matrix :: projection
to transform and project 3D coordinatesmatrix :: projection $ NativeDoubleArray
Specialized native structure to store matrix items and avoid boxing costmatrix :: projection $ NativeDoubleArray
Specialized native structure to store matrix items and avoid boxing costcore :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structureaccept_scroll_and_zoom
gamnit :: camera_control_android
Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scrollgamnit :: camera_control_linux
Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control cameraEulerCamera
and App::frame_core_draw
to get a stereoscopic view
# Services on `Matrix` to transform and project 3D coordinates
module projection
intrude import matrix
redef class Matrix
# Create an orthogonal projection matrix
# `left, right, bottom, top, near, far` defines the world clip planes.
new orthogonal(left, right, bottom, top, near, far: Float)
var dx = right - left
var dy = top - bottom
var dz = far - near
assert dx != 0.0 and dy != 0.0 and dz != 0.0
var mat = new Matrix.identity(4)
mat[0, 0] = 2.0 / dx
mat[3, 0] = -(right + left) / dx
mat[1, 1] = 2.0 / dy
mat[3, 1] = -(top + bottom) / dy
mat[2, 2] = 2.0 / dz
mat[3, 2] = -(near + far) / dz
return mat
# Create a perspective transformation matrix
# Using the given vertical `field_of_view_y` in radians, the `aspect_ratio`
# and the `near`/`far` world distances.
new perspective(field_of_view_y, aspect_ratio, near, far: Float)
var frustum_height = (field_of_view_y/2.0).tan * near
var frustum_width = frustum_height * aspect_ratio
return new Matrix.frustum(-frustum_width, frustum_width,
-frustum_height, frustum_height,
near, far)
# Create a frustum transformation matrix
# `left, right, bottom, top, near, far` defines the world clip planes.
new frustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far: Float)
var dx = right - left
var dy = top - bottom
var dz = far - near
assert near > 0.0
assert far > 0.0
assert dx > 0.0
assert dy > 0.0
assert dz > 0.0
var mat = new Matrix(4, 4)
mat[0, 0] = 2.0 * near / dx
mat[0, 1] = 0.0
mat[0, 2] = 0.0
mat[0, 3] = 0.0
mat[1, 0] = 0.0
mat[1, 1] = 2.0 * near / dy
mat[1, 2] = 0.0
mat[1, 3] = 0.0
mat[2, 0] = (right + left) / dx
mat[2, 1] = (top + bottom) / dy
mat[2, 2] = -(near + far) / dz
mat[2, 3] = -1.0
mat[3, 0] = 0.0
mat[3, 1] = 0.0
mat[3, 2] = -2.0 * near * far / dz
mat[3, 3] = 0.0
return mat
# Apply a translation by `x, y, z` to this matrix
fun translate(x, y, z: Float)
for i in [0..3] do
self[3, i] = self[3,i] + self[0, i] * x + self[1, i] * y + self[2, i] * z
# Apply scaling on `x, y, z` to this matrix
fun scale(x, y, z: Float)
for i in [0..3] do
self[0, i] = self[0, i] * x
self[1, i] = self[1, i] * y
self[2, i] = self[2, i] * z
# Create a rotation matrix by `angle` around the vector defined by `x, y, z`
new rotation(angle, x, y, z: Float)
var mat = new Matrix.identity(4)
var mag = (x*x + y*y + z*z).sqrt
var sin = angle.sin
var cos = angle.cos
if mag > 0.0 then
x = x / mag
y = y / mag
z = z / mag
var inv_cos = 1.0 - cos
mat[0, 0] = inv_cos*x*x + cos
mat[0, 1] = inv_cos*x*y - z*sin
mat[0, 2] = inv_cos*z*x + y*sin
mat[1, 0] = inv_cos*x*y + z*sin
mat[1, 1] = inv_cos*y*y + cos
mat[1, 2] = inv_cos*y*z - x*sin
mat[2, 0] = inv_cos*z*x - y*sin
mat[2, 1] = inv_cos*y*z + x*sin
mat[2, 2] = inv_cos*z*z + cos
return mat
# Apply a rotation of `angle` radians around the vector `x, y, z`
fun rotate(angle, x, y, z: Float)
var rotation = new Matrix.rotation(angle, x, y, z)
var rotated = self * rotation
self.items = rotated.items
# Rotation matrix from Euler angles `pitch`, `yaw` and `roll` in radians
# Apply a composition of intrinsic rotations around the axes x-y'-z''.
# Or `pitch` around the X axis, `yaw` around Y and `roll` around Z,
# applied successively. All rotations follow the right hand rule.
# This service aims to respect the world axes and logic of `gamnit`,
# it may not correspond to all needs.
# The returned `Matrix` may be cached, it must not be modified.
new gamnit_euler_rotation(pitch, yaw, roll: Float)
if pitch == 0.0 and yaw == 0.0 and roll == 0.0 then
return once new Matrix.identity(4)
if rotation_pitch == pitch and rotation_yaw == yaw and rotation_roll == roll then
var rot = rotation_matrix_cache
if rot != null then return rot
var c1 = pitch.cos
var s1 = pitch.sin
var c2 = yaw.cos
var s2 = yaw.sin
var c3 = roll.cos
var s3 = roll.sin
var rot = new Matrix(4, 4)
c2*c3, -c2*s3, -s2, 0.0,
c1*s3+c3*s1*s2, c1*c3-s1*s2*s3, c2*s1, 0.0,
-s1*s3+c1*c3*s2, -c3*s1-c1*s2*s3, c1*c2, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
rotation_matrix_cache = rot
rotation_pitch = pitch
rotation_yaw = yaw
rotation_roll = roll
return rot
redef class NativeDoubleArray
fun mat4_set(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15: Float) `{
self[ 0] = f0;
self[ 1] = f1;
self[ 2] = f2;
self[ 3] = f3;
self[ 4] = f4;
self[ 5] = f5;
self[ 6] = f6;
self[ 7] = f7;
self[ 8] = f8;
self[ 9] = f9;
self[10] = f10;
self[11] = f11;
self[12] = f12;
self[13] = f13;
self[14] = f14;
self[15] = f15;
redef class Sys
private var rotation_matrix_cache: nullable Matrix = null
private var rotation_pitch = 0.0
private var rotation_yaw = 0.0
private var rotation_roll = 0.0