{jarray_id}}}[i] = {{{java_type.param_cast}}}Array_of_{{{gen_type}}}__index({{{nit_type.arg_id}}}, i);""" else if nit_type.id == "Array" then loop_header = """int length = Array_of_{{{gen_type}}}_length((int){{{nit_type.arg_id}}});\n\t\tfor(int i=0; i < length; ++i)""" loop_body = """\t\t\t{{{jarray_id}}}.add({{{java_type.param_cast}}}Array_of_{{{gen_type}}}__index({{{narray_id}}}, i));""" else loop_header = """int itr = {{{nit_type.id}}}_of_{{{gen_type}}}_iterator({{{nit_type.arg_id}}});\n\t\twhile(Iterator_of_{{{gen_type}}}_is_ok(itr)) {""" if nit_type.is_map then var key_cast = java_type.to_cast(java_type.generic_params[0].id, true) var value_cast = java_type.to_cast(java_type.generic_params[1].id, true) loop_body = """\t\t\t{{{jarray_id}}}[{{{key_cast}}}iterator_of_{{{nit_type.id}}}_key(itr)] = {{{value_cast}}}iterator_of_{{{nit_type.id}}}_item(itr);\n\t\t\titerator_of_{{{gen_type}}}_next(itr);\n\t\t}""" else loop_body = """\t\t\t{{{jarray_id}}}.add({{{java_type.param_cast}}}iterator_of_{{{nit_type.id}}}_item(itr));\n\t\t\titerator_of_{{{gen_type}}}_next(itr);\n\t\t}""" end end else if nit_type.is_map then var key_cast = java_type.to_cast(java_type.generic_params[0].id, false) var value_cast = java_type.to_cast(java_type.generic_params[1].id, false) loop_header = """for (java.util.Map.Entry<{{{java_type.generic_params[0]}}}, {{{java_type.generic_params[1]}}}> e: {{{jarray_id}}})""" loop_body = """\t\t\t{{{nit_type.id}}}_of_{{{gen_type}}}_{{{nit_type.generic_params[1]}}}__index_assign({{{narray_id}}}, {{{key_cast}}}e.getKey(), {{{value_cast}}}e.getValue());""" else if java_type.is_iterable then loop_header = """for ({{{java_type.generic_params[0]}}} e: {{{jarray_id}}})""" loop_body = """\t\t\t{{{nit_type.id}}}_of_{{{gen_type}}}_add({{{narray_id}}}, {{{java_type.return_cast}}}e);""" else loop_header = "for(int i=0; i < {jarray_id}.length; ++i)" loop_body = """\t\t\t{{{nit_type.id}}}_of_{{{gen_type}}}_add({{{narray_id}}}, {{{java_type.return_cast}}}{{{jarray_id}}}[i]);""" end end return loop_header + "\n" + loop_body end end