Is self a whitespace character?

These correspond to the "Other" and "Separator" groups of the Unicode.

In the ASCII encoding, this is those <= to space (0x20) plus delete (0x7F).

assert 'A'.is_whitespace  == false
assert ','.is_whitespace  == false
assert ' '.is_whitespace  == true # space
assert ' '.is_whitespace  == true # non-breaking space
assert '\t'.is_whitespace == true

Property definitions

core $ Char :: is_whitespace
	# Is self a whitespace character?
	# These correspond to the "Other" and "Separator" groups of the Unicode.
	# In the ASCII encoding, this is those <= to space (0x20) plus delete (0x7F).
	#     assert 'A'.is_whitespace  == false
	#     assert ','.is_whitespace  == false
	#     assert ' '.is_whitespace  == true # space
	#     assert ' '.is_whitespace  == true # non-breaking space
	#     assert '\t'.is_whitespace == true
	fun is_whitespace: Bool
		var i = code_point
		return i <= 0x20 or i == 0x7F or i == 0xA0