Property definitions

nitc $ MProperty :: defaultinit
# A service (global property) that generalize method, attribute, etc.
# `MProperty` are global to the model; it means that a `MProperty` is not bound
# to a specific `MModule` nor a specific `MClass`.
# A MProperty gather definitions (see `mpropdefs`) ; one for the introduction
# and the other in subclasses and in refinements.
# A `MProperty` is used to denotes services in polymorphic way (ie. independent
# of any dynamic type).
# For instance, a call site "" is associated to a `MProperty`.
abstract class MProperty
	super MEntity

	# The associated MPropDef subclass.
	# The two specialization hierarchy are symmetric.
	type MPROPDEF: MPropDef

	# The classdef that introduce the property
	# While a property is not bound to a specific module, or class,
	# the introducing mclassdef is used for naming and visibility
	var intro_mclassdef: MClassDef

	# The (short) name of the property
	redef var name

	redef var location

	redef fun mdoc_or_fallback
		# Don’t use `intro.mdoc_or_fallback` because it would create an infinite
		# recursion.
		return intro.mdoc

	# The canonical name of the property.
	# It is currently the short-`name` prefixed by the short-name of the class and the full-name of the module.
	# Example: "my_package::my_module::MyClass::my_method"
	# The full-name of the module is needed because two distinct modules of the same package can
	# still refine the same class and introduce homonym properties.
	# For public properties not introduced by refinement, the module name is not used.
	# Example: `my_package::MyClass::My_method`
	redef var full_name is lazy do
		if intro_mclassdef.is_intro then
			return "{intro_mclassdef.mmodule.namespace_for(visibility)}::{}::{name}"
			return "{intro_mclassdef.mmodule.full_name}::{}::{name}"

	redef var c_name is lazy do
		# FIXME use `namespace_for`
		return "{intro_mclassdef.mmodule.c_name}__{}__{name.to_cmangle}"

	# The visibility of the property
	redef var visibility

	# Is the property usable as an initializer?
	var is_autoinit = false is writable

		var model = intro_mclassdef.mmodule.model
		model.mproperties_by_name.add_one(name, self)

	# All definitions of the property.
	# The first is the introduction,
	# The other are redefinitions (in refinements and in subclasses)
	var mpropdefs = new Array[MPROPDEF]

	# The definition that introduces the property.
	# Warning: such a definition may not exist in the early life of the object.
	# In this case, the method will abort.
	var intro: MPROPDEF is noinit

	redef fun model do return intro.model

	# Alias for `name`
	redef fun to_s do return name

	# Return the most specific property definitions defined or inherited by a type.
	# The selection knows that refinement is stronger than specialization;
	# however, in case of conflict more than one property are returned.
	# If mtype does not know mproperty then an empty array is returned.
	# If you want the really most specific property, then look at `lookup_first_definition`
	# REQUIRE: `not mtype.need_anchor` to simplify the API (no `anchor` parameter)
	# ENSURE: `not mtype.has_mproperty(mmodule, self) == result.is_empty`
	fun lookup_definitions(mmodule: MModule, mtype: MType): Array[MPROPDEF]
		assert not mtype.need_anchor
		mtype = mtype.undecorate

		var cache = self.lookup_definitions_cache[mmodule, mtype]
		if cache != null then return cache

		#print "select prop {mproperty} for {mtype} in {self}"
		# First, select all candidates
		var candidates = new Array[MPROPDEF]

		# Here we have two strategies: iterate propdefs or iterate classdefs.
		var mpropdefs = self.mpropdefs
		if mpropdefs.length <= 1 or mpropdefs.length < mtype.collect_mclassdefs(mmodule).length then
			# Iterate on all definitions of `self`, keep only those inherited by `mtype` in `mmodule`
			for mpropdef in mpropdefs do
				# If the definition is not imported by the module, then skip
				if not mmodule.in_importation <= mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule then continue
				# If the definition is not inherited by the type, then skip
				if not mtype.is_subtype(mmodule, null, mpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype) then continue
				# Else, we keep it
			# Iterate on all super-classdefs of `mtype`, keep only the definitions of `self`, if any.
			for mclassdef in mtype.collect_mclassdefs(mmodule) do
				var p = mclassdef.mpropdefs_by_property.get_or_null(self)
				if p != null then candidates.add p

		# Fast track for only one candidate
		if candidates.length <= 1 then
			self.lookup_definitions_cache[mmodule, mtype] = candidates
			return candidates

		# Second, filter the most specific ones
		return select_most_specific(mmodule, candidates)

	private var lookup_definitions_cache = new HashMap2[MModule, MType, Array[MPROPDEF]]

