# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Nit object oriented interface to [Github api](https://developer.github.com/v3/). # # This modules reifies Github API elements as Nit classes. # # For most use-cases you need to use the `GithubAPI` client. module api import github_curl # Client to Github API # # To access the API you need an instance of a `GithubAPI` client. # # ~~~ # # Get Github authentification token. # var token = get_github_oauth # assert not token.is_empty # # # Init the client. # var api = new GithubAPI(token) # ~~~ # # The API client allows you to get Github API entities. # # ~~~ # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # assert repo.name == "nit" # # var user = api.load_user("Morriar") # assert user != null # assert user.login == "Morriar" # ~~~ class GithubAPI # Github API OAuth token # # To access your private ressources, you must # [authenticate](https://developer.github.com/guides/basics-of-authentication/). # # For client applications, Github recommands to use the # [OAuth tokens](https://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/) authentification method. # # # # Be aware that there is [rate limits](https://developer.github.com/v3/rate_limit/) # associated to the key. var auth: String # Github API base url. # # Default is `https://api.github.com` and should not be changed. var api_url = "https://api.github.com" # User agent used for HTTP requests. # # Default is `nit_github_api`. # # See var user_agent = "nit_github_api" # Curl instance. # # Internal Curl instance used to perform API calls. private var ghcurl: GithubCurl is noinit # Verbosity level. # # * `0`: only errors (default) # * `1`: verbose var verbose_lvl = 0 is public writable init do ghcurl = new GithubCurl(auth, user_agent) end # Execute a GET request on Github API. # # This method returns raw json data. # See other `load_*` methods to use more expressive types. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var obj = api.get("repos/nitlang/nit") # assert obj isa JsonObject # assert obj["name"] == "nit" # # Returns `null` in case of `error`. # # obj = api.get("foo/bar/baz") # assert obj == null # assert api.was_error # var err = api.last_error # assert err isa GithubError # assert err.name == "GithubAPIError" # assert err.message == "Not Found" fun get(path: String): nullable Jsonable do path = sanitize_uri(path) var res = ghcurl.get_and_parse("{api_url}/{path}") if res isa Error then last_error = res was_error = true return null end was_error = false return res end # Display a message depending on `verbose_lvl`. fun message(lvl: Int, message: String) do if lvl <= verbose_lvl then print message end # Escape `uri` in an acceptable format for Github. private fun sanitize_uri(uri: String): String do # TODO better URI escape. return uri.replace(" ", "%20") end # Last error occured during Github API communications. var last_error: nullable Error = null is public writable # Does the last request provoqued an error? var was_error = false is protected writable # Load the json object from Github. # See `GithubEntity::load_from_github`. protected fun load_from_github(key: String): JsonObject do message(1, "Get {key} (github)") var res = get(key) if was_error then return new JsonObject return res.as(JsonObject) end # Get the Github user with `login` # # Loads the `User` from the API or returns `null` if the user cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var user = api.load_user("Morriar") # assert user.login == "Morriar" fun load_user(login: String): nullable User do var user = new User(self, login) return user.load_from_github end # Get the Github repo with `full_name`. # # Loads the `Repo` from the API or returns `null` if the repo cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo.name == "nit" # assert repo.owner.login == "nitlang" # assert repo.default_branch.name == "master" fun load_repo(full_name: String): nullable Repo do var repo = new Repo(self, full_name) return repo.load_from_github end # Get the Github branch with `name`. # # Returns `null` if the branch cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # var branch = api.load_branch(repo, "master") # assert branch.name == "master" # assert branch.commit isa Commit fun load_branch(repo: Repo, name: String): nullable Branch do var branch = new Branch(self, repo, name) return branch.load_from_github end # Get the Github commit with `sha`. # # Returns `null` if the commit cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # var commit = api.load_commit(repo, "64ce1f") # assert commit isa Commit fun load_commit(repo: Repo, sha: String): nullable Commit do var commit = new Commit(self, repo, sha) return commit.load_from_github end # Get the Github issue #`number`. # # Returns `null` if the issue cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # var issue = api.load_issue(repo, 