Parses the next argument in src

Property definitions

dom $ XMLProcessor :: parse_arg
	# Parses the next argument in `src`
	private fun parse_arg(endtags: Array[Char]): XMLAttribute do
		var srclen = src.length
		var st_loc = new Location(line, line_offset)
		if pos >= srclen then return new BadXMLAttribute(st_loc, "Unfinished attribute name")
		# FIXME: Ugly, but as long as it remains private, it is OK I guess
		if endtags.has(src[pos]) then return new XMLAttributeEnd(st_loc, "")
		var attrname_st = pos
		while pos < srclen and src[pos] != '=' and not endtags.has(src[pos]) do pos += 1
		if pos >= srclen then return new BadXMLAttribute(st_loc, "Unfinished attribute name")
		if src[pos] != '=' then return new BadXMLAttribute(st_loc, "Malformed attribute")
		var attrname_end = pos - 1
		var name = src.substring(attrname_st, attrname_end - attrname_st + 1).trim
		pos += 1
		var attrval_st = pos
		if pos >= srclen then return new BadXMLAttribute(st_loc, "Unfinished attribute `{name}`")
		var match = src[pos]
		if match != '\'' and match != '"' then return new BadXMLAttribute(st_loc, "Invalid string delimiter `{match}` for attribute `{name}`")
		pos += 1
		while pos < srclen and src[pos] != match do pos += 1
		if pos >= srclen then return new BadXMLAttribute(st_loc, "Unfinished attribute `{name}`")
		var attrval_end = pos
		var val = src.substring(attrval_st, attrval_end - attrval_st + 1).trim
		pos += 1
		return new XMLStringAttr(st_loc, name, val.substring(1, val.length - 2), match)