A metric about MModule

Introduced properties

private var _filter: nullable ModelFilter

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: _filter

Filter to apply on model if any
private var _mainmodule: MModule

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: _mainmodule

Mainmodule used for linearization
private var _model: Model

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: _model

Model view used to collect and filter entities
init defaultinit(model: Model, mainmodule: MModule, filter: nullable ModelFilter)

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: defaultinit

fun filter: nullable ModelFilter

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: filter

Filter to apply on model if any
protected fun filter=(filter: nullable ModelFilter)

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: filter=

Filter to apply on model if any
fun mainmodule: MModule

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: mainmodule

Mainmodule used for linearization
protected fun mainmodule=(mainmodule: MModule)

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: mainmodule=

Mainmodule used for linearization
fun model: Model

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: model

Model view used to collect and filter entities
protected fun model=(model: Model)

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: model=

Model view used to collect and filter entities

Redefined properties

redef type ELM: MModule

nitc $ MModuleMetric :: ELM

Type of elements measured by this metric.
redef type SELF: MModuleMetric

nitc $ MModuleMetric :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class
redef fun core_serialize_to(v: Serializer)

nitc :: api_metrics $ MModuleMetric :: core_serialize_to

Actual serialization of self to serializer

All properties

fun !=(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: !=

Have self and other different values?
fun ==(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: ==

Have self and other the same value?
type CLASS: Class[SELF]

core :: Object :: CLASS

The type of the class of self.
type ELM: Object

nitc :: Metric :: ELM

Type of elements measured by this metric.
type RES: Map[ELM, VAL]

nitc :: Metric :: RES

Type of data representation used to associate elements and values.
type SELF: Object

core :: Object :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class
type VAL: Object

nitc :: Metric :: VAL

Type of values used to measure elements.
fun [](element: ELM): VAL

nitc :: Metric :: []

The value calculated for the element
private var _filter: nullable ModelFilter

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: _filter

Filter to apply on model if any
private var _mainmodule: MModule

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: _mainmodule

Mainmodule used for linearization
private var _model: Model

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: _model

Model view used to collect and filter entities
abstract fun above_threshold: Set[ELM]

nitc :: Metric :: above_threshold

The set of element above the threshold
protected fun accept_json_serializer(v: JsonSerializer)

serialization :: Serializable :: accept_json_serializer

Refinable service to customize the serialization of this class to JSON
protected fun accept_msgpack_attribute_counter(v: AttributeCounter)

serialization :: Serializable :: accept_msgpack_attribute_counter

Hook to customize the behavior of the AttributeCounter
protected fun accept_msgpack_serializer(v: MsgPackSerializer)

serialization :: Serializable :: accept_msgpack_serializer

Hook to customize the serialization of this class to MessagePack
protected fun add_to_bundle(bundle: NativeBundle, key: JavaString)

serialization :: Serializable :: add_to_bundle

Called by []= to dynamically choose the appropriate method according
abstract fun avg: Float

nitc :: Metric :: avg

The values average
protected fun class_factory(name: String): CLASS

core :: Object :: class_factory

Implementation used by get_class to create the specific class.
fun class_name: String

core :: Object :: class_name

The class name of the object.
abstract fun clear

nitc :: Metric :: clear

Clear all results for this metric
abstract fun collect(elements: Collection[ELM])

nitc :: Metric :: collect

Collect metric values on elements
fun core_serialize_to(serializer: Serializer)

serialization :: Serializable :: core_serialize_to

Actual serialization of self to serializer
init defaultinit(model: Model, mainmodule: MModule, filter: nullable ModelFilter)

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: defaultinit

abstract fun desc: String

nitc :: Metric :: desc

A long and understandable description about what is measured by this metric.
fun filter: nullable ModelFilter

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: filter

Filter to apply on model if any
protected fun filter=(filter: nullable ModelFilter)

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: filter=

Filter to apply on model if any
init from_deserializer(deserializer: Deserializer)

serialization :: Serializable :: from_deserializer

Create an instance of this class from the deserializer
fun get_class: CLASS

core :: Object :: get_class

The meta-object representing the dynamic type of self.
fun has_element(element: ELM): Bool

nitc :: Metric :: has_element

Does the element have a value for this metric?
fun hash: Int

core :: Object :: hash

The hash code of the object.
init init

core :: Object :: init

fun inspect: String

core :: Object :: inspect

Developer readable representation of self.
protected fun inspect_head: String

core :: Object :: inspect_head

intern fun is_same_instance(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_instance

Return true if self and other are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
fun is_same_serialized(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_serialized

Is self the same as other in a serialization context?
intern fun is_same_type(other: Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_type

Return true if self and other have the same dynamic type.
fun mainmodule: MModule

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: mainmodule

Mainmodule used for linearization
protected fun mainmodule=(mainmodule: MModule)

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: mainmodule=

Mainmodule used for linearization
abstract fun max: ELM

nitc :: Metric :: max

The element with the highest value
abstract fun min: ELM

nitc :: Metric :: min

The element with the lowest value
fun model: Model

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: model

Model view used to collect and filter entities
protected fun model=(model: Model)

nitc :: MModuleMetric :: model=

Model view used to collect and filter entities
protected fun msgpack_extra_array_items: Int

serialization :: Serializable :: msgpack_extra_array_items

Hook to request a larger than usual metadata array
abstract fun name: String

nitc :: Metric :: name

The name of this metric (generally an acronym about the metric).
private intern fun native_class_name: CString