1) # assert issue.title == "Doc" fun load_issue(repo: Repo, number: Int): nullable Issue do var issue = new Issue(self, repo, number) return issue.load_from_github end # Get the Github pull request #`number`. # # Returns `null` if the pull request cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # var pull = api.load_pull(repo, 1) # assert pull.title == "Doc" # assert pull.user.login == "Morriar" fun load_pull(repo: Repo, number: Int): nullable PullRequest do var pull = new PullRequest(self, repo, number) return pull.load_from_github end # Get the Github label with `name`. # # Returns `null` if the label cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # var labl = api.load_label(repo, "ok_will_merge") # assert labl != null fun load_label(repo: Repo, name: String): nullable Label do var labl = new Label(self, repo, name) return labl.load_from_github end # Get the Github milestone with `id`. # # Returns `null` if the milestone cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # var stone = api.load_milestone(repo, 4) # assert stone.title == "v1.0prealpha" fun load_milestone(repo: Repo, id: Int): nullable Milestone do var milestone = new Milestone(self, repo, id) return milestone.load_from_github end # Get the Github issue event with `id`. # # Returns `null` if the event cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo isa Repo # var event = api.load_issue_event(repo, 199674194) # assert event.actor.login == "privat" # assert event.event == "labeled" # assert event.labl.name == "need_review" # assert event.issue.number == 945 fun load_issue_event(repo: Repo, id: Int): nullable IssueEvent do var event = new IssueEvent(self, repo, id) return event.load_from_github end # Get the Github commit comment with `id`. # # Returns `null` if the comment cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # var comment = api.load_commit_comment(repo, 8982707) # assert comment.user.login == "Morriar" # assert comment.body == "For testing purposes..." # assert comment.commit.sha == "7eacb86d1e24b7e72bc9ac869bf7182c0300ceca" fun load_commit_comment(repo: Repo, id: Int): nullable CommitComment do var comment = new CommitComment(self, repo, id) return comment.load_from_github end # Get the Github issue comment with `id`. # # Returns `null` if the comment cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # var comment = api.load_issue_comment(repo, 6020149) # assert comment.user.login == "privat" # assert comment.created_at.to_s == "2012-05-30T20:16:54Z" # assert comment.issue.number == 10 fun load_issue_comment(repo: Repo, id: Int): nullable IssueComment do var comment = new IssueComment(self, repo, id) return comment.load_from_github end # Get the Github diff comment with `id`. # # Returns `null` if the comment cannot be found. # # var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth) # var repo = api.load_repo("nitlang/nit") # assert repo != null # var comment = api.load_review_comment(repo, 21010363) # assert comment.path == "src/modelize/modelize_property.nit" # assert comment.original_position == 26 # assert comment.pull.number == 945 fun load_review_comment(repo: Repo, id: Int): nullable ReviewComment do var comment = new ReviewComment(self, repo, id) return comment.load_from_github end end # Something returned by the Github API. # # Mainly a Nit wrapper around a JSON objet. abstract class GithubEntity # Github API instance. var api: GithubAPI # FIXME constructor should be private # Key used to access this entity from Github api base. fun key: String is abstract # JSON representation of `self`. # # This is the same json structure than used by Github API. var json: JsonObject is noinit, protected writable # Load `json` from Github API. private fun load_from_github: nullable SELF do json = api.load_from_github(key) if api.was_error then return null return self end redef fun to_s do return json.to_json # Github page url. fun html_url: String do return json["html_url"].as(String) # Set page url. fun html_url=(url: String) do json["html_url"] = url end # A Github user # # Provides access to [Github user data](https://developer.github.com/v3/users/). # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_user`. class User super GithubEntity redef var key is lazy do return "users/{login}" # Github login. var login: String # Init `self` from a `json` object. init from_json(api: GithubAPI, json: JsonObject) do init(api, json["login"].as(String)) self.json = json end # Avatar image url for this user. fun avatar_url: String do return json["avatar_url"].as(String) # Set avatar url. fun avatar_url=(url: String) do json["avatar_url"] = url end # A Github repository. # # Provides access to [Github repo data](https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/). # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_repo`. class Repo super GithubEntity