# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Generates lists about intros/redefs in MEntity. # # Actually, this works only for MModules and MclassDefs. module doc_intros_redefs import doc_structure # Computes intro / redef mentity list for each DefinitionArticle. class IntroRedefListPhase super DocPhase redef fun apply do for page in doc.pages do if not page isa MEntityPage then continue page.root.build_intro_redef_list(self, doc, page) end end end redef class DocComposite # Computes intro / redef lists for this page. # # See `IntroRedefListPhase`. fun build_intro_redef_list(v: IntroRedefListPhase, doc: DocModel, page: MEntityPage) do for child in children do child.build_intro_redef_list(v, doc, page) end end redef class DefinitionArticle redef fun build_intro_redef_list(v, doc, page) do var mentity = self.mentity if mentity isa MModule then build_mmodule_list(v, doc, mentity) else if mentity isa MClassDef and mentity.mmodule == page.mentity then build_mclassdef_list(v, doc, mentity) end super end # TODO this should move to MEntity? private fun build_mmodule_list(v: IntroRedefListPhase, doc: DocModel, mmodule: MModule) do var section = new IntrosRedefsSection(mentity) var group = new PanelGroup("List") var intros = mmodule.intro_mclassdefs(v.ctx.min_visibility).to_a doc.mainmodule.linearize_mclassdefs(intros) group.add_child new IntrosRedefsListArticle(mentity, "Introduces", intros) var redefs = mmodule.redef_mclassdefs(v.ctx.min_visibility).to_a doc.mainmodule.linearize_mclassdefs(redefs) group.add_child new IntrosRedefsListArticle(mentity, "Redefines", redefs) section.add_child group add_child(section) end # TODO this should move to MEntity? private fun build_mclassdef_list(v: IntroRedefListPhase, doc: DocModel, mclassdef: MClassDef) do var section = new IntrosRedefsSection(mentity) var group = new PanelGroup("List") var intros = mclassdef.collect_intro_mpropdefs(v.ctx.min_visibility).to_a # FIXME avoid diff changes # v.ctx.mainmodule.linearize_mpropdefs(intros) group.add_child new IntrosRedefsListArticle(mentity, "Introduces", intros) var redefs = mclassdef.collect_redef_mpropdefs(v.ctx.min_visibility).to_a # FIXME avoid diff changes # v.ctx.mainmodule.linearize_mpropdefs(redefs) group.add_child new IntrosRedefsListArticle(mentity, "Redefines", redefs) section.add_child group add_child(section) end end # Section that contains the intros and redefs lists. class IntrosRedefsSection super TabbedGroup super MEntitySection end # An article that displays a list of introduced / refined mentities. # # FIXME diff hack # This can merged with InheritanceListArticle in a more generic class. class IntrosRedefsListArticle super MEntityArticle # Title displayed as header of the list. var list_title: String # Intro mentities to list. var mentities: Array[MEntity] end