Parse a backslash-escaped special character

Add either the escaped characters, a hard line break (if the backslash is followed by a new line), or a literal backslash to the block's children.

Property definitions

markdown2 $ MdInlineParser :: parse_backslash
	# Parse a backslash-escaped special character
	# Add either the escaped characters, a hard line break (if the backslash is followed by
	# a new line), or a literal backslash to the block's children.
	private fun parse_backslash: Bool do
		advance 1
		if peek == '\n' then
			append_node(new MdHardLineBreak(new MdLocation(line, column - 1, line, column), true))
			advance 1
			line += 1
			column = 1 + column_offset
		else if index < input.length and input.substring(index, 1).has(re_escapable) then
		    append_text(input, index, index + 1)
		    advance 1
		return true