# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2005-2008 Jean Privat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. class Node redef fun to_s: String do return _name end var name: String = "noname" end class WakeUpNode super Node fun wake_up is abstract # Wake up the node fun wake_up_in(d: Int) # Ask to be weaked up in `d' time units do _scheduler.add_event(self, d) end var scheduler: Scheduler init do end end class NodeSource super Node var nexts: nullable ArraySet[NodeSink] = null fun attach(n: NodeSink) # Add the sink `n' the the connected nodes # Do nothing if `n' is already connected do # Create the collection if needed if _nexts == null then _nexts = new ArraySet[NodeSink] end _nexts.add(n) end fun detach(n: NodeSink) # Remove the sink `n' from the connected nodes # Do nothing if `n' is not connected do _nexts.remove(n) end protected fun send # Notify the sinks by calling the recieve(1) method of each sink do if _nexts == null then return end for n in _nexts.as(not null) do n.recieve(self) end end end class NodeSink super Node fun recieve(n: NodeSource) is abstract # the `n' has emeted a signal end # class Scheduler var time_list: Array[Couple[Int, WakeUpNode]] = new Array[Couple[Int, WakeUpNode]] var time: Int = 0 # What time is it ? fun add_event(n: WakeUpNode, d: Int) # The node `n' whant to be weaked up in `d' time units do var entry = new Couple[Int, WakeUpNode](d+_time, n) _time_list.add(entry) end fun next_event: nullable WakeUpNode # Get the do if _time_list.is_empty then return null end # Get the next entry var entry = _time_list.first for e in _time_list do if e.first < entry.first then entry = e end end _time_list.remove(entry) _time = entry.first return entry.second end fun run_for(time_limit: Int) do loop var node = next_event if _time > time_limit then print("Time limit.") return end if node == null then print("No more event.") return end node.wake_up end end init do end end # class BeepSource super NodeSource super WakeUpNode redef fun wake_up do send wake_up_in(_delay) end var delay: Int fun start do wake_up_in(_delay) end init(name: String, s: Scheduler, delay: Int) do _name = name _scheduler = s _delay = delay end end class CountSink super NodeSink var count: Int = 0 redef fun recieve(n: NodeSource) do count = count + 1 end end class SimpleCountSink super CountSink init(name: String) do _name = name end end class NodeAlternate super NodeSink super NodeSource var last: nullable NodeSource redef fun recieve(n: NodeSource) do if n != _last then _last = n send end end init(name: String) do _name = name end end class NodeEat super CountSink super NodeSource var limit: Int redef fun recieve(n: NodeSource) do var c = count + 1 if c >= _limit then count = 0 send else count = c end end init(name: String, limit: Int) do _name = name _limit = limit end end class NodeDelay super NodeSource super NodeSink super WakeUpNode var delay: Int redef fun recieve(n: NodeSource) do wake_up_in(_delay) end redef fun wake_up do send end init(name: String, scheduler: Scheduler, delay: Int) do _name = name _scheduler = scheduler _delay = delay end end # var s = new Scheduler var b1 = new BeepSource("Beep 1", s, 10) var b2 = new BeepSource("Beep 2", s, 7) var a1 = new NodeAlternate("Alternate 1") var a2 = new NodeAlternate("Alternate 2") var a3 = new NodeAlternate("Alternate 3") var d1 = new NodeDelay("Delay 1", s, 2) var e1 = new NodeEat("Eat 1", 5) var c1 = new SimpleCountSink("Count 1") b1.attach(a1) b1.attach(a3) b2.attach(a1) b2.attach(a2) b2.attach(a3) a1.attach(e1) a1.attach(a2) a2.attach(a2) a2.attach(a3) a3.attach(e1) a3.attach(d1) d1.attach(e1) e1.attach(c1) e1.attach(a1) b1.start b2.start var nb = 100000 if not args.is_empty then nb = args.first.to_i end s.run_for(nb) print(c1.count)