redef var key is lazy do return "repos/{full_name}" # Repo full name on Github. var full_name: String # Init `self` from a `json` object. init from_json(api: GithubAPI, json: JsonObject) do init(api, json["full_name"].as(String)) self.json = json end # Repo short name on Github. fun name: String do return json["name"].as(String) # Set repo full name fun name=(name: String) do json["name"] = name # Get the repo owner. fun owner: User do return new User.from_json(api, json["owner"].as(JsonObject)) # Set repo owner fun owner=(owner: User) do json["owner"] = owner.json # List of branches associated with their names. fun branches: Map[String, Branch] do api.message(1, "Get branches for {full_name}") var array = api.get("repos/{full_name}/branches") var res = new HashMap[String, Branch] if not array isa JsonArray then return res for obj in array do if not obj isa JsonObject then continue var name = obj["name"].as(String) res[name] = new Branch.from_json(api, self, obj) end return res end # List of issues associated with their ids. fun issues: Map[Int, Issue] do api.message(1, "Get issues for {full_name}") var res = new HashMap[Int, Issue] var issue = last_issue if issue == null then return res res[issue.number] = issue while issue.number > 1 do issue = api.load_issue(self, issue.number - 1) assert issue isa Issue res[issue.number] = issue end return res end # Search issues in this repo form an advanced query. # # Example: # # ~~~nitish # var issues = repo.search_issues("is:open label:need_review") # ~~~ # # See . fun search_issues(query: String): nullable Array[Issue] do query = "search/issues?q={query} repo:{full_name}" var response = api.get(query) if api.was_error then return null var arr = response.as(JsonObject)["items"].as(JsonArray) var res = new Array[Issue] for obj in arr do res.add new Issue.from_json(api, self, obj.as(JsonObject)) end return res end # Get the last published issue. fun last_issue: nullable Issue do var array = api.get("repos/{full_name}/issues") if not array isa JsonArray then return null if array.is_empty then return null var obj = array.first if not obj isa JsonObject then return null return new Issue.from_json(api, self, obj) end # List of labels associated with their names. fun labels: Map[String, Label] do api.message(1, "Get labels for {full_name}") var array = api.get("repos/{full_name}/labels") var res = new HashMap[String, Label] if not array isa JsonArray then return res for obj in array do if not obj isa JsonObject then continue var name = obj["name"].as(String) res[name] = new Label.from_json(api, self, obj) end return res end # List of milestones associated with their ids. fun milestones: Map[Int, Milestone] do api.message(1, "Get milestones for {full_name}") var array = api.get("repos/{full_name}/milestones") var res = new HashMap[Int, Milestone] if array isa JsonArray then for obj in array do if not obj isa JsonObject then continue var number = obj["number"].as(Int) res[number] = new Milestone.from_json(api, self, obj) end end return res end # List of pull-requests associated with their ids. # # Implementation notes: because PR numbers are not consecutive, # PR are loaded from pages. # See: https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#list-pull-requests fun pulls: Map[Int, PullRequest] do api.message(1, "Get pulls for {full_name}") var res = new HashMap[Int, PullRequest] var page = 1 var array = api.get("{key}/pulls?page={page}").as(JsonArray) while not array.is_empty do for obj in array do if not obj isa JsonObject then continue var number = obj["number"].as(Int) res[number] = new PullRequest.from_json(api, self, obj) end page += 1 array = api.get("{key}/pulls?page={page}").as(JsonArray) end return res end # List of contributor related statistics. fun contrib_stats: Array[ContributorStats] do api.message(1, "Get contributor stats for {full_name}") var res = new Array[ContributorStats] var array = api.get("{key}/stats/contributors") if array isa JsonArray then for obj in array do res.add new ContributorStats.from_json(api, obj.as(JsonObject)) end end return res end # Repo default branch. fun default_branch: Branch do var name = json["default_branch"].as(String) var branch = api.load_branch(self, name) assert branch isa Branch return branch end # Set the default branch fun default_branch=(branch: Branch) do json["default_branch"] = branch.json end # A `RepoEntity` is something contained in a `Repo`. abstract class RepoEntity super GithubEntity # Repo that contains `self`. var repo: Repo # Init `self` from a `json` object. init from_json(api: GithubAPI, repo: Repo, json: JsonObject) do self.api = api self.repo = repo self.json = json end end # A Github branch. # # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_branch`. # # See . class Branch super RepoEntity redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/branches/{name}" # Branch