Basic catalog generator for Nit packages
The tool scans packages and generates the HTML files of a catalog.
- [X] scan packages and their
- [X] generate lists of packages
- [X] generate a page per package with the readme and most metadata
- [ ] link/include/be included in the documentation
- [ ] propose
related packages
- [X] show directory content (a la nitls)
- [X] gather git information from the working directory
- [ ] gather git information from the repository
- [ ] gather package information from github
- [ ] gather people information from github
- [X] reify people
- [X] separate information gathering from rendering
- [ ] move up information gathering in (existing or new) service modules
- [X] add command line options
- [ ] harden HTML (escaping, path injection, etc)
- [ ] nitcorn server with RESTful API
Issues and limitations
The tool works likee the other tools and expects to find valid Nit source code in the directories
- cruft and temporary files will be collected
- missing source file (e.g. not yet generated by nitcc) will make information
incomplete (e.g. invalid module thus partial dependency and metrics)
How to use the tool as the basis of a Nit code archive on the web usable with a package manager is not clear.