# This file is part of NIT (http://www.nitlanguage.org). # # Copyright 2011-2013 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Services related to pathfinding of graphs using A* # A single graph may have different properties according to the `PathContext` used # # Usage: # # # Weighted graph (letters are nodes, digits are weights): # # # # a -2- b # # / / # # 3 1 # # / / # # c -3- d -8- e # # # var graph = new Graph[Node,WeigthedLink[Node]] # # var na = new Node(graph) # var nb = new Node(graph) # var nc = new Node(graph) # var nd = new Node(graph) # var ne = new Node(graph) # # var lab = new WeightedLink(graph, na, nb, 2) # var lac = new WeightedLink(graph, na, nc, 3) # var lbd = new WeightedLink(graph, nb, nd, 1) # var lcd = new WeightedLink(graph, nc, nd, 3) # var lde = new WeightedLink(graph, nd, ne, 8) # # var context = new WeightedPathContext(graph) # # var path = na.path_to(ne, 100, context) # assert path != null else print "No possible path" # # assert path.step == nb # assert path.step == nd # assert path.step == ne # assert path.at_end_of_path module a_star redef class Object protected fun debug_a_star: Bool do return false private fun debug(msg: String) do if debug_a_star then stderr.write "a_star debug: {msg}\n" end end # General graph node class Node type N: Node # parent graph var graph: Graph[N, Link] init(graph: Graph[N, Link]) do self.graph = graph graph.add_node(self) end # adjacent nodes var links: Set[Link] = new HashSet[Link] # used to check if node has been searched in one pathfinding private var last_pathfinding_evocation: Int = 0 # cost up to in current evocation # lifetime limited to evocation of path_to private var best_cost_up_to: Int = 0 # source node # lifetime limited to evocation of path_to private var best_source: nullable N = null # is in frontier or buckets # lifetime limited to evocation of path_to private var open: Bool = false # Main functionnality, returns path from `self` to `dest` fun path_to(dest: Node, max_cost: Int, context: PathContext): nullable Path[N] do var cost = 0 var nbr_buckets = context.worst_cost + context.worst_heuristic_cost + 1 var buckets = new Array[List[Node]].with_capacity(nbr_buckets) for i in [0 .. nbr_buckets[ do buckets.add(new List[Node]) end graph.pathfinding_current_evocation += 1 # open source node buckets[0].add(self) open = true self.last_pathfinding_evocation = graph.pathfinding_current_evocation self.best_cost_up_to = 0 loop var frontier_node: nullable Node = null var bucket_searched: Int = 0 # find next valid node in frontier/buckets loop var current_bucket = buckets[cost % nbr_buckets] if current_bucket.is_empty then # move to next bucket debug "b {cost} {cost % nbr_buckets} {buckets[cost % nbr_buckets].hash}" cost += 1 if cost > max_cost then return null bucket_searched += 1 if bucket_searched > nbr_buckets then break else # found a node debug "c {cost}" frontier_node = current_bucket.pop if frontier_node.open then break end end # no path possible if frontier_node == null then return null # at destination else if frontier_node == dest then debug "picked {frontier_node}, is destination" var path = new Path[N](cost) while frontier_node != self do path.nodes.unshift(frontier_node) frontier_node = frontier_node.best_source.as(not null) end return path # adds all next nodes to frontier/buckets else frontier_node.open = false debug "w exploring adjacents of {frontier_node}" for link in frontier_node.links do var peek_node = link.to debug "v {context.is_blocked(link)} {peek_node.last_pathfinding_evocation != graph.pathfinding_current_evocation} {peek_node.best_cost_up_to > frontier_node.best_cost_up_to + context.cost(link)}, {peek_node.best_cost_up_to} > {frontier_node.best_cost_up_to} + {context.cost(link)}" if not context.is_blocked(link) and (peek_node.last_pathfinding_evocation != graph.pathfinding_current_evocation or (peek_node.open and peek_node.best_cost_up_to > cost + context.cost(link))) then peek_node.open = true peek_node.last_pathfinding_evocation = graph.pathfinding_current_evocation peek_node.best_cost_up_to = cost + context.cost(link) peek_node.best_source = frontier_node var est_cost = peek_node.best_cost_up_to+context.heuristic_cost(link.from, peek_node) var at_bucket = buckets[est_cost % nbr_buckets] at_bucket.add(peek_node) debug "u putting {peek_node} at {est_cost} -> {est_cost % nbr_buckets} {at_bucket.hash}, {cost}+{context.cost(link)}" end end end end end end # Link between two nodes and associated to a graph class Link type N: Node type L: Link var graph: Graph[N, L] var from: N var to: N init(graph: Graph[N, L], from, to: N) do self.graph = graph self.from = from self.to = to graph.add_link(self) end end # General graph class Graph[N: Node, L: Link] var nodes: Set[N] = new HashSet[N] var links: Set[L] = new HashSet[L] fun add_node(node: N): N do nodes.add(node) return node end fun add_link(link: L): L do links.add(link) link.from.links.add(link) return link end # used to check if nodes have been searched in one pathfinding var pathfinding_current_evocation: Int = 0 end # Result from pathfinding, a walkable path class Path[N] var total_cost: Int var nodes = new List[N] init (cost: Int) do total_cost = cost var at: Int = 0 fun step: N do assert nodes.length >= at else print "a_star::Path::step failed, is at_end_of_path" var s = nodes[at] at += 1 return s end fun peek_step: N do return nodes[at] fun at_end_of_path: Bool do return at >= nodes.length end # Context related to an evocation of pathfinding class PathContext type N: Node type L: Link var graph: Graph[N, L] # Worst cost of all the link's costs fun worst_cost: Int is abstract # Get cost of a link fun cost(link: L): Int is abstract # Is that link blocked? fun is_blocked(link: L): Bool is abstract # Heuristic fun heuristic_cost(a, b: N): Int is abstract fun worst_heuristic_cost: Int is abstract end # ### Additionnal classes, may be useful # # Simple context with constant cost on each links # Warning: A* is not optimize for such a case class ConstantPathContext super PathContext redef fun worst_cost do return 1 redef fun cost(l) do return 1 redef fun is_blocked(l) do return false redef fun heuristic_cost(a, b) do return 0 redef fun worst_heuristic_cost do return 0 end class WeightedPathContext super PathContext redef type L: WeightedLink init(graph: Graph[N, L]) do super var worst_cost = 0 for l in graph.links do var cost = l.weight if cost >= worst_cost then worst_cost = cost + 1 end self.worst_cost = worst_cost end redef var worst_cost: Int redef fun cost(l) do return l.weight end redef fun is_blocked(l) do return false redef fun heuristic_cost(a, b) do return 0 redef fun worst_heuristic_cost do return 0 end class WeightedLink super Link var weight: Int init(graph: Graph[N, L], from, to: N, weight: Int) do super self.weight = weight end end