name. var name: String redef init from_json(api, repo, json) do self.name = json["name"].as(String) super end # Get the last commit of `self`. fun commit: Commit do return new Commit.from_json(api, repo, json["commit"].as(JsonObject)) # Set the last commit fun commit=(commit: Commit) do json["commit"] = commit.json # List all commits in `self`. # # This can be long depending on the branch size. # Commit are returned in an unspecified order. fun commits: Array[Commit] do var res = new Array[Commit] var done = new HashSet[String] var todos = new Array[Commit] todos.add commit while not todos.is_empty do var commit = todos.pop if done.has(commit.sha) then continue done.add commit.sha res.add commit for parent in commit.parents do todos.add parent end end return res end end # A Github commit. # # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_commit`. # # See . class Commit super RepoEntity redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/commits/{sha}" # Commit SHA. var sha: String redef init from_json(api, repo, json) do self.sha = json["sha"].as(String) super end # Parent commits of `self`. fun parents: Array[Commit] do var res = new Array[Commit] var parents = json.get_or_null("parents") if not parents isa JsonArray then return res for obj in parents do if not obj isa JsonObject then continue res.add(api.load_commit(repo, obj["sha"].as(String)).as(not null)) end return res end # Set parent commits. fun parents=(parents: Array[Commit]) do var res = new JsonArray for parent in parents do res.add parent.json json["parents"] = res end # Author of the commit. fun author: nullable User do var user = json.get_or_null("author") if user isa JsonObject then return new User.from_json(api, user) return null end # Set commit author. fun author=(user: nullable User) do if user == null then json["author"] = null else json["author"] = user.json end end # Committer of the commit. fun committer: nullable User do var user = json.get_or_null("author") if user isa JsonObject then return new User.from_json(api, user) return null end # Set commit committer. fun committer=(user: nullable User) do if user == null then json["committer"] = null else json["committer"] = user.json end end # Authoring date as ISODate. fun author_date: ISODate do var commit = json["commit"].as(JsonObject) var author = commit["author"].as(JsonObject) return new ISODate.from_string(author["date"].as(String)) end # Commit date as ISODate. fun commit_date: ISODate do var commit = json["commit"].as(JsonObject) var author = commit["committer"].as(JsonObject) return new ISODate.from_string(author["date"].as(String)) end # List files staged in this commit. fun files: Array[GithubFile] do var res = new Array[GithubFile] var files = json.get_or_null("files") if not files isa JsonArray then return res for obj in files do res.add(new GithubFile(obj.as(JsonObject))) end return res end # Set commit files. fun files=(files: Array[GithubFile]) do var res = new JsonArray for file in files do res.add file.json json["files"] = res end # Commit message. fun message: String do return json["commit"].as(JsonObject)["message"].as(String) end # A Github issue. # # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_issue`. # # See . class Issue super RepoEntity redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/issues/{number}" # Issue Github ID. var number: Int redef init from_json(api, repo, json) do self.number = json["number"].as(Int) super end # Issue id. fun id: Int do return json["id"].as(Int) # Set issue id. fun id=(id: Int) do json["id"] = id # Issue title. fun title: String do return json["title"].as(String) # Set issue title fun title=(title: String) do json["title"] = title # User that created this issue. fun user: User do return new User.from_json(api, json["user"].as(JsonObject)) # Set issue creator. fun user=(user: User) do json["user"] = user.json # List of labels on this issue associated to their names. fun labels: Map[String, Label] do var res = new HashMap[String, Label] var lbls = json.get_or_null("labels") if not lbls isa JsonArray then return res for obj in lbls do if not obj isa JsonObject then continue var name = obj["name"].as(String) res[name] = new Label.from_json(api, repo, obj) end return res end # State of the issue on Github. fun state: String do return json["state"].as(String) # Set the state of this issue. fun state=(state: String) do json["state"] = state # Is the issue locked? fun locked: Bool do return json["locked"].as(Bool) # Set issue locked state. fun locked=(locked: Bool) do json["locked"] = locked # Assigned `User` (if any). fun assignee: nullable User do var assignee = json.get_or_null("assignee") if assignee isa JsonObject then return new User.from_json(api, assignee) return null end # Set issue assignee. fun assignee=(user: nullable User) do if user == null