Property definitions

nitc $ AIfexprExpr :: defaultinit
# A `if` expression (ternary conditional). eg. `if true then 1 else 0`
class AIfexprExpr
	super AExpr

	# The `if` keyword
	var n_kwif: TKwif is writable, noinit

	# The expression used as the condition of the `if`
	var n_expr: AExpr is writable, noinit

	# The `then` keyword
	var n_kwthen: TKwthen is writable, noinit

	# The expression in the `then` part
	var n_then: AExpr is writable, noinit

	# The `else` keyword
	var n_kwelse: TKwelse is writable, noinit

	# The expression in the `else` part
	var n_else: AExpr is writable, noinit