Property definitions

android $ ASensorEventQueue :: defaultinit
# Manages the sensors events
extern class ASensorEventQueue `{ASensorEventQueue*`}

	# Enable the selected sensor, returns a negative value on error
	fun enable_sensor(sensor: ASensor): Int `{
		return ASensorEventQueue_enableSensor(self, sensor);

	# Disable the selected sensor, returns a negative value on error
	fun disable_sensor(sensor: ASensor): Int `{
		return ASensorEventQueue_disableSensor(self, sensor);

	# Set the delivery rate of events in microseconds for the given sensor
	fun set_event_rate(sensor: ASensor, usec: Int): Int `{
		return ASensorEventQueue_setEventRate(self, sensor, usec);
	# Returns 1 if the queue has events, 0 if it does not have events,
	# and a negative value if there is an error
	fun has_events: Int `{
		return ASensorEventQueue_hasEvents(self);

	# Returns the next available events from the queue.
	# Returns a negative value if no events are available or an error has occured
	# otherwise the number of events returned
	fun get_events(events: ASensorEvents, count: Int): Int `{
		return ASensorEventQueue_getEvents(self, events, (size_t)count);