# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Virtual screen with a resolution independent from the real screen # # The attribute `dynamic_resolution_ratio` sets the size of the virtual screen # in relation to the real screen. See its documentation for more information. # # Reference implementation: # https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/dynamic-resolution-rendering-on-opengl-es-2 module dynamic_resolution import performance_analysis import gamnit redef class App # Resolution of the dynamic screen as ratio of the real screen resolution. # # - At 1.0, the default, the virtual screen is not used and the visuals are # drawn directly to the real screen and pixels. # - When below 1.0, there is less pixels in the dynamic screen than in the # real screen. This reduces the strain on the GPU, especially of high # resolution displays. # - Values above 1.0 are not supported at this point, but they would allow # super-sampling. # # This value must be set either by the user using a video quality slider or # by an heuristic according to the device capabilities. # A lower value should use less battery power on mobile devices. # # This value is applied to both X and Y, so it has an exponential effect on # the number of pixels. var dynamic_resolution_ratio = 1.0 is writable # Minimum dynamic screen resolution var min_dynamic_resolution_ratio = 0.0125 is writable # Maximum dynamic screen resolution, must be set before first draw var max_dynamic_resolution_ratio = 1.0 is writable private var dynres_program = new DynamicResolutionProgram private var perf_clock_dynamic_resolution = new Clock is lazy redef fun create_scene do super var program = dynres_program program.compile_and_link var error = program.error assert error == null else print_error error end redef fun on_resize(display) do dynamic_context.resize(display, max_dynamic_resolution_ratio) super end # Prepare to draw to the dynamic screen if `dynamic_resolution_ratio != 1.0` protected fun frame_core_dynamic_resolution_before(display: GamnitDisplay) do # TODO autodetect when to lower/increase resolution if dynamic_resolution_ratio == 1.0 then # Draw directly to the screen framebuffer glBindFramebuffer(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, dynamic_context.screen_framebuffer) glViewport(0, 0, display.width, display.height) glClear gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error return end # Draw to our dynamic framebuffer glBindFramebuffer(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, dynamic_context.dynamic_framebuffer) var ratio = dynamic_resolution_ratio ratio = ratio.clamp(min_dynamic_resolution_ratio, max_dynamic_resolution_ratio) glViewport(0, 0, (display.width.to_f*ratio).to_i, (display.height.to_f*ratio).to_i) glClear gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end # Draw the dynamic screen to the real screen if `dynamic_resolution_ratio != 1.0` protected fun frame_core_dynamic_resolution_after(display: GamnitDisplay) do if dynamic_resolution_ratio == 1.0 then return perf_clock_dynamic_resolution.lapse var ratio = dynamic_resolution_ratio ratio = ratio.clamp(min_dynamic_resolution_ratio, max_dynamic_resolution_ratio) glBindFramebuffer(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, dynamic_context.screen_framebuffer) glBindBuffer(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, dynamic_context.buffer_array) glViewport(0, 0, display.width, display.height) glClear gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT dynres_program.use # Uniforms glActiveTexture gl_TEXTURE0 glBindTexture(gl_TEXTURE_2D, dynamic_context.texture) dynres_program.texture.uniform 0 dynres_program.ratio.uniform ratio # Attributes var sizeof_gl_float = 4 var n_floats = 3 glEnableVertexAttribArray dynres_program.coord.location glVertexAttribPointeri(dynres_program.coord.location, n_floats, gl_FLOAT, false, 0, 0) var offset = 4 * n_floats * sizeof_gl_float n_floats = 2 glEnableVertexAttribArray dynres_program.tex_coord.location glVertexAttribPointeri(dynres_program.tex_coord.location, n_floats, gl_FLOAT, false, 0, offset) var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Draw glDrawArrays(gl_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Take down glBindBuffer(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error sys.perfs["gamnit flat dyn res"].add app.perf_clock_dynamic_resolution.lapse end # Framebuffer and texture for dynamic resolution intermediate drawing private var dynamic_context: DynamicContext = create_dynamic_context is lazy private fun create_dynamic_context: DynamicContext do # TODO option or flag to regen on real resolution change. var display = display assert display != null var context = new DynamicContext context.prepare_once(display, max_dynamic_resolution_ratio) return context end end # Handles to reused GL buffers and texture private class DynamicContext # Real screen framebuffer var screen_framebuffer: Int = -1 # Dynamic screen framebuffer var dynamic_framebuffer: Int = -1 # Depth renderbuffer attached to `dynamic_framebuffer` var depth_renderbuffer: Int = -1 # Texture attached to `dynamic_framebuffer` as