Property definitions

nitc $ AStdClassdef :: defaultinit
# A standard class definition with a name, superclasses and properties
class AStdClassdef
	super AClassdef
	super ADefinition

	# The class kind (interface, abstract class, etc.)
	var n_classkind: AClasskind is writable, noinit

	# The name of the class
	var n_qid: nullable AQclassid = null is writable

	# The `[` symbol
	var n_obra: nullable TObra = null is writable

	# The list of formal parameter types
	var n_formaldefs = new ANodes[AFormaldef](self)

	# The `]` symbol
	var n_cbra: nullable TCbra = null is writable

	# The extern block code
	var n_extern_code_block: nullable AExternCodeBlock = null is writable

	# The `end` keyword
	var n_kwend: TKwend is writable, noinit

	fun n_superclasses: Array[ASuperPropdef] do
		return [for d in n_propdefs do if d isa ASuperPropdef then d]

	redef fun hot_location do return n_qid.location