then json["assignee"] = null else json["assignee"] = user.json end end # `Milestone` (if any). fun milestone: nullable Milestone do var milestone = json.get_or_null("milestone") if milestone isa JsonObject then return new Milestone.from_json(api, repo, milestone) return null end # Set issue milestone. fun milestone=(milestone: nullable Milestone) do if milestone == null then json["milestone"] = null else json["milestone"] = milestone.json end end # List of comments made on this issue. fun comments: Array[IssueComment] do var res = new Array[IssueComment] var count = comments_count var page = 1 var array = api.get("{key}/comments?page={page}") if not array isa JsonArray then return res end while not array.is_empty and res.length < count do for obj in array do if not obj isa JsonObject then continue var id = obj["id"].as(Int) var comment = api.load_issue_comment(repo, id) if comment == null then continue res.add(comment) end page += 1 var json = api.get("{key}/comments?page={page}") if not json isa JsonArray then return res end array = json end return res end # Number of comments on this issue. fun comments_count: Int do return json["comments"].as(Int) # Creation time in ISODate format. fun created_at: ISODate do return new ISODate.from_string(json["created_at"].as(String)) # Set issue creation time. fun created_at=(created_at: nullable ISODate) do if created_at == null then json["created_at"] = null else json["created_at"] = created_at.to_s end end # Last update time in ISODate format (if any). fun updated_at: nullable ISODate do var res = json.get_or_null("updated_at") if res isa String then return new ISODate.from_string(res) return null end # Set issue last update time. fun updated_at=(updated_at: nullable ISODate) do if updated_at == null then json["updated_at"] = null else json["updated_at"] = updated_at.to_s end end # Close time in ISODate format (if any). fun closed_at: nullable ISODate do var res = json.get_or_null("closed_at") if res isa String then return new ISODate.from_string(res) return null end # Set issue close time. fun closed_at=(closed_at: nullable ISODate) do if closed_at == null then json["closed_at"] = null else json["closed_at"] = closed_at.to_s end end # TODO link to pull request # Full description of the issue. fun body: String do return json["body"].as(String) # Set description body fun body=(body: String) do json["body"] = body # List of events on this issue. fun events: Array[IssueEvent] do var res = new Array[IssueEvent] var page = 1 var array = api.get("{key}/events?page={page}") if not array isa JsonArray then return res while not array.is_empty do for obj in array do if not obj isa JsonObject then continue res.add new IssueEvent.from_json(api, repo, obj) end page += 1 array = api.get("{key}/events?page={page}").as(JsonArray) end return res end # User that closed this issue (if any). fun closed_by: nullable User do var closer = json.get_or_null("closed_by") if closer isa JsonObject then return new User.from_json(api, closer) return null end # Set user that closed the issue. fun closed_by=(user: nullable User) do if user == null then json["closed_by"] = null else json["closed_by"] = user.json end end # Is this issue linked to a pull request? fun is_pull_request: Bool do return json.has_key("pull_request") end # A Github pull request. # # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_pull`. # # PullRequest are basically Issues with more data. # See . class PullRequest super Issue redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/pulls/{number}" # Merge time in ISODate format (if any). fun merged_at: nullable ISODate do var res = json.get_or_null("merged_at") if res isa String then return new ISODate.from_string(res) return null end # Set pull request merge time. fun merged_at=(merged_at: nullable ISODate) do if merged_at == null then json["merged_at"] = null else json["merged_at"] = merged_at.to_s end end # Merge commit SHA. fun merge_commit_sha: String do return json["merge_commit_sha"].as(String) # Set merge_commit_sha fun merge_commit_sha=(sha: String) do json["merge_commit_sha"] = sha # Count of comments made on the pull request diff. fun review_comments: Int do return json["review_comments"].as(Int) # Set review_comments fun review_comments=(count: Int) do json["review_comments"] = count # Pull request head (can be a commit SHA or a branch name). fun head: PullRef do var json = json["head"].as(JsonObject) return new PullRef(api, json) end # Set head fun head=(head: PullRef) do json["head"] = head.json # Pull request base (can be a commit SHA or a branch name). fun base: PullRef do var json = json["base"].as(JsonObject) return new PullRef(api, json) end # Set base fun base=(base: PullRef) do json["base"] = base.json # Is this pull request merged? fun merged: Bool do return json["merged"].as(Bool) # Set merged fun merged=(merged: Bool) do json["merged"] = merged # Is this pull request mergeable? fun mergeable: Bool do return json["mergeable"].as(Bool) # Set mergeable fun mergeable=(mergeable: Bool) do json["mergeable"] = mergeable # Mergeable state of this pull request. # # See . fun mergeable_state: Int do return json["mergeable_state"].as(Int) # Set mergeable_state fun mergeable_state=(mergeable_state: Int) do json["mergeable_state"] = mergeable_state # User that merged this pull request (if any). fun merged_by: nullable User do var merger = json.get_or_null("merged_by") if merger isa JsonObject then return new User.from_json(api, merger) return null end # Set merged_by. fun merged_by=(merged_by: nullable User) do if merged_by == null then json["merged_by"] = null else json["merged_by"] = merged_by.json end end # Count of commits in this pull request. fun commits: Int do return json["commits"].as(Int) # Set commits fun commits=(commits: Int) do json["commits"] = commits # Added line count. fun additions: Int do return json["additions"].as(Int) # Set additions fun additions=(additions: Int) do json["additions"] = additions # Deleted line count. fun deletions: Int do return json["deletions"].as(Int) # Set deletions fun deletions=(deletions: Int) do json["deletions"] = deletions # Changed files count. fun changed_files: Int do return json["changed_files"].as(Int) # Set changed_files fun changed_files=(changed_files: Int) do json["changed_files"] = changed_files end # A pull request reference (used for head and base). class PullRef # Api instance that maintains self. var api: GithubAPI # JSON representation. var json: JsonObject # Label pointed by `self`. fun labl: String do return json["label"].as(String) # Set labl fun labl=(labl: String) do json["label"] = labl # Reference pointed by `self`. fun ref: String do return json["ref"].as(String) # Set ref fun ref=(ref: String) do json["ref"] = ref # Commit SHA pointed by `self`. fun sha: String do return json["sha"].as(String) # Set sha fun sha=(sha: String) do json["sha"] = sha # User pointed by `self`. fun user: User do return new User.from_json(api, json["user"].as(JsonObject)) end # Set user fun user=(user: User) do json["user"] = user.json # Repo pointed by `self`. fun repo: Repo do return new Repo.from_json(api, json["repo"].as(JsonObject)) end # Set repo fun repo=(repo: Repo) do json["repo"] = repo.json end # A Github label. # # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_label`. # # See . class Label super RepoEntity redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/labels/{name}" # Label name. var name: String redef init from_json(api, repo, json) do self.name = json["name"].as(String) super end # Label color code. fun color: String do return json["color"].as(String) # Set color fun color=(color: String) do json["color"] = color end # A Github milestone. # # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_milestone`. # # See . class Milestone super RepoEntity redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/milestones/{number}" # The milestone id on Github. var number: Int redef init from_json(api, repo, json) do super self.number = json["number"].as(Int) end # Milestone title. fun title: String do return json["title"].as(String) # Set title fun title=(title: String) do json["title"] = title # Milestone long description. fun description: String do return json["description"].as(String) # Set description fun description=(description: String) do json["description"] = description # Count of opened issues linked to this milestone. fun open_issues: Int do return json["open_issues"].as(Int) # Set open_issues fun open_issues=(open_issues: Int) do json["open_issues"] = open_issues # Count of closed issues linked to this milestone. fun closed_issues: Int do return json["closed_issues"].as(Int) # Set closed_issues fun closed_issues=(closed_issues: Int) do json["closed_issues"] = closed_issues # Milestone state. fun state: String do return json["state"].as(String) # Set state fun state=(state: String) do json["state"] = state # Creation time in ISODate format. fun created_at: ISODate do return new ISODate.from_string(json["created_at"].as(String)) end # Set created_at fun created_at=(created_at: ISODate) do json["created_at"] = created_at.to_s # User that created this milestone. fun creator: User do return new User.from_json(api, json["creator"].as(JsonObject)) end # Set creator fun creator=(creator: User) do json["creator"] = creator.json # Due time in ISODate format (if any). fun due_on: nullable ISODate do var res = json.get_or_null("updated_at") if res isa String then return new ISODate.from_string(res) return null end # Set due_on. fun due_on=(due_on: nullable ISODate) do if due_on == null then json["due_on"] = null else json["due_on"] = due_on.to_s end end # Update time in ISODate format (if any). fun updated_at: