# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2006-2008 Jean Privat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import game class Playing special SDL_EventListener redef fun on_mouse_button(evt: SDL_MouseButtonEvent) do if evt.is_pressed then if evt.button == 1 then print(_fps) else if evt.button == 4 then load_level(_level + 1) else if evt.button == 5 then load_level(_level - 1) else if evt.button == 3 then _quit_requested = true end end end redef fun on_mouse_motion(evt: SDL_MouseMotionEvent) do _mouse_x = evt.x _mouse_y = evt.y end redef fun on_quit do _quit_requested = true end readable var _quit_requested: Bool var _last_t: Int fun update do var t = sdl_get_ticks # Current time (ms) var quantum = 10 # Quantum of time (ms) for one step var frames = 0 while _last_t < t do update_one_step _last_t = _last_t + quantum frames = frames + 1 end _fps.update_with(t) #if _fps.update(t) then # printn("FPS: ") # _fps.count.output #end update_draw(frames) draw end private fun update_one_step do var mx = _mouse_x var my = _mouse_y _player.update_one_step(mx, my) var i = 0 while i < _boxes.length do var b = _boxes[i] if b.gettable and b.collide(_player) then _boxes[i] = _boxes.last _boxes.pop var bx = b.x var by = b.y var boxnumber = 50 if _boxes.is_empty then boxnumber = 500 load_level(_level + 1) end for j in [0..boxnumber[ do var angle = (2.0*pi).rand var force = 2.0.rand _others.add(new Particle(bx, by, angle.cos * force, angle.sin * force, 10 + 100.rand)) end else b.update_one_step i = i + 1 end end i = 0 while i < _others.length do var s = _others[i] if s.update_one_step then _others[i] = _others.last _others.pop else i = i + 1 end end end fun update_draw(frames: Int) do _player.update_draw(frames) end fun draw do _screen.clear for b in _boxes do b.blit_on(_screen) end _player.blit_on(_screen) for b in _others do b.blit_on(_screen) end _screen.flip end private fun load_level(l: Int) do _level = l _boxes.clear var levels = once load_levels("data/levels.txt") if _level > levels.length then print("You win") _level = 1 end var lev = levels[_level - 1] print("Level {lev.number}: {lev.name}") init_level(lev.data) end private fun init_level(s: String) do var height = 1 var width = 0 var w = 0 for i in [0..s.length[ do var c = s[i] if c == '\n' then w = 0 height = height + 1 else if c == ' ' then w = w + 1 else w = w + 1 if w > width then width = w end end end var dx = _screen.width / width var dy = _screen.height / height w = 0 var h = 0 for i in [0..s.length[ do var c = s[i] if c == '\n' then h = h + 1 w = -1 else if c == '#' then _boxes.add(new Box(dx/2 + dx * w, dy/2 + dy * h)) else if c == '*' then _boxes.add(new Box(dx/2 + dx * w, dy/2 + dy * h)) end w = w + 1 end end private var _screen: SDL_Screen var _mouse_x: Int var _mouse_y: Int var _fps: TickCounter var _player: Player var _boxes: Array[Box] var _others: Array[Particle] var _level: Int init(s: SDL_Screen) do _screen = s _player = new Player(320, 240) _boxes = new Array[Box] _others = new Array[Particle] _fps = new TickCounter _last_t = sdl_get_ticks load_level(1) end end redef class Sprite private fun load_images(name: String, number: Int): Array[SDL_Surface] do print("load images '{name}' ({number})") var res = new Array[SDL_Surface].with_capacity(number) var ten = 10 if number < 10 then ten = number end for i in [0..ten[ do res.add(sdl_load_bmp("data/{name}-0{i}.png")) end for i in [10..number[ do res.add(sdl_load_bmp("data/{name}-{i}.png")) end return res end end class MovingSprite special Sprite var _rx: Float # Real X axis (sub-pixel) var _ry: Float # Real Y axix (sub-pixel) readable var _vx: Float # X velocity (speed) readable var _vy: Float # Y velovity (speed) redef fun x=(x: Int) do _x = x _rx = x.to_f end redef fun y=(y: Int) do _y = y _ry = y.to_f end end class Player special MovingSprite fun update_one_step(mx: Int, my: Int) do var vx = _vx var vy = _vy # Calculate objective distance var dbmx = mx - _x var dbmy = my - _y var dbm2 = dbmx * dbmx + dbmy * dbmy # Calculate acceleration and update speed if dbm2 > 10 then var dbm = dbm2.to_f.sqrt var force = 0.200 # maximal force if dbm < 50.0 then # Less force if near the objective _boost = false force = force * dbm / 100.0 else if not _boost and dbm > 60.0 then _boost = true end var ax = dbmx.to_f / dbm * force var ay = dbmy.to_f / dbm * force vx = vx + ax vy = vy + ay end # Speed modifier (min/max) var dv2 = vx*vx + vy*vy # Absolute speed if dv2 > 5.0 then # Hard brake vx = vx / dv2 * 5.0 vy = vy / dv2 * 5.0 else if dv2 < 1.0 then # Accel vx = vx / dv2 vy = vy / dv2 end # Update position var rx = _rx + vx var ry = _ry + vy _vx = vx _vy = vy _rx = rx _ry = ry _x = rx.to_i _y = ry.to_i end fun update_draw(frames: Int) do var a = - atan2(_vx, _vy) var x = ((a / 2.0 / pi + 0.5) * 16.0 + 0.5).to_i % 16 if _boost then x = x * 2 + 1 else x = x * 2 end var imgs = _images[x] var inum = _image_number + frames if inum >= imgs.length * 8 then inum = inum % (imgs.length * 8) end _image = imgs[inum / 8] _image_number = inum end var _boost: Bool var _images: Array[Array[SDL_Surface]] var _image_number: Int init(x: Int, y: Int) do set_xy(x, y) _vx = 0.0 _vy = 0.0 _images = once load_ship_images _image_number = 0 set_centered_image(_images.first.first) #set_centered_image(once sdl_load_bmp("data/ship-up.png")) end fun load_ship_images: Array[Array[SDL_Surface]] do var res = new Array[Array[SDL_Surface]] for i in ["up", "22", "45", "68", "90", "112", "135", "158", "180", "202", "225", "248", "270", "292", "315", "338"] do res.add(load_images("ship-{i}", 4)) res.add(load_images("ship2-{i}", 4)) end return res end end class Box special Sprite var _images: Array[SDL_Surface] var _image_number: Int var _image_delay: Int var _back_rotate: Bool fun update_one_step do _image_delay = _image_delay + 1 if _image_delay > 0 and _image_delay % 8 == 0 then var n = _image_number + 1 if n >= _images.length then n = 0 end if _back_rotate then _image = _images[n] else _image = _images[_images.length - n - 1] end _image_number = n end end redef fun blit_on(s: SDL_Surface) do if _image_delay > 0 then _image.blit_on_xy(s, _x - _x_image, _y - _y_image) end end fun gettable: Bool do return _image_delay > 0 end init(x: Int, y: Int) do set_xy(x, y) _images = once load_images("box", 15) _image_delay = - (30 + 20.rand) _image_number = _images.length.rand _back_rotate = 2.rand == 1 set_centered_image(_images.first) end end class Particle special MovingSprite fun update_one_step: Bool do _ttl = _ttl - 1 if _ttl < 0 then return true end _rx = _rx + _vx _ry = _ry + _vy _x = _rx.to_i _y = _ry.to_i if _ttl % 4 == 0 then var n = (_ttl / 4) % _images.length _image = _images[n] end return false end var _ttl: Int var _images: Array[SDL_Surface] init(x: Int, y: Int, vx: Float, vy: Float, ttl: Int) do set_xy(x, y) _vx = vx _vy = vy _ttl = ttl _images = once load_images("debris4", 8) _image = _images.first end end class Level readable var _number: Int readable var _name: String readable var _data: String redef fun to_s: String do return "level {_number}" end init(n: Int, name: String, d: String) do _number = n _name = name _data = d end end fun load_levels(filename: String): Array[Level] do var levels = new Array[Level] var f = new IFStream.open(filename) var name = "" var data = "" while not f.eof do var l = f.read_line if l[0] == ';' then # comment else if l[0] == '>' then # Level name name = l.substring_from(1) else if l[0] == '<' then # Second name else if l[0] == '!' then # End of level levels.add(new Level(levels.length + 1, name, data)) name = "" data = "" else # Level data if data.length > 0 then data.add('\n') end data.append(l) end end f.close return levels end srand sdl_init sdl_show_cursor = true #var screen = sdl_set_video_mode(800, 600, 32) var screen = sdl_set_fullscreen_video_mode(800, 600, 32) var evt_proc = new SDL_EventProcessor var evt_list = new Playing(screen) evt_proc.add_listener(evt_list) while not evt_list.quit_requested do evt_proc.process_all_events evt_list.update sdl_delay(1) end