color attachment var texture: Int = -1 # Buffer name for vertex data var buffer_array: Int = -1 # Prepare all attributes once per resolution change fun prepare_once(display: GamnitDisplay, max_dynamic_resolution_ratio: Float) do # TODO enable antialiasing. # Set aside the real screen framebuffer name var screen_framebuffer = glGetIntegerv(gl_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, 0) self.screen_framebuffer = screen_framebuffer # Framebuffer var framebuffer = glGenFramebuffers(1).first glBindFramebuffer(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer) assert glIsFramebuffer(framebuffer) self.dynamic_framebuffer = framebuffer var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Depth & texture/color var depthbuffer = glGenRenderbuffers(1).first self.depth_renderbuffer = depthbuffer var texture = glGenTextures(1).first self.texture = texture gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error resize(display, max_dynamic_resolution_ratio) assert glCheckFramebufferStatus(gl_FRAMEBUFFER) == gl_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE # Array buffer buffer_array = glGenBuffers(1).first glBindBuffer(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_array) assert glIsBuffer(buffer_array) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error ## coord var data = new Array[Float] data.add_all([-1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) ## tex_coord data.add_all([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) var c_data = new GLfloatArray.from(data) glBufferData(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, data.length*4, c_data.native_array, gl_STATIC_DRAW) glBindBuffer(gl_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end # Init size or resize `depth_renderbuffer` and `texture` fun resize(display: GamnitDisplay, max_dynamic_resolution_ratio: Float) do var width = (display.width.to_f * max_dynamic_resolution_ratio).to_i var height = (display.height.to_f * max_dynamic_resolution_ratio).to_i glBindFramebuffer(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, dynamic_framebuffer) var depthbuffer = self.depth_renderbuffer var texture = self.texture # Depth glBindRenderbuffer(gl_RENDERBUFFER, depthbuffer) assert glIsRenderbuffer(depthbuffer) glRenderbufferStorage(gl_RENDERBUFFER, gl_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, width, height) glFramebufferRenderbuffer(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, gl_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl_RENDERBUFFER, depthbuffer) var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Texture glBindTexture(gl_TEXTURE_2D, texture) glTexParameteri(gl_TEXTURE_2D, gl_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl_LINEAR) glTexParameteri(gl_TEXTURE_2D, gl_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl_LINEAR) glTexParameteri(gl_TEXTURE_2D, gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) glTexParameteri(gl_TEXTURE_2D, gl_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) glTexImage2D(gl_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl_RGB, width, height, 0, gl_RGB, gl_UNSIGNED_BYTE, new Pointer.nul) glFramebufferTexture2D(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, gl_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl_TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error # Take down glBindRenderbuffer(gl_RENDERBUFFER, 0) glBindFramebuffer(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, 0) gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error end var destroyed = false fun destroy do if destroyed then return destroyed = true # Free the buffer glDeleteBuffers([buffer_array]) var gl_error = glGetError assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error buffer_array = -1 # Free the dynamic framebuffer and its attachments glDeleteBuffers([buffer_array]) glDeleteFramebuffers([dynamic_framebuffer]) glDeleteRenderbuffers([depth_renderbuffer]) glDeleteTextures([texture]) end end private class DynamicResolutionProgram super GamnitProgramFromSource redef var vertex_shader_source = """ // Vertex coordinates attribute vec3 coord; // Vertex coordinates on textures attribute vec2 tex_coord; // Output to the fragment shader varying vec2 v_coord; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(coord, 1.0); v_coord = tex_coord; } """ @ glsl_vertex_shader redef var fragment_shader_source = """ precision mediump float; // Virtual screen texture / color attachment uniform sampler2D texture0; // Input from the vertex shader varying vec2 v_coord; // Ratio of the virtual screen to draw uniform float ratio; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture0, v_coord*ratio); } """ @ glsl_fragment_shader # Vertices coordinates var coord = attributes["coord"].as(AttributeVec3) is lazy # Coordinates on the textures, per vertex var tex_coord = attributes["tex_coord"].as(AttributeVec2) is lazy # Virtual screen texture / color attachment var texture = uniforms["texture0"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy # Ratio of the virtual screen to draw var ratio = uniforms["ratio"].as(UniformFloat) is lazy end