Property definitions

nitc $ MParameterType :: defaultinit
# The type associated to a formal parameter generic type of a class
# Each parameter type is associated to a specific class.
# It means that all refinements of a same class "share" the parameter type,
# but that a generic subclass has its own parameter types.
# However, in the sense of the meta-model, a parameter type of a class is
# a valid type in a subclass. The "in the sense of the meta-model" is
# important because, in the Nit language, the programmer cannot refers
# directly to the parameter types of the super-classes.
# Example:
#     class A[E]
#         fun e: E is abstract
#     end
#     class B[F]
#         super A[Array[F]]
#     end
# In the class definition B[F], `F` is a valid type but `E` is not.
# However, `self.e` is a valid method call, and the signature of `e` is
# declared `e: E`.
# Note that parameter types are shared among class refinements.
# Therefore parameter only have an internal name (see `to_s` for details).
class MParameterType
	super MFormalType

	# The generic class where the parameter belong
	var mclass: MClass

	redef fun model do return self.mclass.intro_mmodule.model

	redef fun location do return mclass.location

	# The position of the parameter (0 for the first parameter)
	# FIXME: is `position` a better name?
	var rank: Int

	redef var name

	redef fun to_s do return name

	redef var full_name is lazy do return "{mclass.full_name}::{name}"

	redef var c_name is lazy do return mclass.c_name + "__" + "#{name}".to_cmangle

	redef fun lookup_bound(mmodule: MModule, resolved_receiver: MType): MType
		assert not resolved_receiver.need_anchor
		resolved_receiver = resolved_receiver.undecorate
		assert resolved_receiver isa MClassType # It is the only remaining type
		var goalclass = self.mclass
		if resolved_receiver.mclass == goalclass then
			return resolved_receiver.arguments[self.rank]
		var supertypes = resolved_receiver.collect_mtypes(mmodule)
		for t in supertypes do
			if t.mclass == goalclass then
				# Yeah! c specialize goalclass with a "super `t'". So the question is what is the argument of f
				# FIXME: Here, we stop on the first goal. Should we check others and detect inconsistencies?
				var res = t.arguments[self.rank]
				return res
		# Cannot found `self` in `resolved_receiver`
		return new MErrorType(model)

	# A PT is fixed when:
	# * The `resolved_receiver` is a subclass of `self.mclass`,
	#   so it is necessarily fixed in a `super` clause, either with a normal type
	#   or with another PT.
	#   See `resolve_for` for examples about related issues.
	redef fun lookup_fixed(mmodule: MModule, resolved_receiver: MType): MType
		assert not resolved_receiver.need_anchor
		resolved_receiver = resolved_receiver.undecorate
		assert resolved_receiver isa MClassType # It is the only remaining type
		var res = self.resolve_for(resolved_receiver.mclass.mclass_type, resolved_receiver, mmodule, false)
		return res

	redef fun resolve_for(mtype, anchor, mmodule, cleanup_virtual)
		assert can_resolve_for(mtype, anchor, mmodule)
		#print "{class_name}: {self}/{mtype}/{anchor}?"

		if mtype isa MGenericType and mtype.mclass == self.mclass then
			return mtype.arguments[self.rank]

		# self is a parameter type of mtype (or of a super-class of mtype)
		# The point of the function it to get the bound of the virtual type that make sense for mtype
		# But because mtype is maybe a virtual/formal type, we need to get a real receiver first
		# FIXME: What happens here is far from clear. Thus this part must be validated and clarified
		var resolved_receiver
		if mtype.need_anchor then
			assert anchor != null
			resolved_receiver = mtype.resolve_for(anchor.mclass.mclass_type, anchor, mmodule, true)
			resolved_receiver = mtype
		if resolved_receiver isa MNullableType then resolved_receiver = resolved_receiver.mtype
		if resolved_receiver isa MParameterType then
			assert anchor != null
			assert resolved_receiver.mclass == anchor.mclass
			resolved_receiver = anchor.arguments[resolved_receiver.rank]
			if resolved_receiver isa MNullableType then resolved_receiver = resolved_receiver.mtype
		assert resolved_receiver isa MClassType # It is the only remaining type

		# Eh! The parameter is in the current class.
		# So we return the corresponding argument, no mater what!
		if resolved_receiver.mclass == self.mclass then
			var res = resolved_receiver.arguments[self.rank]
			#print "{class_name}: {self}/{mtype}/{anchor} -> direct {res}"
			return res

		if resolved_receiver.need_anchor then
			assert anchor != null
			resolved_receiver = resolved_receiver.resolve_for(anchor, null, mmodule, false)
		# Now, we can get the bound
		var verbatim_bound = lookup_bound(mmodule, resolved_receiver)
		# The bound is exactly as declared in the "type" property, so we must resolve it again
		var res = verbatim_bound.resolve_for(mtype, anchor, mmodule, cleanup_virtual)

		#print "{class_name}: {self}/{mtype}/{anchor} -> indirect {res}"

		return res

	redef fun can_resolve_for(mtype, anchor, mmodule)
		if mtype.need_anchor then
			assert anchor != null
			mtype = mtype.anchor_to(mmodule, anchor)
		return mtype.collect_mclassdefs(mmodule).has(mclass.intro)