functional - 

Nit functional types and Iterator API

This lib provides a common interfaces to represent and call any type of routine. This is usefull if you want to build a functional API, where user can pass functions. Right now, there's no support for anonymous function or function pointer. However, one can build classes that inherit from a functional type to simulate a function. Here's an example implementing the famous map function:

class MapIntToString
        super Fun1[Int,String]
        redef fun call(x) do return x.to_s

redef class Array[E]
        fun map(mapper: Fun1[E, Object]): Array[Object]
                var res = new Array[Object]
                for ele in self do res.add(
                return res

var xs = [1,2,3,4]
var f = new MapIntToString
assert == ["1", "2", "3", "4"]

Currently, this style of programming seems tedious, but future update of the langage will support function pointer and anonymous function.

Functional API makes it easier to build asynchronous or multithreaded code, because representing a pending or future computation using a function requires much less code:

fun long\_calculation

# function pointer
var thread = new Thread(&long\_calculation)

Finally, this lib provides an entire functional API over the Iterator class similar to the old Pipeline lib.

Functional Types

There are two fundamental types: FunX[0..X, RES] and ProcX[0..X], both inherits Routine. The X represents the arity of the routine, eg :

import functional

class A

        # to_s isa `Fun0[String]`.
        redef fun to_s do return "greeting from A"

# f isa `Fun2[Int,Int,Int]`
fun f(x: Int, y: Int): Int do return x + y

# g isa `Proc2[Int,Int]`
fun g(x: Int, y: Int) do print "{x + y}"

For a FunX type the arity doesn't count the return type.

Note: The arity doesn't count the receiver of the current class where the method belongs.

Iterator API

The new Iterator API provides all the classical functional style transformation: map, for_each, fold, fold1, flatmap, enumerate, any and all.

Most methods return a new Iterator, this allow us to chain them:

import functional

fun addone(x: Int): Int do return x + 1
fun square(x: Int): Int do return x * x
fun add(x:Int, y: Int): Int do return x + y

var xs = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

assert, &add) == 395

Some functions collapse the iterator into one value : all, any, fold, fold1, for_each (void-like).

Note: Most of the new methods tries to be lazy. However, Iterator::order_by consume the entire iterator and Iterator::filter might consume the entire iterator.


To use the new API you must include in your file import functional.


  • The module functional::functional_gen is only used to generate functional::functional_types.