core :: Object :: native_class_name

The class name of the object in CString format.
intern fun object_id: Int

core :: Object :: object_id

An internal hash code for the object based on its identity.
fun output

core :: Object :: output

Display self on stdout (debug only).
intern fun output_class_name

core :: Object :: output_class_name

Display class name on stdout (debug only).
fun serialization_hash: Int

core :: Object :: serialization_hash

Hash value use for serialization
fun serialize_msgpack(plain: nullable Bool): Bytes

serialization :: Serializable :: serialize_msgpack

Serialize self to MessagePack bytes
fun serialize_to(serializer: Serializer)

serialization :: Serializable :: serialize_to

Serialize self to serializer
fun serialize_to_json(plain: nullable Bool, pretty: nullable Bool): String

serialization :: Serializable :: serialize_to_json

Serialize self to JSON
private fun serialize_to_or_delay(v: Serializer)

serialization :: Serializable :: serialize_to_or_delay

Accept references or force direct serialization (using serialize_to)
fun sort: Array[ELM]

nitc :: Metric :: sort

Sort the metric keys by values
abstract fun std_dev: Float

nitc :: Metric :: std_dev

The values standard derivation
abstract fun sum: VAL

nitc :: Metric :: sum

The sum of all the values.
intern fun sys: Sys

core :: Object :: sys

Return the global sys object, the only instance of the Sys class.
fun threshold: Float

nitc :: Metric :: threshold

The value threshold above what elements are considered as 'interesting'
fun to_console(indent: Int, colors: Bool)

nitc :: Metric :: to_console

Pretty print the metric results in console
fun to_json: String

serialization :: Serializable :: to_json

Serialize self to plain JSON
abstract fun to_jvalue(env: JniEnv): JValue

core :: Object :: to_jvalue

fun to_pretty_json: String

serialization :: Serializable :: to_pretty_json

Serialize self to plain pretty JSON
fun to_s: String

core :: Object :: to_s

User readable representation of self.
abstract fun values: RES

nitc :: Metric :: values

Values for each element
package_diagram nitc::MModuleMetric MModuleMetric nitc::Metric Metric nitc::MModuleMetric->nitc::Metric serialization::Serializable Serializable nitc::Metric->serialization::Serializable ...serialization::Serializable ... ...serialization::Serializable->serialization::Serializable nitc::MModuleMetric... ... nitc::MModuleMetric...->nitc::MModuleMetric


interface Object

core :: Object

The root of the class hierarchy.
interface Serializable

serialization :: Serializable

Instances of this class can be passed to Serializer::serialize


interface Metric

nitc :: Metric

A Metric is used to collect data about things


class MBMS

nitc :: MBMS

Module Branch Mean Size
class MDIT

nitc :: MDIT

Module Metric: Depth in Tree
class MDUI

nitc :: MDUI

Module metric: proportion of MClasses Defined Using Inheritance
class MDUIC

nitc :: MDUIC

Module metric: proportion of abstract, concrete and extern Classes Defined Using Inheritance
class MDUII

nitc :: MDUII

Module metric: proportion of Interface Defined Using Inheritance
class MIF

nitc :: MIF

Module metric: proportion of MClass Inherited From
class MIFC

nitc :: MIFC

Module metric: proportion of abstract, concrete and extern Class Inherited From
class MIFI

nitc :: MIFI

Module metric: proportion of Interface Inherited From
class MNBAC

nitc :: MNBAC

Module Metric: Number of Abstract Class in module (intro + redef)
class MNBCC

nitc :: MNBCC

Module Metric: Number of Concrete Class in module (intro + redef)
class MNBD

nitc :: MNBD

Module Metric: Number of Accessible Definitions (of all kind)
class MNBEC

nitc :: MNBEC

Module Metric: Number of Enum in module (intro + redef)
class MNBI

nitc :: MNBI

Module Metric: Number of Introduction (of all kind)
class MNBIC

nitc :: MNBIC

Module Metric: Number of Interface in module (intro + redef)
class MNBR

nitc :: MNBR

Module Metric: Number of Refinement
class MNOA

nitc :: MNOA

Module Metric: Number of Ancestors
class MNOC

nitc :: MNOC

Module Metric: Number of Children
class MNOD

nitc :: MNOD

Module Metric: Number of Descendants
class MNOP

nitc :: MNOP

Module Metric: Number of Parents
class MNVI

nitc :: MNVI

Module Novelty Index
class MNVS

nitc :: MNVS

Module Novelty Score
class RTAMetric

nitc :: RTAMetric

RTA related metric that needs a modelbuilder


class MNCT

nitc :: MNCT

MModule Metric: Number of Live Cast Types
class MNLC

nitc :: MNLC

MModule Metric: Number of Live Classes
class MNLDD

nitc :: MNLDD

MModule Metric: Number of Dead MethodDefs
class MNLI

nitc :: MNLI

MModule Metric: Number of Live Types
class MNLM

nitc :: MNLM

MModule Metric: Number of Live Methods
class MNLMD

nitc :: MNLMD

MModule Metric: Number of Live MethodDefs
class MNLT

nitc :: MNLT

MModule Metric: Number of Live Types

Class definitions

nitc $ MModuleMetric
# A metric about MModule
abstract class MModuleMetric
	super Metric
	redef type ELM: MModule

	# Model view used to collect and filter entities
	var model: Model

	# Mainmodule used for linearization
	var mainmodule: MModule

	# Filter to apply on model if any
	var filter: nullable ModelFilter

nitc :: api_metrics $ MModuleMetric
redef class MModuleMetric
	redef fun core_serialize_to(v) do
		if values.not_empty then v.serialize_attribute("min", min)
		if values.not_empty then v.serialize_attribute("max", max)
		var values = new JsonObject
		for value in sort do
			values[value.full_name] = new MetricEntry(value, self[value])
		v.serialize_attribute("values", values)