nullable ISODate do var res = json.get_or_null("updated_at") if res isa String then return new ISODate.from_string(res) return null end # Set updated_at. fun updated_at=(updated_at: nullable ISODate) do if updated_at == null then json["updated_at"] = null else json["updated_at"] = updated_at.to_s end end # Close time in ISODate format (if any). fun closed_at: nullable ISODate do var res = json.get_or_null("closed_at") if res isa String then return new ISODate.from_string(res) return null end # Set closed_at. fun closed_at=(closed_at: nullable ISODate) do if closed_at == null then json["closed_at"] = null else json["closed_at"] = closed_at.to_s end end end # A Github comment # # There is two kinds of comments: # # * `CommitComment` are made on a commit page. # * `IssueComment` are made on an issue or pull request page. # * `ReviewComment` are made on the diff associated to a pull request. abstract class Comment super RepoEntity # Identifier of this comment. var id: Int redef init from_json(api, repo, json) do self.id = json["id"].as(Int) super end # User that made this comment. fun user: User do return new User.from_json(api, json["user"].as(JsonObject)) end # Set user fun user=(user: User) do json["user"] = user.json # Creation time in ISODate format. fun created_at: ISODate do return new ISODate.from_string(json["created_at"].as(String)) end # Set created_at fun created_at=(created_at: ISODate) do json["created_at"] = created_at.to_s # Last update time in ISODate format (if any). fun updated_at: nullable ISODate do var res = json.get_or_null("updated_at") if res isa String then return new ISODate.from_string(res) return null end # Set updated_at. fun updated_at=(updated_at: nullable ISODate) do if updated_at == null then json["updated_at"] = null else json["updated_at"] = updated_at.to_s end end # Comment body text. fun body: String do return json["body"].as(String) # Set body fun body=(body: String) do json["body"] = body # Does the comment contain an acknowledgement (+1) fun is_ack: Bool do return body.has("\\+1\\b".to_re) or body.has(":+1:") or body.has(":shipit:") end end # A comment made on a commit. class CommitComment super Comment redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/comments/{id}" # Commented commit. fun commit: Commit do return api.load_commit(repo, json["commit_id"].as(String)).as(not null) end # Set commit fun commit=(commit: Commit) do json["commit_id"] = commit.json # Position of the comment on the line. fun position: nullable String do var res = json.get_or_null("position") if res isa String then return res return null end # Set position. fun position=(position: nullable String) do json["position"] = position # Line of the comment. fun line: nullable String do var res = json.get_or_null("line") if res isa String then return res return null end # Set line. fun line=(line: nullable String) do json["line"] = line # Path of the commented file. fun path: String do return json["path"].as(String) # Set path. fun path=(path: String) do json["path"] = path end # Comments made on Github issue and pull request pages. # # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_issue_comment`. # # See . class IssueComment super Comment redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/issues/comments/{id}" # Issue that contains `self`. fun issue: Issue do var number = issue_url.split("/").last.to_i return api.load_issue(repo, number).as(not null) end # Link to the issue document on API. fun issue_url: String do return json["issue_url"].as(String) # Set issue_url. fun issue_url=(issue_url: String) do json["issue_url"] = issue_url end # Comments made on Github pull request diffs. # # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_diff_comment`. # # See . class ReviewComment super Comment redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/pulls/comments/{id}" # Pull request that contains `self`. fun pull: PullRequest do var number = pull_request_url.split("/").last.to_i return api.load_pull(repo, number).as(not null) end # Link to the pull request on API. fun pull_request_url: String do return json["pull_request_url"].as(String) # Set pull_request_url. fun pull_request_url=(pull_request_url: String) do json["pull_request_url"] = pull_request_url # Diff hunk. fun diff_hunk: String do return json["diff_hunk"].as(String) # Set diff_hunk. fun diff_hunk=(diff_hunk: String) do json["diff_hunk"] = diff_hunk # Path of commented file. fun path: String do return json["path"].as(String) # Set path. fun path=(path: String) do json["path"] = path # Position of the comment on the file. fun position: Int do return json["position"].as(Int) # Set position. fun position=(position: Int) do json["position"] = position # Original position in the diff. fun original_position: Int do return json["original_position"].as(Int) # Set original_position. fun