# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Adds importation and class hierarchy graphs. module doc_graphs import doc_structure import doc_poset import html_templates::html_model # FIXME maybe this phase should depend on `html_render` redef class ToolContext # Do not generate `graphviz` diagrams. var opt_nodot = new OptionBool("do not generate graphes with graphviz", "--no-dot") redef init do super option_context.add_option(opt_nodot) end end # This phase insert importation and inheritance graphs into pages. class GraphPhase super DocPhase redef fun apply do if ctx.opt_nodot.value then return for page in doc.pages do var article = page.build_graph(self, doc) if article == null then continue # FIXME avoid diff # page.root.add article article.parent = page.root.children.first.children[1] page.root.children.first.children[1].children.insert(article, 0) end end end redef class DocPage # Build dot graph articles from `mmodules` list. # # Since only `MEntity pages` contain a graph, this method returns null in all # other cases. private fun build_graph(v: GraphPhase, doc: DocModel): nullable GraphArticle do return null end # TODO graph generation can be factorized in POSet. redef class MModulePage redef fun build_graph(v, doc) do var op = new FlatBuffer var name = "dep_module_{mentity.nitdoc_id}" op.append("digraph \"{name.escape_to_dot}\" \{ rankdir=BT; node[shape=none,margin=0,width=0,height=0,fontsize=10]; edge[dir=none,color=gray]; ranksep=0.2; nodesep=0.1;\n") for mmodule in poset do if mmodule == self.mentity then op.append("\"{mmodule.name.escape_to_dot}\"[shape=box,margin=0.03];\n") else op.append("\"{mmodule.name.escape_to_dot}\"[URL=\"{mmodule.nitdoc_url.escape_to_dot}\"];\n") end for omodule in poset[mmodule].direct_greaters do op.append("\"{mmodule.name.escape_to_dot}\"->\"{omodule.name.escape_to_dot}\";\n") end end op.append("\}\n") return new GraphArticle(mentity, name, "Importation Graph", op) end end redef class MClassPage redef fun build_graph(v, doc) do var op = new FlatBuffer var name = "dep_class_{mentity.nitdoc_id}" op.append("digraph \"{name.escape_to_dot}\" \{ rankdir=BT; node[shape=none,margin=0,width=0,height=0,fontsize=10]; edge[dir=none,color=gray]; ranksep=0.2; nodesep=0.1;\n") var classes = poset.to_a var todo = new Array[MClass] var done = new HashSet[MClass] doc.mainmodule.linearize_mclasses(classes) if not classes.is_empty then todo.add classes.first while not todo.is_empty do var c = todo.shift if done.has(c) then continue done.add c if c == self.mentity then op.append("\"{c.name.escape_to_dot}\"[shape=box,margin=0.03];\n") else op.append("\"{c.name.escape_to_dot}\"[URL=\"{c.nitdoc_url.escape_to_dot}\"];\n") end var smallers = poset[c].direct_smallers if smallers.length < 10 then for c2 in smallers do op.append("\"{c2.name.escape_to_dot}\"->\"{c.name.escape_to_dot}\";\n") end todo.add_all smallers else op.append("\"...\"->\"{c.name.escape_to_dot}\";\n") end end op.append("\}\n") return new GraphArticle(mentity, name, "Inheritance Graph", op) end end # An article that display an importation or inheritance graph. # # The graph is stored in dot format. # The final output is delayed untill rendering. class GraphArticle super MEntityComposite # Graph ID (used for outputing file with names). var id: String # Graph title to display. var graph_title: String # Dot script of the graph. var dot: Text redef var is_empty = false end