Fully process content as a Nit source file.

Set print_errors = true to print errors in the code to the console.

Property definitions

nitc $ HtmlightVisitor :: highlightcode
	# Fully process `content` as a Nit source file.
	# Set `print_errors = true` to print errors in the code to the console.
	fun highlightcode(content: String, print_errors: nullable Bool): HLCode
		# Prepare a stand-alone tool context
		var tc = new ToolContext
		tc.nit_dir = tc.locate_nit_dir # still use the common lib to have core
		tc.keep_going = true # no exit, obviously
		if print_errors != true then tc.opt_warn.value = -1 # no output

		# Prepare an stand-alone model and model builder.
		# Unfortunately, models are enclosing and append-only.
		# There is no way (yet?) to have a shared module `core` with
		# isolated and throwable user modules.
		var model = new Model
		var mb = new ModelBuilder(model, tc)

		# Parse the code
		var source = new SourceFile.from_string("", content + "\n")
		var lexer = new Lexer(source)
		var parser = new Parser(lexer)
		var tree = parser.parse

		var hlcode = new HLCode(self, content, source)

		# Check syntax error
		var eof = tree.n_eof
		if eof isa AError then
			mb.error(eof, eof.message)
			return hlcode
		var amodule = tree.n_base.as(not null)

		# Load the AST as a module in the model
		# Then process it
		mb.load_rt_module(null, amodule, "")

		# Highlight the processed module
		return hlcode