original_position=(original_position: Int) do json["original_position"] = original_position # Commit referenced by this comment. fun commit_id: String do return json["commit_id"].as(String) # Set commit_id. fun commit_id=(commit_id: String) do json["commit_id"] = commit_id # Original commit id. fun original_commit_id: String do return json["original_commit_id"].as(String) # Set original_commit_id. fun original_commit_id=(commit_id: String) do json["original_commit_id"] = commit_id end # An event that occurs on a Github `Issue`. # # Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::load_issue_event`. # # See . class IssueEvent super RepoEntity redef var key is lazy do return "{repo.key}/issues/events/{id}" # Event id on Github. var id: Int redef init from_json(api, repo, json) do self.id = json["id"].as(Int) super end # Issue that contains `self`. fun issue: Issue do return new Issue.from_json(api, repo, json["issue"].as(JsonObject)) end # Set issue. fun issue=(issue: Issue) do json["issue"] = issue.json # User that initiated the event. fun actor: User do return new User.from_json(api, json["actor"].as(JsonObject)) end # Set actor. fun actor=(actor: User) do json["actor"] = actor.json # Creation time in ISODate format. fun created_at: ISODate do return new ISODate.from_string(json["created_at"].as(String)) end # Set created_at. fun created_at=(created_at: ISODate) do json["created_at"] = created_at.to_s # Event descriptor. fun event: String do return json["event"].as(String) # Set event. fun event=(event: String) do json["event"] = event # Commit linked to this event (if any). fun commit_id: nullable String do var res = json.get_or_null("commit_id") if res isa String then return res return null end # Set commit_id. fun commit_id=(commit_id: nullable String) do json["commit_id"] = commit_id # Label linked to this event (if any). fun labl: nullable Label do var res = json.get_or_null("label") if res isa JsonObject then return new Label.from_json(api, repo, res) return null end # Set labl. fun labl=(labl: nullable Label) do if labl == null then json["labl"] = null else json["labl"] = labl.json end end # User linked to this event (if any). fun assignee: nullable User do var res = json.get_or_null("assignee") if res isa JsonObject then return new User.from_json(api, res) return null end # Set assignee. fun assignee=(assignee: nullable User) do if assignee == null then json["assignee"] = null else json["assignee"] = assignee.json end end # Milestone linked to this event (if any). fun milestone: nullable Milestone do var res = json.get_or_null("milestone") if res isa JsonObject then return new Milestone.from_json(api, repo, res) return null end # Set milestone. fun milestone=(milestone: nullable User) do if milestone == null then json["milestone"] = null else json["milestone"] = milestone.json end end # Rename linked to this event (if any). fun rename: nullable RenameAction do var res = json.get_or_null("rename") if res isa JsonObject then return new RenameAction(res) return null end # Set rename. fun rename=(rename: nullable User) do if rename == null then json["rename"] = null else json["rename"] = rename.json end end end # A rename action maintains the name before and after a renaming action. class RenameAction # JSON content. var json: JsonObject # Name before renaming. fun from: String do return json["from"].as(String) # Set from. fun from=(from: String) do json["from"] = from # Name after renaming. fun to: String do return json["to"].as(String) # Set to. fun to=(to: String) do json["to"] = to end # Contributors list with additions, deletions, and commit counts. # # Should be accessed from `Repo::contrib_stats`. # # See . class ContributorStats super Comparable redef type OTHER: ContributorStats # Github API client. var api: GithubAPI # Json content. var json: JsonObject # Init `self` from a `json` object. init from_json(api: GithubAPI, json: JsonObject) do self.api = api self.json = json end # User these statistics are about. fun author: User do return new User.from_json(api, json["author"].as(JsonObject)) end # Set author. fun author=(author: User) do json["author"] = author.json # Total number of commit. fun total: Int do return json["total"].as(Int) # Set total. fun total=(total: Int) do json["total"] = total # Are of weeks of activity with detailed statistics. fun weeks: JsonArray do return json["weeks"].as(JsonArray) # Set weeks. fun weeks=(weeks: JsonArray) do json["weeks"] = weeks # ContributorStats can be compared on the total amount of commits. redef fun <(o) do return total < o.total end # A Github file representation. # # Mostly a wrapper around a json object. class GithubFile # Json content. var json: JsonObject # File name. fun filename: String do return json["filename"].as(String) # Set filename. fun filename=(filename: String) do json["filename"] = filename end