	# Return the most specific property definitions inherited by a type.
	# The selection knows that refinement is stronger than specialization;
	# however, in case of conflict more than one property are returned.
	# If mtype does not know mproperty then an empty array is returned.
	# If you want the really most specific property, then look at `lookup_next_definition`
	# REQUIRE: `not mtype.need_anchor` to simplify the API (no `anchor` parameter)
	# ENSURE: `not mtype.has_mproperty(mmodule, self) implies result.is_empty`
	fun lookup_super_definitions(mmodule: MModule, mtype: MType): Array[MPROPDEF]
		assert not mtype.need_anchor
		mtype = mtype.undecorate

		# First, select all candidates
		var candidates = new Array[MPROPDEF]
		for mpropdef in self.mpropdefs do
			# If the definition is not imported by the module, then skip
			if not mmodule.in_importation <= mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule then continue
			# If the definition is not inherited by the type, then skip
			if not mtype.is_subtype(mmodule, null, mpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype) then continue
			# If the definition is defined by the type, then skip (we want the super, so e skip the current)
			if mtype == mpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype and mmodule == mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule then continue
			# Else, we keep it
		# Fast track for only one candidate
		if candidates.length <= 1 then return candidates

		# Second, filter the most specific ones
		return select_most_specific(mmodule, candidates)

	# Return an array containing olny the most specific property definitions
	# This is an helper function for `lookup_definitions` and `lookup_super_definitions`
	private fun select_most_specific(mmodule: MModule, candidates: Array[MPROPDEF]): Array[MPROPDEF]
		var res = new Array[MPROPDEF]
		for pd1 in candidates do
			var cd1 = pd1.mclassdef
			var c1 = cd1.mclass
			var keep = true
			for pd2 in candidates do
				if pd2 == pd1 then continue # do not compare with self!
				var cd2 = pd2.mclassdef
				var c2 = cd2.mclass
				if c2.mclass_type == c1.mclass_type then
					if cd2.mmodule.in_importation < cd1.mmodule then
						# cd2 refines cd1; therefore we skip pd1
						keep = false
				else if cd2.bound_mtype.is_subtype(mmodule, null, cd1.bound_mtype) and cd2.bound_mtype != cd1.bound_mtype then
					# cd2 < cd1; therefore we skip pd1
					keep = false
			if keep then
		if res.is_empty then
			print_error "All lost! {candidates.join(", ")}"
			# FIXME: should be abort!
		return res

	# Return the most specific definition in the linearization of `mtype`.
	# If you want to know the next properties in the linearization,
	# look at `MPropDef::lookup_next_definition`.
	# FIXME: the linearization is still unspecified
	# REQUIRE: `not mtype.need_anchor` to simplify the API (no `anchor` parameter)
	# REQUIRE: `mtype.has_mproperty(mmodule, self)`
	fun lookup_first_definition(mmodule: MModule, mtype: MType): MPROPDEF
		return lookup_all_definitions(mmodule, mtype).first

	# Return all definitions in a linearization order
	# Most specific first, most general last
	# REQUIRE: `not mtype.need_anchor` to simplify the API (no `anchor` parameter)
	# REQUIRE: `mtype.has_mproperty(mmodule, self)`
	fun lookup_all_definitions(mmodule: MModule, mtype: MType): Array[MPROPDEF]
		mtype = mtype.undecorate

		var cache = self.lookup_all_definitions_cache[mmodule, mtype]
		if cache != null then return cache

		assert not mtype.need_anchor
		assert mtype.has_mproperty(mmodule, self)

		#print "select prop {mproperty} for {mtype} in {self}"
		# First, select all candidates
		var candidates = new Array[MPROPDEF]
		for mpropdef in self.mpropdefs do
			# If the definition is not imported by the module, then skip
			if not mmodule.in_importation <= mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule then continue
			# If the definition is not inherited by the type, then skip
			if not mtype.is_subtype(mmodule, null, mpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype) then continue
			# Else, we keep it
		# Fast track for only one candidate
		if candidates.length <= 1 then
			self.lookup_all_definitions_cache[mmodule, mtype] = candidates
			return candidates

		candidates = candidates.reversed
		self.lookup_all_definitions_cache[mmodule, mtype] = candidates
		return candidates

	private var lookup_all_definitions_cache = new HashMap2[MModule, MType, Array[MPROPDEF]]

	redef var is_test is lazy do return intro.is_test

	# Does self have the `before` annotation?
	var is_before: Bool is lazy do return intro.is_before

	# Does self have the `before_all` annotation?
	var is_before_all: Bool is lazy do return intro.is_before_all

	# Does self have the `after` annotation?
	var is_after: Bool is lazy do return intro.is_after

	# Does self have the `after_all` annotation?
	var is_after_all: Bool is lazy do return intro.is_after_all